The shrinkage I'm refering to is the "Akubra Anomoly". A while back Renderking said that his Akubra shrank from extreme cold. There was a lot of disbelief.
Well, I'm backing my man up!!!
I recently had this happen while repainting my computer room to become my 2 year olds bedroom. Over the period of 3 days of painting and drying, I had left the windows open to let the fumes out. As some of you have experienced, you have absolutley no place to put your stuff while redoing a room!!!
I left some of my hats on top of a tall bookcase in safety. After the room was done, I moved things back into the room. I was trying on my fedoras, when I realized my Akubra had become a very snug fit!!!

This hat was a 7 3/8 when I ordered it. It always fit too loosely and required a lot foam. Now I don't need the foam at all! I have tried the lamp trick (many times, without success). All I succeded in doing is shrinking the felt and creating some TOD taper (which it has become my TOD fedora).
After the 3 day extreme cold, the sweatband and the felt have shrunk in proportion! I back up RK completely!!!
Any comments, suggestions or theories are encouraged.