My TOD fedora

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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My TOD fedora

Post by Adventure Lad »

I'm still yet to buy myself a nice fitting swanky looking fedorabut I thought I'd post some pics of my old Temple fedora. Its actually one of the Stetson produced hats made when TOD was released.
In terms of quality its almost laughable compared to the pics I've see of yours, but I thought Id post it anyway as I'm sure Indyfans like yourself would appreciate it.
Please excuse my pastey face! :P

I realise 'taper' is a bit of a dirty word round here, but I like the tapered look.
Also note, the enormous bash in the crown!

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Post by Canyon »

A.L. thanks for posting those pictures.

I always find it fascinating when I hear stories of fans buying hats when the movies were quite new. :wink:

Once again, welcome to the board. :D
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Post by ob1al »

Hello, welcome onboard. :)

Now that your here a word of advice if I may:-

Remember the old COW proverb:

'Debt free today, 29.9% APR tomorrow' :wink:

Oh, and watch out for Bink. Never, EVER agree to a group hug. :wink:

Which part of the UK are you in mate? Up North or Dahn Sawf?


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Post by Indycraze71 »

Welcome and thanks for sharing! That hat doesn't look all that bad. I never could find one of those lids when TOD came out I remember looking all over for one. I have 5 newer hats hanging in my closet and right next to them is my old Raiders Bollman wool hat my mother bought me when I was ten after we saw ROTLA in the theaters for like the 12th time. Found that old hat at JCPennys for 15 dollars I think. I still put it on for a laugh everynow and then even though its a bit small now. :D Brett
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Post by Adventure Lad »

ob1al wrote:Hello, welcome onboard. :)

Now that your here a word of advice if I may:-

Remember the old COW proverb:

'Debt free today, 29.9% APR tomorrow' :wink:

Oh, and watch out for Bink. Never, EVER agree to a group hug. :wink:

Which part of the UK are you in mate? Up North or Dahn Sawf?


Thank you ob1al, I shall remember those kind yet baffling words :P
I'm from down south in Kent, just half hours drive from Wested.

I should probably point out I was only born in 1982 so dont actually have any memories of the movie being released. I got the hat at a memorabilia fair up in Birmingham a couple of years back. It was £50 and still in good condition, not the best fit though.

There dont seem to be many places to get a TOD style fedora, although I noticed Todds costumes do an altered HJ to match the bridge scene. I'd like to see how those look before I buy though.

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Post by Ken »

Hey if the tapered TOD look is what you like you have it spot on - looks just like the cockpit scene of TOD.

Bottom line is wear the hat you like. While not most people's preference round here (I must admit, mine included) if you are happy thats the main thing!

Ken :)
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Post by ob1al »

Whilst the majority of people here probably would opt for am untapered Raiders-style hat, there are some fans of the TOD tapered style, too.

Basically, its how you feel and what you like that counts, of course. The hat does look pretty cool in those pics, but it looks like it might be just a bit small for you?

If you have decided to upgrade, that hat would be a good one to keep as a collectors item and give you a good idea of the size you should choose next time.

BTW, closer to home than Todds, you can get the same HJ from or a very nice Akubra Federation, which lends itself well to the TOD look, from Of the two, the Akubra is the cheapest option but one heck of a hat for the money.

Cool that you are so close to Wested. You could get fitted by Peter in person, if you ever decided to go that route. :wink:


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Post by English Adventurer »

Hey welcome aboard! As has been said before, always good to have another Brit! :o

Pagey! Are you going to for Victorain cockney-barrow boy look now? "Shine ya boots guv'nor? Shine yer boots?" Hold on, that's a cockney boot black!?! :shock: :?

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Post by Adventure Lad »

Thanks for all your comments and thanks for those links ob1al. I'm definitly looking for a new fedora, I bought the stetson just as a nice collectors piece. I'd still go for another TOD style though. I think its a better look, plus its my favourite of the three films.

and yes, I got served by Peter himself. Nice bloke!

Pagey, I like the hat. Gives you that indy/brit pop look. :P

Adventure Lad
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