I just got in two rolls of the most expensive ribbon I was ever offered

(Steve this will knock you off your feet

This is as close as you can get to 39mm!!!! We have often discussed, wheather the Raiders ribbon was 1 1/2" or 1 5/8" but after whiping this around my 7 1/4" brown prototype I believe it was neither of both and here's why:
1 1/2" would be 38,1mm - too narrow...
1 5/8" would be 41,275mm - too wide...
This 39mm ribbon is just between and it looks DEAD ON! It doesn't get any closer IMHO. (Of course for you with the big noggins, we'll have a 1 3/4" made to get the look right

). If you take a look at the monkey bar hat, where he talks to Belloque... that's what it looks like and it only took a bloody millimeter extra...
The color is an extremely dark brown, almost like coffee without milk and while it is clearly a dark brown, it looks like a flattish / dull black under certain light conditions. I like this phenomenon, as it is what the original Raiders Fedora's ribbon had too.
The bad news: this stuff is EXTREMELY expensive compared to ANY other ribbon I've ever seen. The good news: both Steve and I will soon be able to offer this ribbon for an acceptable price per yard for the fans.
I also got another envelope with bow samples, as I wasn't happy with the little sweatband bows I was offered so far. So I get them custom made - min. 1000 pieces, so in case anybody ever should feel like buying a couple of dozen small white bows, by all means, let me know
Then I called up my felter and they're about to make new sample bodies with different amounts of stiffner cooked into the felt...
I think that's all for today...