An e-mail from Deborah Nadoolman Landis

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An e-mail from Deborah Nadoolman Landis

Post by Dakota Ellison »

I e-mailed her a few days ago with a couple of questions. I asked if the original hat came open crowned, mentioned Richard Swales role in the initial shaping and her comment on the dvd about "their Australian model".
She did e-mail me back with an interesting reply, although it didn't answer my questions. I sent back another e-mail re-iterating my questions, but have not heard back. I guess I got the cold shoulder, but here's her e-mail, for what it's worth.

Dear Mike,

It's a pretty simple story but I am afraid that I do not remember Mr.Swales involvement. However he may have been associated with the sequels. Mr. Ford put the hat on his head, period.

At one of our first fittings at Berman's and Nathan's costumers in London I assembled many fedoras from costume stock for Harrison to try on. This is the usual way to fit - more recently for example, designer Penny Rose went through the same exercise with Johnny Depp to find just the right hat for his character in "Pirates."

When Harrison and I got close to a crown height and brim width that we liked - I took those measurements to Herbert Johnson the esteemed hatters on Savile Row. There, I started with a hat which had the body and strength that I needed for the action - and was of course the right shade of brown. Bear in mind that the width of the brim was crucial, not only did it have to flatter Harrison's face,but it had to be narrow enough to let light into his eyes - in other words, the camera had to register his eyes.

It would have been impossible - and it is impossible to use vintage hats in action films. I must have made a dozen each for John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd for the Blues Brothers - also custom made. With the number of stunts, stuntmen, doubles and dummies in Raiders we made many. I aged or as we say "distressed" all of Harrison's first set of clothes personally, and the duplicates were aged by my excellent costume crew.

I hope this is of some clarification, and thanks for appreciating this work twenty five years later!
Dr. Deborah Landis
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Post by Fedora »

Very intriguing!! It does not match Swale's account at all. I did find it interesting that she picked a hat with enough body for an action film. That sorta throws the Optimo thin and soft felt out the door. She never mentioned a dimensional cut, just that the brim had to show his eyes and therefore not be too much up front. Never mentioned the sides. I hope she replies again to answer those really important questions. Good show Dakota!! :notworthy: Fedora
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I'm curious, what is her doctorate in?
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Post by Mulceber »

Who knows, she might have been given an honorary Phd for...something. :-k We know Deborah is about 50, right? How old is Swales? If he's in his late 70's/80's we could chalk it up to senility. This whole situation is so confusing. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

" PhD from the Royal College of Art in the History of Design." I found this on a bio somewhere, if anyone else was curious.
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Re: An e-mail from Deborah Nadoolman Landis

Post by Scandinavia Jones »

Well, I say! Nice of her to write back! However, as Dr. Nadoolman says herself, she does not remember some things. Then there is the statement of Richard Swales, in which his importance for the Indy hat creation may be somewhat exaggerated - it can't really be dismissed as totally untrue, though.
I am afraid that I do not remember Mr.Swales involvement. However he may have been associated with the sequels. Mr. Ford put the hat on his head, period.
The question here is not if she remembers Swales. What's interesting is to know if the story about Spielberg and Ford strolling into his shop is a fairy tale or not.
At one of our first fittings at Berman's and Nathan's costumers in London I assembled many fedoras from costume stock for Harrison to try on. This is the usual way to fit - more recently for example, designer Penny Rose went through the same exercise with Johnny Depp to find just the right hat for his character in "Pirates."
Quite correct, I'm sure. This does not exclude the alleged Ford/Spielberg HJ excursion, though.
When Harrison and I got close to a crown height and brim width that we liked - I took those measurements to Herbert Johnson the esteemed hatters on Savile Row.
Here she just throws out a flashy London address - When Raiders was made, HJ was situated at 13 Old Burlington Street and moved later to 10 Old Bond Street before ending up at 54 St. James Street (Swaine Adeney Brigg). HJ never existed on Saville Row.
Bear in mind that the width of the brim was crucial, not only did it have to flatter Harrison's face,but it had to be narrow enough to let light into his eyes - in other words, the camera had to register his eyes.
The brim technicalities are also mentioned by Swales in his letter:
Richard Swales wrote:To make the hat very distinctive, I shaped the brim into an ovoid to give protection to the eyes and neck, reducing the sides also helped with camera angles. The brim was pulled down to give an explorer/safari look, the original ribbon being changed from 2" to 1 ½" to make the crown appear even taller.
I believe Nadoolman does not remeber every single detail about the ROTLA hat. Her story has changed a little from year to year. Swales, on his side, while being clearly associated to Herbert Johnson, may have exaggerated his importance in this matter. I do believe his encounter with Ford and Spielberg sounds plausible, though...

