The pecan color that I have is not an Indy color. It is not a true pecan, if you use Optimos pecan as the yardstick. But, it is the pecan color by my supplier. It is hard to describe the color, except to say, it is a very nice vintage color as you used to see all sorts of colors in dress felts back in the day.
The AB brown color is actually called Chocolate by the feltmaker, and the lightness/darkness can vary from run to run, or batch to batch. But, with that said, it is still darker than the Keppler, and some HJs, but not all HJs. I have seen 4 or 5 different shades of HJs over the last 5 years, all in for reblocks. Personally, I think the original brown hat in Raiders was darker than the Keppler. The reason that I say this, is that certain colors have always been stock colors with any hatter. One is chocolate brown. It would make more sense for an open stock hat, to be a common color.
If anyone ever wants a lighter brown, I can get that too. When I first put this thing together, I opted for the darker brown, mostly because of personal feelings of the original color, but also because these beaver hats will outlast the other lessor felts. I had to look ahead, a few years down the road, when the color would invariably fade, and wash out. I figure these beaver hats will look good colorwise for many years. So, there is a method to my madness.

Regards, Fedora