Adventurebilt Deluxe - Almost there... (new pics)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Adventurebilt Deluxe - Almost there... (new pics)

Post by Marc »

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

after years of reading, learning and practicing, my good friend Steve aka Fedora offered to become his partner, responsible for the European division of the Adventurebilt Hat Co. Steve ensured his full support, while meanwhile giving me the opportunity to change whatever I feel necesarry.

Since Steve and I had spend several month on the fine tuning of the block, there wasn’t ANYTHING to come after here. So Steve made an exact copy of his Raiders block and I’ll have it replicated in the various sizes in good ol’ England.

In my search for the best felt out there, I found a felter in Portugal who not only supplies pure beaver bodies, but also an extraordinary quality of those and I was totally in love with the felt quality of the two sample bodies I received. And even though these bodies cost up to three times as much as our current offerings, that’s what I’ll use. My dear friend will soon be able to offer the same quality in his hat line.

Same with the sweatbands: I really like the sweatbands on the current Adventurebilts, but had seen better in the past and to me the sweatband is an EXTREMELY important factor on a hat. It’s what you wear after all. So I found a sweatband maker in England, who has made sweatbands for over 200 years and who agreed to give the project a try and make some special made sweatbands for Steve and me.

I also found a supplier in England, who is willing to custom make the ribbon Steve was so lucky to get a hold of. I don’t think there’s any way to improve that ribbon, so I sent a sample to England and it’s a go. Meanwhile I MIGHT have found the supplier of Herbert Johnson and MIGHT be able to get the ribbon they used back in the late 70’s, but that’s not clear yet.

Of course I’ll use the same high quality bridal satin liner, with the only difference of having the Adventurebilt script on the liner as well. Indiana Tom has been of great help in designing a classic looking script, that fits the era of the movies. Thanks Tom.

Since I didn’t take any shortcut in the choice of the materials, I won’t go there with the craftmanship neither and make the hats like they were made “back in the days”: COMPLETELY by hand. Same with the reblocks of (quality) hats, that I’ll be able to offer soon.

It’ll probably take a couple of months yet to get all the stuff together, but unless you think I should rather skip the whole idea, the decission is made.

Stay tuned!

Best Regards,

Marc Kitter – Adventurebilt Hat Co.
Last edited by Marc on Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:09 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Fedora »

Geez, tell a guy he can make and sell my hats under the same name in Europe, and he goes and starts changing everything!!! :lol: I am proud of you Marc. You have been one busy beaver(a pun) in your search for the creame of the crop felt. I appreciate your dedication and time given to the best styled hat ever created by mortal man . The Raiders Fedora. Now those guys in your neck of the woods, can get their hats reblocked more conveniently as well as buying one of the finest hats available on the market today. And since you are way younger than me, I am now assured the AB name will endure, even after I am out of it. Good show. Fedora
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Well, this is wonderful news! Congratulations to both of you. I am happy to see the Adventurebilt brand expanding into Europe. Marc, I am sure you will be monstrously successfu,l as equal as I am sure that Steve will continue to be successful for years to come.
All the best,
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Post by Luisiana Jones »

Thanks guys specially you Marc, this will make it easier for us europeans to own that marvelous fedora! :wink: And of course waiting to see pics and more info of your creation :lol:
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

I'm intruiged! Who will be the first to own both the US made and the European made AB? Also, tell us more about this portuguese felt. Is it thinner? Will it cost 3x as much retail (ie $675)? Any chnace of getting some pics of the felt posted?
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Post by Kris »

Woohoo .. I can finaly own a Fedora (if the price is right ;) ) that will fit me and is decent quality, and best of all, no import taxes! 8)
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Post by Fedora »