At least Nadoolman didn't mention any Australian connection this time... :lol: :wink:
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Re: An e-mail from Deborah Nadoolman Landis

Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Scandinavia Jones wrote:
When Harrison and I got close to a crown height and brim width that we liked - I took those measurements to Herbert Johnson the esteemed hatters on Savile Row.
Here she just throws out a flashy London address - When Raiders was made, HJ was situated at 13 Old Burlington Street and moved later to 10 Old Bond Street before ending up at 54 St. James Street (Swaine Adeney Brigg). HJ never existed on Saville Row.
Bear in mind that the width of the brim was crucial, not only did it have to flatter Harrison's face,but it had to be narrow enough to let light into his eyes - in other words, the camera had to register his eyes.
Was the shop ever NEAR Saville Row?
When Harrison and I got close to a crown height and brim width that we liked - I took those measurements to Herbert Johnson the esteemed hatters on Savile Row. There, I started with a hat which had the body and strength that I needed for the action - and was of course the right shade of brown. Bear in mind that the width of the brim was crucial, not only did it have to flatter Harrison's face,but it had to be narrow enough to let light into his eyes - in other words, the camera had to register his eyes.
Is it possible that she or an assistant cut a dimensional cut that was different lengths on each side with the Cairo hat, which might make the swoop over one eye? Probably not, but just an idea that was eating at me that I felt I needed to throw out there.
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Post by Texas Raider »

If it was a job on a movie as big as "Raiders" - I'd remember every nit-picking detail! The way this woman answers questions just seems really distant and unconcerned. I know she's probably a busy woman, but I'd like her to just sit down for a minute, visit with one of the more knowledgable members of the crew here and really try to remember some details with the help of COW. If it turns out she can't really remember squat, or she wasn't involved enough, then just say so, and we won't worry with her as a resource anymore. She just seems to throw out some fluff , i.e. fancy names and addresses, references to other films. Generic P.R. answers that really don't help us much.

but that's just me, I'm sometimes wrong. :wink:

have a nice day.
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Post by Texas Raider »

I understand Raiders wasn't big while they were making it. But as soon as it was released , it was. That was only a few months memory time. I think details would be locked in after they knew the movie was a huge hit. Not to mention, these people were working with Speilberg and Lucas! Not just some Joe Shmoe director. They HAD to have known they were working on something special! Had I been working with these guys, I'd of been taking notes on EVERYTHING!

Journal Entry- July 5th 1980

Today I was assembling scenery for "The Raven Bar Scene" in studio A. Installed flame retardant material and - wait, what's that?! Steven Spielberg passes gas at approx. 10:43 A.M. Pacific time! - Now where was I? Oh, yes, installed flame retardant material and various liquor bottles-specifically---

ah, you get the idea! :wink: EVERY DETAIL!

have a nice day.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Thanks Dakota. This is a treasure. ..... I hope she gets back to you with more.
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Re: An e-mail from Deborah Nadoolman Landis

Post by Joe King »

Was the shop ever NEAR Saville Row?

If you walk up Savile Row towards New Oxford Street, Old Burlington Street is down a side street on the right only about 20 yards or so, easy too forget that you have technically left Savile Row. However that said If you are a tailor or hat maker trained on the Row you can become a member of the Savile Row Guild and are intiled to call your self a Savile Row Hatter/Talyor even if your shop is not is not physically on the Row :shock: Hope this helps :P
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Post by taikonaut »

I still believe Nadoolman visited Savile Row and probably bought a HJ off the shelf from a retailer who stock them, bashed it up and trimmed it and let Harrison tried it on. In the film they need many similar hats and it was probably left to her assistance to get more HJ hats that only HJ store can provide since the craftsman is based there. If could well be that the first hat may have shrunk and or never fitted Harrison well in the first place and Speilberg alond with Harrison and an costume assistance went to HJ to try out the hats for size.

