Search found 56 matches

by dirtyepic129
Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:17 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: USW Striated Lamb Legend, US Made
Replies: 624
Views: 39967

Re: USW Striated Lamb Legend, US Made

How have the US lambs been holding up durability wise with those that've had them this long? I'm kicking myslef for not seeing the rollback deal in June.
by dirtyepic129
Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:14 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news
Replies: 438
Views: 19254

Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Hi, I'm new to the boards and have been reading a lot about the Wings jackets. On a limited budget this news is getting me excited. I was wondering though if the new line will have the snaps on the windflap like the CE jacket or not (like the others). James I'm guessing these won't have the snaps o...
by dirtyepic129
Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:39 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news
Replies: 438
Views: 19254

Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Hi, I'm new to the boards and have been reading a lot about the Wings jackets. On a limited budget this news is getting me excited. I was wondering though if the new line will have the snaps on the windflap like the CE jacket or not (like the others). James I'm guessing these won't have the snaps o...
by dirtyepic129
Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:09 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news
Replies: 438
Views: 19254

Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Woohoo! Happy to hear about the new options, and happy to hear the ToD is back on the table.
by dirtyepic129
Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:58 pm
Forum: Gear Care & Distressing
Topic: Do it yourself Pecards?
Replies: 5
Views: 191

Re: Do it yourself Pecards?

Even though I probably won't use the meat-based dressing, the story was excellent :D
by dirtyepic129
Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:39 pm
Forum: Gear Care & Distressing
Topic: Do it yourself Pecards?
Replies: 5
Views: 191

Do it yourself Pecards?

Hi all, I did a search of the boards but came up empty on this one. I was wondering if anyone knew how to make leather dressing at home? I recently acquired a brick of beeswax for something else, and thought it would be an interesting challenge. Anyone ever done this?
by dirtyepic129
Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:36 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: New Alden Boots.
Replies: 23
Views: 1377

Re: New Alden Boots.

If you're "badgered enough"?

Done. Out of retirement? :lol:
by dirtyepic129
Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:25 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots
Replies: 33
Views: 1766

Re: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots

Did anyone end up getting theirs at $191 through Amazon? After almost a month, I just was told that it was canceled. Apparently the supplier was selling shoes they never had in stock and Wolverine didn't deliver to them. Nice ...
by dirtyepic129
Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:18 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: UK source for indy like boots
Replies: 11
Views: 563

Re: UK source for indy like boots

I'm confident there's nothing in Harrogate that will help, but here's a store in Manchester that carries Red Wings ... and has the Iron Ranger on their website. Whether or not they have it in stock, I don't know. It might be worth a call. They also have free shipping.
by dirtyepic129
Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:07 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots
Replies: 33
Views: 1766

Re: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots

That's too bad. Although it still seems kind of odd they were selling them for $191 in the first place without making note of any 'sale'. My order is still in at the cheaper price, but they haven't shipped yet. Paranoia ensues....
by dirtyepic129
Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:01 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots
Replies: 33
Views: 1766

Re: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots

Ok, so, I ordered a pair as well. There was one left in stock in my size and it's free shipping, so I figured it's at least worth looking at --- especially @ $191 when I see others have paid $325 ... I'm not sure how that happened ....

I'll post photos and thoughts when these arrive as well.
by dirtyepic129
Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:34 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots
Replies: 33
Views: 1766

Re: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots

I'd definitely like to see pics and hear your thoughts. That's cheaper than I thought they'd be.
by dirtyepic129
Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:47 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Wolverine 1000 Mile boots
Replies: 33
Views: 1766

Wolverine 1000 Mile boots

These are pretty spot on from a style standpoint, other than the lack of a moc toe. Look pretty good -- thought I'd share the link. ... mile-boot/
by dirtyepic129
Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:20 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: New jacket maker? Brand: Daytona
Replies: 12
Views: 540

Re: New jacket maker? Brand: Daytona

Actually ... those ARE pictures stolen from US Wings. Go to and check out the Collector's Edition jacket ... same exact product pics. Might be worth mentioning to the sarge?
by dirtyepic129
Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:03 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Travel Bag?
Replies: 36
Views: 2320

Re: Travel Bag?

I don't actually like this bag really, but they're marketing it as an Indiana Jones -style bag without actually saying the *Jones part. For some reason, I don't think I'd be caught walking around with this with my whip tied around it like in the picture. Here's the pic
by dirtyepic129
Thu May 14, 2009 2:34 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Post your cordovan Indy boots!
Replies: 0
Views: 274

Post your cordovan Indy boots!