I think Marc is still putting the pencil to his pricing. For me, I will still offer my winchester felt as I personally like it alot. But, I will add the lightweight pure beaver from Potugal to my lineup to give us Americans a choice of felt weights. I initially offered 2 weights, but once I saw I could not use the Argentina felt due to quality issues, I had to ax that, although I never got around to changing it on the site, I don't think. Oh, on Marc's pricing, I know he will not charge that sort of price. Who would buy them? :lol:
Will it cost 3x as much retail (ie $675)?
But, that is Marc's ballgame, not mine! I feel obligated to share what really brought this on, and it was not any meglamania on my part. Since I started this little online business last year, the response has been, at times, overwhelming from a logistical standpoint. There is only one me. :D I was told previously by 3 hatters that I would reach the point where I would have to either increase my prices, or add people to help in the hatmaking. Neither choice was an option for me. I personally handmake each of my hats for you guys. No one else touches them. That is the way I want it, and if I cannot do it that way, I will just stop doing it. So, I had a brainstorm. I have sold lots of hats overseas, and if I could take at least some of this off of me, I could keep on keeping on. The lightbulb came on, and I knew who that person was. Non other than our own Marc! He was just as obsessed with the Raiders fedora as I was. If anyone has ever talked to Marc on the phone, that comes across loud and clear. See, you must understand that my mission was a sort of crusade, in that I wanted us to have a really high quality hat that was also as accurate as we could make them, and affordable. And, that is why I have been so successful, as you guys have supported me in a grand way. And, Marc, like me has been making hats, and working on hats for quite some time now. He feels comfortable with it, and he is as nitpicky as they come! He has the same written old hatter sources as myself, as we both bought every old book we could find in our quest to replicate a hat that could have stepped right out of the 30's. A hat that was handmade in a custom hat shop. That has always been our intention. We wanted it accurate to the period, or as close as we could get them. The truth is, Indy, in that time period, could have walked down a street to a small hatter who handmade his hats and sold to the public. Stetson's and the rest were all factory made hats, like today. So, this rationalized the handmade hats to us. The equipment that I use is all vintage stuff. The only modern item in my shop is a new steamer. I even heat the old cast iron irons up on a small stove. Does it matter? Yes, but perhaps only to me and Marc. It is just the principle of the thing. The main goal of our companies is to insure an accurate, high quality, and affordable Indy fedora will always be out there, if you look for it. And, of course, it is our passion.

I want to say a few words about the felt Marc has sourced for us. It is the same supplier used by the highly touted Optimo hat company. Only difference is, he gets 600 bucks for his hats made from this beaver felt. It is not the blend that he has made up for him, but the higher quality one he gets 6 bills for. We could get the 50/50 beaver/nutria blend, but AB hats are all about the highest quality components that we can find, and they always will be.

So, my plans right now are to offer my standard Winchester Indy fedoras, and add a lightweight beaver body from Portugal. Marc, does not like lightweight felt, and has his eye only on superior durabilty that the extra thickness offers. I agree to an extent, but I want to have a lightweight felt, not only for Indy fedoras, but it is essential if I am to continue making Bogey fedoras. I can't nail the exact look on the top crease without the thin, zero stiffened felt. Oh, that is the great thing about this overseas company. We can specify everything in regards to the body. The brims can have a fedora grade of stiffener, zero, or all degrees in between. Same goes for the crown. I plan on using non stiffened felt in the crown, and a fedora grade in the brim to help the hats hold the curl. If I can meet with this fellow that has the early Raiders HJ, I will note that color and we will have a special color available only to Marc and myself. You can do that with this company. So, there are great things in the future for all hat wearers. Ok, I have said enough. I am excited about this, and it just allows me to improve the breed. Thanks for the interest. Oh, any moderator reading this, please feel free to move it to the Vendor section as it may get a bit off topic. Fedora
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

WOW! You'll be able to source the same thin felt as Optimo? Will the price be the same as the current beaver AB, or will it go up at all? If it's the same price as the current beaver AB, why spend all that extra for the Optimo name only? This is greta news! And congrats on the venture, Marc! I bet you'll even be selling to the States! :lol:

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Post by prairiejones »


If you ever need an extra person to do the bashing, I'm all hands. :lol:
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Post by JAN »

Glad to hear You finally got this project on weels, Marc :!:

And for the rest of You - knowing Marc, be sure that no corners are cut
in making You the best fedora You´ll properly ever own.

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Post by Marc »

Thanks for the positive respone guys!!! As Steve quoted, the pure beaver felt from this felter is just extraordinair.
Also, tell us more about this portuguese felt. Is it thinner? Will it cost 3x as much retail (ie $675)?
It can be whatever we want it to be. I have a sample body that is thin as Optimos felt, but pure beaver. No stiffner in this body and EXTREMELY soft and pliable. I also have a sample body that is double as thick as the thin one. Going from Mikes (Marosy) HJ and other vintage HJs I've seen, I believe that the Raiders Fedora had a thickness of 1.7mm, so that's what I'm after, but may as well offer thinner and thicker felt, if the demand is there. What is SO(!) amazing on this felt, is that if you take the 1.7mm felt from our / Steves current supplier, it is a 120 gramm body. The same thickness from the new felter is 180 gramm!!! - Talking about density...

It will NOT cost $675. Most people couldn't afford a hat that like, no matter how long they'd save their pennies and Steve would simply FORBID me to sell hats for that price. At least Adventurebilts, as it's against the "company agreement" :wink: But I won't be able to sell it for 225$ either. Final price is yet to be calculated though, but I guarantee to make it a fair one...


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Post by Erri »

Marc... Steve, these are great news. I always thought you, Steve, should have had an European partnership!