Even 25 years ago any films directed by Spielberg was big so I cant imagine anybody invoved in the filming would likely to forget.
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Post by ob1al »

Sterling work there Dakota!

I hope you receive a further reply, all very interesting stuff.
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Post by Feraud »

It is really considerate of Dr. Nadoolman to answer the questions. I appreciate the time she took to do it. The one thing I keep in mind is the fact that it is 25 years ago that she worked on Raiders. I assume the hat is not the only piece of work she did on the film. Therefore I would 'take with a grain of salt' the information provided regarding construction of the hat. I doubt she(or anyone) could remember it all!

Even if we knew everything there was to know, it would not give us the hat. We all have particular shaped heads and wear our hats in tiny, different ways. No one will ever step up and look exactly like Ford. I understand the fun of trying... :)

I appreciate all the hard work that members go through to find this information! It is great stuff :wink:
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Dakota, did you tell her about Indygear? I wonder if she's aware of this site.

Joe King, thanks for the response.
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Post by Michaelson »

ITG, Indiana John interviewed her a few years ago, and that interview was posted on the main page for a long time. Not sure when it was taken down, but yes, she's WELL aware of Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Dakota Ellison »

Yeah, I told her that I was a member of the Indygear forum and that $3thoubucks said her hat was a porkpie and I thought it was open crowned Poet, and why did she call the Poet an Australian model.
Last edited by Dakota Ellison on Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Feraud »

It is great of her to respond and for us to have access to this kind of information. If there are discrepancies in comments she has made, I would put the question very gently to her(or anyone 'in the know'). I would not want her to take insult and end communications. :wink:
She would be right to wonder aloud who is '$3thousandbucks' and why is he saying her hat is a porkpie?... :)
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Feraud wrote: She would be right to wonder aloud who is '$3thousandbucks' and why is he saying her hat is a porkpie?... :)
In case she's reading this thread, here's 3thoubucks website. This might give some background:
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Post by agent5 »

I too am VERY excited about her returning mails to fans since as far as I'm concerned, her participation in Raiders is the reason we're here. However, I am a little concerned that somehow a few of you got her mail and if more of us try to mail her asking her all kinds of questions, she may get frustrated and not want to answer anymore. I'm not trying to say it's bad that some of us have done it, but I'd hate to see everyone try and have some ask all kinds of stupid questions instead of real, legitimate ones that she would respect and be willing to take the time to answer. I'd hate so see her get overloaded and have her put an end to her kindness.
There was this previous thread viewtopic.php?t=12571 and now this one. I'm not in any way saying it's bad that she's already been contacted several times from members here, but to avoid her from getting numerous mails, perhaps we can get another thread going with a list of questions from members and then ask her to do another interview for the board. I think it would be great to get imput from the members who are interested in this and have the mods pic the questions to be asked. This way everyone gets a shot and the list of questions can be tallied down so that there aren't repeat questions. Also, the fact that more than one person would be involved in the question process is a great thing. Sometimes one person can't think of all the important things to ask and the more minds we have to do the thinking, the better. Then the mods can pick them apart and get what we'd need to come up with a solid interview.

There are soooo many questions I can come up with as well, and NOT just about Indy's costume. There are so many other great, great costumes in this film and so many questions to ask about them. I'd hate to have an opportunity wasted on questions soley on the Indy costume for which we already have so much reference.

OF COURSE she's not going to be able to recall everything she did 25 years ago. :roll: I can't remember what I did all of last week. :roll: Raiders is not the only film she's done either so I'm sure it's hard to be able to come up with 100%, solid answers, but to hear any answers from her would be gold. I could care less about what Swales says in comparison to her or anyone else for that matter. What's most important is that we hear it from her. It's alos obvious that she disagrees with some of the history of the costume from her recollections to those listed on this site, but it's not about trying to prove her wrong (aldens) or show her what we have here, but to get her imput on her work. THEN we can speculate or compare gear notes all we'd like. I just think it's soooo important to hear it all from her.

