I too am VERY excited about her returning mails to fans since as far as I'm concerned, her participation in Raiders is the reason we're here. However, I am a little concerned that somehow a few of you got her mail and if more of us try to mail her asking her all kinds of questions, she may get frustrated and not want to answer anymore. I'm not trying to say it's bad that some of us have done it, but I'd hate to see everyone try and have some ask all kinds of stupid questions instead of real, legitimate ones that she would respect and be willing to take the time to answer. I'd hate so see her get overloaded and have her put an end to her kindness.
There was this previous thread
viewtopic.php?t=12571 and now this one. I'm not in any way saying it's bad that she's already been contacted several times from members here, but to avoid her from getting numerous mails, perhaps we can get another thread going with a list of questions from members and then ask her to do another interview for the board. I think it would be great to get imput from the members who are interested in this and have the mods pic the questions to be asked. This way everyone gets a shot and the list of questions can be tallied down so that there aren't repeat questions. Also, the fact that more than one person would be involved in the question process is a great thing. Sometimes one person can't think of all the important things to ask and the more minds we have to do the thinking, the better. Then the mods can pick them apart and get what we'd need to come up with a solid interview.
There are soooo many questions I can come up with as well, and NOT just about Indy's costume. There are so many other great, great costumes in this film and so many questions to ask about them. I'd hate to have an opportunity wasted on questions soley on the Indy costume for which we already have so much reference.
OF COURSE she's not going to be able to recall everything she did 25 years ago.

I can't remember what I did all of last week.

Raiders is not the only film she's done either so I'm sure it's hard to be able to come up with 100%, solid answers, but to hear any answers from her would be gold. I could care less about what Swales says in comparison to her or anyone else for that matter. What's most important is that we hear it from her. It's alos obvious that she disagrees with some of the history of the costume from her recollections to those listed on this site, but it's not about trying to prove her wrong (aldens) or show her what we have here, but to get her imput on her work. THEN we can speculate or compare gear notes all we'd like. I just think it's soooo important to hear it all from her.
I'd love to hear about how she first got involved in the film, her distressing techniques and about her research into some of the costumes, like the Belloq ceremonial. I'd love to hear about Marion's Cairo blouse to see if it actually was a one-off costume, bought in Tunisia and is now destroyed or if indeed there were several made for the film. Love to know if she recalls which costumes were rented and which ones made. The list of questions goes on.
I know the site has already conducted an interview with her, but if it was with IndyJohn then it was quite a while ago. If anyone has it, please post it so we can all read it. I for one would love to. Perhaps it can be explained to her that we'd like to do it again whenever she has the time to do so and that there are more questions we'd like to ask, not only about the Indy costume, but also on the her involvement in the entire film, in every aspect. I'm sure she is rather busy, but it does seem as though she truely appreciates our interest in her work, which is exactly what this entire site is based on.
Something else to consider is to ask her to become a member here. Perhaps list her as CREATOR

(which she is) and ask her to just this one time sit through a thread with questions for her from members. This way we'd all get a chance and she can answer them at her leisure and answer the ones she feels are legitimate and well thought out enough to answer. Afer all, I doubt she'd want to her questions like, "What's Harrison Ford like?" as opposed to questions about her involvement and important and historical work on this film. AND I'm not at all implying that any of the members here have ever asked her questions like that, but I'd sure hate it to get to that. I think it's great of her to take the time to reply to any of us and it would sure be a real treat for her to give all of us an opportunity to coorespond with her as well without taking up too much of her time.
In any case, what do you all think of this?