Marc, will you be able to block tapered hats? It will cost us (european people) less than send our ABs back in the States. Will you offer the same Steve's (wonderful) support to us ? :D

I'm really happy that Steve has someone now to face a possible retirement (that i hope will be as far as possible), so the incredible Adventurebilt Hats Co., producing the most amazing and screen-accurate indy hats, wont be lost forever. That's very relieving.

I'm so happy for your businness Steve and for your company. :D

(don't retire soon anyway!!!)
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Another oppturnity!


I think this is just great for both of you. I think that people that might have been hesitant to order a Adventurebilt fedora because of shipping or duty now will have another oppturnity to buy the finest Indy Fedora made. :clap:
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Post by Feraud »

Congratulations to you both!
This is very exciting news.
You two are doing this 'scientology/taking over the world' thing.. :lol: :wink:

I look forward to seeing this thinner beaver felt.
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Post by WConly »

Marc...Steve: Kudoooos galore! Enjoy and make some great hats! W>
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Post by The real Henry »

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: WOW! Now that are great news.
Congratulations to you both!

First the US, now Europe and tomorrow ................. THE WORLD! :wink:
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

The idea that "Adventurebilt" is a small franchise is pretty awesome. I stay awake at night wondering if fedoras will be availbie for my kids when they get older. Now I'll be able to sleep better.
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Post by Marc »

Thank you everybody!!!

Roger you have been a tremendous support for Steve. Honestly, I don't think this would have been possible without your enthusiasm on this subject.

@erri_wan: yes, I will offer the reblocking service on hats I agree to reblock. And just like Steve, I will not make a public list about what trademarks that is, for obvious reason. Again: Adventurebilt is one of them :wink:

@Feraud: :shock: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't mention me and Scientology in one sentence... I know it was said in a funny way and as a joke, but me and Scientology just don't go together. No offense taken, I just would prefer not getting mentioned together with them. Thanks!

@Ren: BOY that is about the most touching thing I ever read here. I always thought that your kids would get an Akubra one day for birthday, but it would CERTAINLY be a pleasure and honor to either make or reblock their hats on day, many years from now.

You guys certainly know how to motivate :wink:

Thanks again,

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Post by Ace »

Congratulations Marc and Steve.
That is great news for all european hat-lovers. Now it's possible to get the best of the best from a vendor almost next door :-)
I know it has been a long way to develop this fantastic hat and as I understand you are still finding new ways to improve the perfect.
Im certainly looking forward hearing about the new felt wich can improve the weight and feel of a real Indiana Jones adventure hat.

All the best to you guys
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Post by Feraud »

Marc wrote:@Feraud: :shock: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't mention me and Scientology in one sentence... I know it was said in a funny way and as a joke, but me and Scientology just don't go together. No offense taken, I just would prefer not getting mentioned together with them. Thanks!
Comment publically retracted! :)
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Post by Indiana_Tom »

Marc, like I said on the German Indy forum: There obviously isn't anyone out there (except Steve :wink: ) who puts so much love for the detail in this "hobby" aka. job. I totally hold your deeds in veneration and I'm proud to support you where I can.


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Post by Marc »

Here's the crest:


Let me know, what you think... Shouldn't be a problem to offer the current ones as well and perhaps I'll even have one made without the headpiece / only the name for those who prefer no Indy hints in their hats (yes, such DOES exist :wink: )


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Post by Erri »

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Post by nicmusto »

Congrats Marc, I believe this is a fantastic chance to get more people wearing hats and of course the shear quality of these hats will incourage that as well. This is the sort of news us Europeans were waiting for. Any hat collection would not be complete without one of the most durable and perfectly handmade and styled hats on the current market- the Adventurebilt. But, if you live on this side of the world there is always going to be a slight pause while you thing of Tax, Shipping tax etc.. But now this has really openned up a door. Well done the two of you and I wish you both the very best of luck and look forward in the future to doing business with you. For a customer and hat lover, one of the most important factors is care and quality in the finest of detail. Hats off to you.
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Post by The real Henry »

That crest is just beautyfull!!!! :tup: :tup: How about the color of it?

BTW- I hope you keep us ubdated with pics and the price? [-o<
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Awesome crest. I would just flip the copy, if I were you: "Made to Measure; Built to Last." Just because you measure it first and make it, then you build it, and it lasts. And the last thing someone remembers in reading that, the thought they are left with, is that it will last. -Just a thought.
Great job!
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Post by Swindiana »


...on all notes.

High regards,
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This is what I think.

Adventurebilt Hats it’s like a luxury umbrella for your head!
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Post by Marc »

That's an excellent idea Hemingway! I like it and will do!



P.S.: White liner made of bridal satin with golden logo Henry...
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Post by ob1al »

Well done Marc and best of luck with this new venture. :D

Marc has helped me out several times with my hats in the past and he is really a GREAT person to deal with, I know he will do the 'Adventurebilt' name proud!