I'd love to hear about how she first got involved in the film, her distressing techniques and about her research into some of the costumes, like the Belloq ceremonial. I'd love to hear about Marion's Cairo blouse to see if it actually was a one-off costume, bought in Tunisia and is now destroyed or if indeed there were several made for the film. Love to know if she recalls which costumes were rented and which ones made. The list of questions goes on.

I know the site has already conducted an interview with her, but if it was with IndyJohn then it was quite a while ago. If anyone has it, please post it so we can all read it. I for one would love to. Perhaps it can be explained to her that we'd like to do it again whenever she has the time to do so and that there are more questions we'd like to ask, not only about the Indy costume, but also on the her involvement in the entire film, in every aspect. I'm sure she is rather busy, but it does seem as though she truely appreciates our interest in her work, which is exactly what this entire site is based on.

Something else to consider is to ask her to become a member here. Perhaps list her as CREATOR :D (which she is) and ask her to just this one time sit through a thread with questions for her from members. This way we'd all get a chance and she can answer them at her leisure and answer the ones she feels are legitimate and well thought out enough to answer. Afer all, I doubt she'd want to her questions like, "What's Harrison Ford like?" as opposed to questions about her involvement and important and historical work on this film. AND I'm not at all implying that any of the members here have ever asked her questions like that, but I'd sure hate it to get to that. I think it's great of her to take the time to reply to any of us and it would sure be a real treat for her to give all of us an opportunity to coorespond with her as well without taking up too much of her time.

In any case, what do you all think of this?
Last edited by agent5 on Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Feraud »

Agent 5, I agree totally.
Let us pool all of our questions and list the most relevant to ask. Then have one person communicate with her. In our enthusiasm, I do think we have the potential to scare her off.
I would not want her to pull a Shatner and give us a "get a life!" write-off!!
:lol: :wink:
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Agent5, here here! I down with you on that.
I'd love to hear about Marion's Cairo blouse to see if it actually was a one-off costume
That's definitely something that's been burning on my mind with all this Nadoolman talk.
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Post by agent5 »

In our enthusiasm, I do think we have the potential to scare her off.
Very nicely put. (In my best Robert DeNiro 'Untouchables' voice), "Enthusiasms. Enthusiasms."
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Post by Feraud »

agent5 wrote:(In my best Robert DeNiro 'Untouchables' voice), "Enthusiasms. Enthusiasms."
:lol: :lol: Well said! hahaha..
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Post by Mike »

I wasn't planning on releasing any of this until it actually became official, just in case anything broke down along the way, but Mrs. Landis and I have been in talks for quite a while to get her featured on the main site. Events in my life recently have caused me to back off from that for a while, but I'm ready to start things back up. Funny timing.

That said, I can't make people stop emailing her, or know for that matter at this point if she wants them to, but I can't help but agree with some of Agent 5's concerns. Take that for what you will and act how you feel you should accordingly.

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Post by Dakota Ellison »

Her silence after my second e-mail spoke volumes to me. I'll not try again.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Great news, Mike! It would be great to have her on the main site. And I agree with you, Agent5, there are plenty of questions we all want answered. But the last thing we want is to scare her off. I, too, would prefer one well written and compiled letter to her over a bunch of one-off e-mails asking her the same questions over and over. I also like the idea of inviting her to corespond via a thread here, but I have to admit that I'm afraid of a possible flame war over "Oh, you just don't remember what you really did" or the like. There's always the risk of bickering, which I really don't want to see. I also feel that if a thread like this does develop, we need to restain ourselves from simple "hi" e-mails and only ask pertinent, thought-provoking questions.

