Indiana Jerry wrote:Beautiful hats, Hemingway, thanks for sharing them! What's the difference between the first two, is it just the bash, or the felt body too?
And, did you lose weight, or is that just a wacky aspect ratio? You look...thinner, for some reason. Maybe it's that hangdog face you were making instead of the jovial smile we are used to.

Thanks Jerry!
The difference between the first two is that the body for the second is 80 years old. It had been sitting in a warehouse somewhere. That said, there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, it has some amazing qualities; it is so floppy and soft and thin, it is almost beyond belief. Being so floppy and vintage, I styled it more like a generic 1930's lid, sort of like what Renderking now does. For me to get a true Raider's bash, I would have to stiffen up the crown a bit, but that would affect the character of this unique hat. So, yes, it is the bash and the felt body, both entirely different.
I actually did loose some weight. I range up and down about 15 pounds or so. It all depends on what I am eating and how active I am. As for my face, I knew it was funny looking in these shots, more so than usual (Esp. that middle picture!

), but we're supposed to be looking at the hats, not my mug! Most of the ones where I was smiling, the hat didn't look as good.
My favorite picture is the first one; it is the closest to how it actually looks and it has a lot of character going on there. I look at Prairie's hat, which is awesome and his looks so perfectly straight in the crown and the brim. Mine is all bulges, lumps, and bent brims.
Bebop wrote:Very nice hats. I really like the gray AB. I liked it so much when you first showed photos of it that I ordered one telling Steve, "exactly like the one you made for Hemingway Jones". Very nice.

Wow, that is cool and a great compliment; thank you. Be sure to post pics of yours. That gray one is awesome. I wear it around the house. Now I need one in Brown like that...
Spooky, I am looking forward to seeing that hat.
George, which hat do you have again? Adventurebilts have very nice reddish highlights.
Henry, thank you very much!