This is great news for European gearheads. :tup:


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Post by Mattdeckard »

Marc wrote:Here's the crest:


Let me know, what you think... Shouldn't be a problem to offer the current ones as well and perhaps I'll even have one made without the headpiece / only the name for those who prefer no Indy hints in their hats (yes, such DOES exist :wink: )


I think it should be

Made to measure
Built to last

in that order.
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Post by Indy_Railok »

Great! :tup:
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Post by Michaelson »

Mattdeckard wrote: I think it should be

Made to measure
Built to last

in that order.
I second Matt's suggestion 100%

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by ob1al »

I agree - 'made to measure, built to last' does have a nice ring to it.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Michaelson wrote:
Mattdeckard wrote: I think it should be

Made to measure
Built to last

in that order.
I second Matt's suggestion 100%

Regards! Michaelson
Michaelson, don't you mean Hemingway's suggestion. Look back further in the thread.
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Post by Michaelson »

Whoever suggested it.... I agree. (it's been a tough day with the old bifocals, Buff! :roll: ) Regards! Michaelson :wink:
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Hemingway Jones wrote:Marc,
Awesome crest. I would just flip the copy, if I were you: "Made to Measure; Built to Last." Just because you measure it first and make it, then you build it, and it lasts. And the last thing someone remembers in reading that, the thought they are left with, is that it will last. -Just a thought.Great job!
YES, thank you, Bufflehead. Allow me to quote myself! :lol: What can I say, I need attention. :D
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Post by ob1al »

Ah, it was Hemmingway's idea! I thought Matt Deckard had suggested it too.

Don't worry Michaelson, we played all the right notes - just not neccessarily in the right order.:wink:


(Old 'Morcambe and Wise' gag)

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Post by Michaelson »

Hemingway Jones wrote:
Hemingway Jones wrote:Marc,
Awesome crest. I would just flip the copy, if I were you: "Made to Measure; Built to Last." Just because you measure it first and make it, then you build it, and it lasts. And the last thing someone remembers in reading that, the thought they are left with, is that it will last. -Just a thought.Great job!
YES, thank you, Bufflehead. Allow me to quote myself! :lol: What can I say, I need attention. :D
What was that? Did you just hear something? :-k :lol: Sorry bout that, HJ!

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Michaelson wrote:
Hemingway Jones wrote:
Hemingway Jones wrote:Marc,
Awesome crest. I would just flip the copy, if I were you: "Made to Measure; Built to Last." Just because you measure it first and make it, then you build it, and it lasts. And the last thing someone remembers in reading that, the thought they are left with, is that it will last. -Just a thought.Great job!
YES, thank you, Bufflehead. Allow me to quote myself! :lol: What can I say, I need attention. :D
What was that? Did you just hear something? :-k :lol: Sorry bout that, HJ!

Regards! Michaelson
If you keep ignoring me, I'll keep acting up!!!! :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

What? I can't hear you.... :- :wink: Regards!! Michaelson
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Michaelson wrote:What? I can't hear you.... :- :wink: Regards!! Michaelson
Hemingway suddenly realizes that he needs his own Emoticon holding a coffee cup in one hand and a blow torch in the other... #-o ](*,)
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Post by Michaelson »


here, use mine! :D

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

:lol: Thank you! :lol: That made me laugh. I needed that. OK, back to work.
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Post by Marc »

It WILL be "Made to measure Built to last". Thanks for your honest and kind input everyone! That's what makes this forum so great!!!

I just sent an sms to my buddy Indiana Tom with the request to exchange the position of the texts :oops: yeah, gotta admit I'm a computer nerd, when it comes to graphics... Took poor Tom several attempts to make that logo for me. "No, the bow is too long/ small / curved... the fonts too big / small... I don't like the font at all..." Thanks for your patience Tom. I know I'm picky...


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Post by Indiana_Tom »

Marc wrote:Thanks for your patience Tom. I know I'm picky...
Absolutely no problem, Marc! I'm a little nitpicker, too! :wink: As for the new logo, just check your email.


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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Heck, we're all in trouble if I am the only one that is paying attention.
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Post by Michaelson »

With an avitar like Tom's, you BETTER be checking your email pronto, Marc!!! :shock: :lol:

Paying attention to what, Buff? :-k :wink:

High regards! Michaelson
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Post by Marc »

With an avitar like Tom's, you BETTER be checking your email pronto, Marc!!!
-"Yes Sir!" :D

Here is is:


Gotta agree it DOES look better now. Phew, that I didn't give it to the liner maker yet :D

Thank you Tom!


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Post by Michaelson »

Now THAT'S a nice logo!! High regards! Michaelson
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