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Post by taikonaut »

Actually Mrs Landis does not know I am from this forum nor did I make any mention, not sure if that is the reason she replied????
I can say she is very proud of her achievement with the costume for Indy and qouted it was "iconic" when I referred to the influenced it had on mens fashion since the 80s, she will never pull a Shatner on any fans and this is proven by the fact that she recently attended a re-screening of Raider were she was a guess of honour.
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Post by Dakota Ellison »

I will also call off my communications with Harrison Ford. Thank you.
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Post by taikonaut »

Dakota Ellison wrote:I will also call off my communications with Harrison Ford. Thank you.
If Harrison dont mind opening a dialogue with you or anyone you should by all means talk to the man, as the saying goes "its good to talk". If he doesnt respond once or twice then let it rest.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hey, Dakota, if you can have a dialogue with Mr. Ford, well, don't let ME stop you! :wink:

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Post by Ark Hunter »

Feraud wrote:Even if we knew everything there was to know, it would not give us the hat. We all have particular shaped heads and wear our hats in tiny, different ways. No one will ever step up and look exactly like Ford. I understand the fun of trying... :)
Yeah, HF will never look as good as me. :shock: Maybe I've got that backwords. :lol:
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Post by Fedora »

Her silence after my second e-mail spoke volumes to me. I'll not try again.

Yeah, I would take it that way too Dakota. But, she may be so busy that she just does not have the time to reply. That would make sense. I am very pleased that she did respond at least once. Just wish she had answered your questions as we all wanted to know the answers. Oh well. Fedora
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Post by taikonaut »

Fedora, as a hat maker maybe you are in a better position to ask her about Indy's fedora? I am sure with your craftmanship she may feel a lot more compell to give someone in the business a better answer.
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Post by Canyon »

agent5 wrote:In any case, what do you all think of this?
Great thread, Agent 5. :D

agent5 wrote:Afer all, I doubt she'd want to her questions like, "What's Harrison Ford like?" as opposed to questions about her involvement and important and historical work on this film. AND I'm not at all implying that any of the members here have ever asked her questions like that, but I'd sure hate it to get to that.
Well, you see, the thing is, I would love to ask her what it was like to get to work with HF, but would probably only ask her a question like that if ever got to meet her face to face.

Perhaps I should think about getting away from COW for a while... :oops: :wink:

Seriously, though. I do like the idea and think the Mods should go for it! :P
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Post by Michaelson »

Mike wrote:I wasn't planning on releasing any of this until it actually became official, just in case anything broke down along the way, but Mrs. Landis and I have been in talks for quite a while to get her featured on the main site. Events in my life recently have caused me to back off from that for a while, but I'm ready to start things back up. Funny timing.

Canyon, did you miss what Mike posted here? This has been ongoing for quite a while anyway, and those questions you're suggesting HAVE been asked. The discussions are being reopened, as Mike said, as he's had family 'issues' to take care of, but those are now back on track. Stay tuned as things continue to develop. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Fedora »

Fedora, as a hat maker maybe you are in a better position to ask her about Indy's fedora?

Perhaps, but honestly, I do not want to bother the generous lady. I can only imagine how many folks have emailed her already. :shock: Fedora
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Post by taikonaut »

I too feel Deborah Nadoolman would want to contribute here in the near future and would want to do so at the right moment and through the right channel. She is just as excited about the whole Indy thing as we are except we are more crazy about the gear.
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Post by Pyroxene »

She could be under contract to not disclose much. With the rumors of I4 being made, studios probably don't want people talking much about "possible" costumes designs, etc.

Just a thought.
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Post by taikonaut »

Pyroxene wrote:She could be under contract to not disclose much. With the rumors of I4 being made, studios probably don't want people talking much about "possible" costumes designs, etc.

Just a thought.
That is my opinion too.
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Post by agent5 »

She could be under contract to not disclose much. With the rumors of I4 being made, studios probably don't want people talking much about "possible" costumes designs, etc.
I can't see why she would be after 25 years. As far as Indy 4 goes, unless she is under contract to do work for the film, I can't see any reason why she'd not be able to discuss her work in Raiders other than her not wanting to do so for her own personal reasons. If she's not working on Indy 4, then what is to stop her from making assumptions about the new costume designs as a fan, just like the rest of us? Of course, maybe she doesn't want to get into all of that. All I really care about is hearing about her involvement with Raiders. Period.

As I already mentioned, it would be so crass and in such bad taste for anyone here to begin to question certain aspects of the costume against her word as to what she did. Yet, this has happened in the past to what I feel where very valuable people here who immediately got ticked off when certain folks began to question their validity of certain props, costumes, gear, etc., and I don't really blame them.

