I have a big question. I have my current AB and I love it. I'm thinking of definately getting another with the newer felt.
With the height of the crown and the width of the brim, does the hat in these pictures hat have Last Crusade proportions? Should I rebash this for LC and get a taller crown and wider brim for the next hat?
After seeing Kaleponi Craig's and a few others, I think I need a taller crown (for a deeper center dent) and more brim to get the ROTLA look.
Anyone with a keen eye, throw some input in there, please!?
I know these pics are from another thread, I'll post newer/different ones.

This downward angle reminds me of the tank chase when Indy was wrestling on top of the tank for some reason.

This side shot reminds me of Indy and his dad on the motorcycle and the junction of the road after escaping the castle. Indy turns to his dad.