Hey all,

I'm in the market for some Cordovan 405's and was interested to see those owned by COW members. Interested to see how all the colors look as they age (I've seen some awesome patina colors on some #8s). Anyone?
by dirtyepic129
Sun May 10, 2009 4:36 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: New U.K. member, Wested Authentic Lamb - Size 46
Replies: 10
Views: 546

Re: New U.K. member, Wested Authentic Lamb - Size 46

Welcome Matt! Jacket looks great .... each time I see a new Wested it draws me closer to buying one.

by dirtyepic129
Wed May 06, 2009 12:55 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Jacket sighting .... any awkward experiences?
Replies: 44
Views: 2637

Re: Jacket sighting .... any awkward experiences?

I would ask him about his jacket, chances are, as everyone has said, he is fully aware that it is an Indy jacket. Next time passing you might just say, nice jacket or something, after that you might pause the following time to inquire about the maker. Let us know how it turns out. I was buying a so...
by dirtyepic129
Sun May 03, 2009 12:50 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Jacket sighting .... any awkward experiences?
Replies: 44
Views: 2637

Jacket sighting .... any awkward experiences?

Hey all, I recently noticed a guy at work who wears an indy jacket everyday (it appears to be a G&B expo, but I'm not an expert at identification)---and not just to and from the parking lot ... all day in the office. I'm generally not an extrovert, so I haven't said anything, and I don't work wi...
by dirtyepic129
Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:18 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

Thanks for the post crismans. I'll be there ready and waiting in September!
by dirtyepic129
Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:07 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

Good point. Better clarification on sizing would make it so I don't have to order two and return one. I guess the downside to that is that's one less jacket ordered (but, it would ultimately be that way once I returned one of them).
by dirtyepic129
Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:49 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

I have an XL and L reserved .... going to return whichever one doesn't fit. Order placed in late March .... though they decided not to take payment information until it's ready to ship.
by dirtyepic129
Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:54 am
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: 1917 Model Colt Revolver ... authentic, excellent condition
Replies: 8
Views: 671

Re: 1917 Model Colt Revolver ... authentic, excellent condition

Captain Ron Solo wrote:Awesome gun! By the way, where's the class ring from? Looks a lot like an Aggie ring. :) :tup:


Howdy Ron, I was waiting for someone to catch that! Grad class of '05 :tup:
by dirtyepic129
Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:56 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

Hey all, For what it's worth, I called today to place an order for this jacket and was told the smaller sizes are in production now. Apparently, they start with the smaller ones and work their way up. I was told for L or XL, it should be no more than a month. I asked about sizing too, and while I co...
by dirtyepic129
Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:58 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

Hatch wrote:I spoke with them this am..."not out of production yet"...."sometime fairly soon"............ :- #-o
More time for me to debate between this or a G&B ... hmmmmmm
by dirtyepic129
Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:03 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: First Jacket! Wested Washed Goat
Replies: 14
Views: 716

Re: First Jacket! Wested Washed Goat

They certainly did get the measurements right ... I think it looks great without going down in size. Cool jacket, congrats!
by dirtyepic129
Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:51 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Black Goatskin Expedition
Replies: 21
Views: 1818

Re: Black Goatskin Expedition

Here’s my jacket that I got last week. Sorry, these are fuzzy. I’ll post outdoor pics of the jacket details later. At least you get an idea of how the jacket drapes and looks while being worn. This is a standard off the rack Expedition in a long size. The only difference is that I had the sleeves s...
by dirtyepic129
Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:17 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

not all body types! if you look back a few threads at a recent thread and someone recieved a Wested ToD, it was not for the big boned no offense to anyone.. ToD is more for the thinner folk 8) I saw that thread too. Actually, I was curious to see if anyone that is on the 'meatier' side of life has ...
by dirtyepic129
Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:29 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

Luckily I'm with the U.S. military, so I get Sarge's free APO shipping with no need to pay customs :)
by dirtyepic129
Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:43 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

I did get an email response, btw. Basically says it will be a smaller fit and I can send credit card info over email (not doing this ...). Looks like I'm making a long distance call. Hrm, gotta decide between Large and XL. Hrm.
by dirtyepic129
Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:32 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production
Replies: 334
Views: 18309

Re: Wings Temple of Doom jacket--now in production

I've emailed 3 times now with no response ... hrm. I've emailed them before without problem (calling is expensive from the UK). Not to beat the sizing issue into the ground, but ..... My USW CE in XL is a bit roomy. I would assume, based on measurements, that an XL in this jacket would be more prope...
by dirtyepic129
Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:04 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Six Year Old US Wings VIP Cow W/Pictures
Replies: 8
Views: 677

Wore it in Amsterdam? So it must smell like coffee, right?
by dirtyepic129
Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:29 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Alden 405 boots in the UK?
Replies: 14
Views: 712

On the website, it appears there's an Alden dealer in London: Browns South Moulton Street Limited 23-27 South Moulton Street London, Great Britain Their website yields 3 pairs of Alden shoes (
by dirtyepic129
Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:37 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Any old Aldens kept in good condition?
Replies: 11
Views: 627

sneakertinker wrote:Not old but not distressed either...I'm keeping this pair looking new as possible...