If she says she put a 1 1/2" ribbon on the hat, then that is what she recalls. Nothing we will say here or any screen grabs will change what she recollects. This is the stuff I'm afraid of happening if she does decide to make herself present in some way or another.

I just got to thinking what a treat that would be for the site. To already have been in contact with the people associated with making the costume and then actually have the opportunity to be able to coorespond with the person in charge of creating the costume would be insane! In terms of Indygear, what more could you ask for? THIS is the very reason we're here. Because of all the combined efforts of all of these people. As a community, we're pretty lucky they allow us to have access to them and pick their brains for 25 year old info. I know alot of other costume communities aren't as lucky.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

taikonaut wrote:Fedora, as a hat maker maybe you are in a better position to ask her about Indy's fedora? I am sure with your craftmanship she may feel a lot more compell to give someone in the business a better answer.
Yeah and maybe that would be a foot in the door for Fedora's hats to be used in IJ4. However, since Nadoolman didn't work on Temple or Last Crusade, what are the chances she might get to be involved with Indy4? Of course, I think it'd be awesome if she were involved. But hey, what do I know? Just thinking outloud.
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Post by taikonaut »

Yeah and maybe that would be a foot in the door for Fedora's hats to be used in IJ4. However, since Nadoolman didn't work on Temple or Last Crusade, what are the chances she might get to be involved with Indy4? Of course, I think it'd be awesome if she were involved. But hey, what do I know? Just thinking outloud.[/quote]

How do you know Nadoolman werent involved in TOD and LC?
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Post by taikonaut »

From what I understand Indy's costume apart from minor alteration in TOD and LC it did not gone through any radical changes so in that alone Nadoolman's original design was still being used plus the sourcing of the costume generally remains the same and it was even been said some of Indy's outfit from Raiders even crossed over to TOD, however it is right to say she was not actively involved in the 2 sequals to Raiders.
Last edited by taikonaut on Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canyon »

Michaelson wrote:
Mike wrote:I wasn't planning on releasing any of this until it actually became official, just in case anything broke down along the way, but Mrs. Landis and I have been in talks for quite a while to get her featured on the main site. Events in my life recently have caused me to back off from that for a while, but I'm ready to start things back up. Funny timing.

Canyon, did you miss what Mike posted here? This has been ongoing for quite a while anyway, and those questions you're suggesting HAVE been asked. The discussions are being reopened, as Mike said, as he's had family 'issues' to take care of, but those are now back on track. Stay tuned as things continue to develop. Regards. Michaelson
Sorry, Michaelson. I did read that :oops: but unfortunately, am suffering with a head cold at the moment, and am having trouble thinking straight. #-o

I guess I felt my question was a bit lame compared to what others were going to ask. :-k

Ah, well, you know how much my mouth likes to live in my foot... :wink: :-#
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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, she has a cold! (grins) Get well soon, Canyon!!! Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

taikonaut wrote:
How do you know Nadoolman werent involved in TOD and LC?
Yep, VP's right. But you're right, her contribution to Raiders carried over to the prequel TOD and the sequel LC.

It's amazing the impact her design of the costume has had. It even carries over to other tv shows and movies. I was watching season 1 of Punky Brewster the other day and there was a scene where Punky and a friend were playing dress up. Punky comes out as Indiana Punky. Veggie Tales is doing an Indy like spoof. I could go on but I won't. I'd just like to say thanks to Ms. Nadoolman(Landis) for the contribution. I wonder what we'd be wearing had someone else been involved? I don't wanna even imagine (loan wool coat? sandals? pork pie hat? black pants?)
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Post by Canyon »

Michaelson wrote:Yep, she has a cold! (grins) Get well soon, Canyon!!! Regards! Michaelson
Thanks Michaelson. :wink:

Image (Binky and Hemingway carrying me away)
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

It is kind of funny how people are saying that they should have documented everything about the making of Raiders. You must remember that Raiders was made in 1981. VCRs had just been invented and most people could not afford one as they were still very expensive.

There were no Special Edition DVDs with their wealth of supplemental material. There were no making of features, no deleted scenes, and other features that we have become accustomed to today.

It was not known at the time that they were making Raiders that it was going to become a big hit. The people that made it were just hired to do a job for a few months and then moved on to their next project.
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