July 8, 2015
David W Morgan, co-founder of David Morgan LLC and maker of possibly the most famous archaeologist accessory, died on July 8, 2015 at 90 years of age.
David had his interests and hobbies change multiple times over the years, but it was a trip to Australia in 1962 that he discovered a whip making company that constructed them the same way since Victorian times. He brought this back with him and eventually created his own company, also bringing in Australia’s Akubra Hats.
David didn’t keep his trade secrets to himself. He shared his knowledge through his three books: Whips and Whipmaking, Braiding Fine Leather and Whips of the West.
It was Glenn Reynolds, Jr. bringing in David’s 455 10-foot bullwhip to the Indiana Jones movies were the catalyst for revitalizing an interest in whips. It became an icon and a must-have among gearheads.
David will be missed.