Nice ... what did you darken them with?
by dirtyepic129
Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:00 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Any old Aldens kept in good condition?
Replies: 11
Views: 627

*gasp* Schmidty doesn't use shoe trees!? :o
by dirtyepic129
Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:02 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Any old Aldens kept in good condition?
Replies: 11
Views: 627

Any old Aldens kept in good condition?

I've seen a lot of threads of people with their old Alden's that have been distressed, either naturally or, well, unnaturally. I'm still at the point where I clean and treat mine frequently and want them to last a loooong time. In other words, no adventuring in them ... I wear them as dress shoes. I...
by dirtyepic129
Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:04 pm
Forum: Gear Care & Distressing
Topic: Do you darken your Aldens? How?
Replies: 70
Views: 5387

And this is just regular Pecards? Not the brown tint? Wow.
by dirtyepic129
Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:15 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Indy Winter gear?
Replies: 80
Views: 5021

ok, i decided to take some before my hat gets here in case the snow melts per National Geographic the B-3 bomber jacket was introduced in 1934 Cool jacket. Is that a US Wings?
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:15 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: new indy boots I picked up
Replies: 16
Views: 1215

yeah, the creepy thing is, that's the first dvd i watched while wearing my new ultimate indy boots last month. weird.
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:34 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: new indy boots I picked up
Replies: 16
Views: 1215

Is that "Burn After Reading" that you're watching in that pic? Good movie.
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:07 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: 1917 Model Colt Revolver ... authentic, excellent condition
Replies: 8
Views: 671

An amendment is appropriate here :lol: I'm actually currently in America, moving to England next month. The gun is my father's and is staying with him in the States. :) Thanks for the concern (and thanks to those that PM'ed me).
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:27 pm
Forum: Gear Care & Distressing
Topic: Do you darken your Aldens? How?
Replies: 70
Views: 5387

Here is a before and after pic of my newest pair of Aldens... Before... After...(The pair that I'm not wearing) What did you use to darken yours? Also, how did y...
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:15 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: 1917 Model Colt Revolver ... authentic, excellent condition
Replies: 8
Views: 671

1917 Model Colt Revolver ... authentic, excellent condition

My dad recently showed me a gun passed down to him from his Aunt. It's a 1917 Model Colt and looks to be in great condition. It likely still shoots. I think I'd get in a bit of trouble carrying this around. Regardless, I told him that I want this going to me in his will.
by dirtyepic129
Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:09 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: My boots and new boots ... thanks to schmidty612!
Replies: 6
Views: 538

I just noticed that JCrew now offers the same boots (Rugged Classics) pre-distressed. Sounds great until you notice that the price tag is $155 more than the non-distressed ones! I think I'd rather break them in myself.
by dirtyepic129
Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:25 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: My boots and new boots ... thanks to schmidty612!
Replies: 6
Views: 538

Hrm. Now I think I'd like to hear this long, long story :)
by dirtyepic129
Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:45 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: My boots and new boots ... thanks to schmidty612!
Replies: 6
Views: 538

My boots and new boots ... thanks to schmidty612!

This is my first time posting pictures, because finally I am 'complete' .... for now. After a fantastic transaction with schmidty612, I just received my regular Alden's. Trust me ... if you need Indy Boots, he's the guy to talk to! I'm not really into getting the full set of gear .... all I've been ...
by dirtyepic129
Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:38 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Black Alden Indy Boot on the way...
Replies: 26
Views: 2053

Since it's been awhile, I figured I would bump this thread to see if anyone near an Alden store might ask about the status
by dirtyepic129
Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:47 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Ultimate Indy Boot -- leather lining care
Replies: 3
Views: 373

PSBIndy wrote:Are these the Aldens with the lugs on the bottom?'s the traction with these?

Traction is good, but I still slipped on the ice and slammed onto my back. Ouch. I think that would happen with any shoe and the right amount of ice though.
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:55 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Aldens on snow and ice?
Replies: 27
Views: 1318

I got a little overly confident with my new LS Ultimate Indy Boots (the commando soles) last week. I slipped on the ice, and since I was holding my two year old, I couldn't brace myself. Wham -- right onto my back. My boy thought it was funny, but that was some real pain. After making sure I hadn't ...
by dirtyepic129
Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:46 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Ultimate Indy Boot -- leather lining care
Replies: 3
Views: 373

Ultimate Indy Boot -- leather lining care

Howdy all. I'm a recent, first time Alden Indy Boot buyer, and ended up having to with the Ultimate Indy Boot from LS (it's fantastic!). Anyways, the inside lining is leather and is great, but I created a little problem for myself. I don't know if it's because I should wear dress socks with that typ...