I was looking for a DVD on another thread here and so Simon asked me to be the first who sees it and to write about it when I like it. Well, I'm writing about it.
The DVD has to parts. Whip cracking and Whip maintenance (Hence the name.) Simon narrates the film and explaines everything in detail without saying too much. He shows every crack a few times. After he showed the basic cracks he shows some more complicated routines. The good thing about a DVD is that you can jump from chapter to chapter i.e. crack to crak and that you can watch it in slow-mo without loosing image quality. And I would suggest to use this feature.
The second part comes in handy when you need to fix something on your whip. It shows you how to make a cracker (a new way that I didn't know before), how to change a fall and most of all how to make a new knot to tighen the fall. When I'm going to do this on my whip I'm going to make it in front of my TV.
As a summary you can say that this DVD is extremley good for the freshman to become more used to a whip and master the basic skills. The only issue about the DVD lies in the medium it self. Most of the time you won't have a TV set with you when you go whip cracking. A little booklet would solve this problem.
I hope little review helps a little in your decision making when you think about buying a DVD. And I hope I didn't forget to mention something.
When you read this please bear in mind that I'm not a native speaker i.e. writer. So some sentenses may not be as good or clear as the could be.But I tried my best to find the right words.
Simons Website: http://www.whipmaker.com.au