In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by zeus36 »

Saw the previews at the theater and noticed several fedoras, (a very nice one on G. Paltrow.)
Opens Sept. 17
Here's a blurb:

"The film is being described as being a "retro-sci" type film in the vein of "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
Source : The Hollywood Reporter

Since it has Angelina Jolie in it, I will be checking it out!
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Post by Rob »

And doesn't she look great, done up in a leather fighter pilot outfit complete with eyepatch!

Awesome, just awesome.

Hope the movie's as good :lol:
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Post by ob1al »

Angelina Jolie - phwoooar =P~ - seems determined to make these Indyesque films doesn't she? Tomb Raider now this - maybe she's hoping for a part (now now, no puns gentlemen please) in Indy IV, if it ever gets made? :-k

How did the trailer look Zeus?
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Post by Dakota Hurly »

who's making the hats for this movie :-k Any word
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Post by jjkillin »

Last I heard, George Lucas shelved the movie earlier this year b/c he didn't like the script. Which is a legitimate reason to not make a movie. But by the time Lucas finds a script he likes, Angelina Jolie will probably be 60.

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Post by zeus36 »

The reviews say that she only has a "cameo" role as a sea captain and is not getting top billing. Too bad...
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Post by Indiana Croft »

I to look foward to seeing this movie, not only for Ms. Jolie. But because it looks awsome. I've been a big fan of Angelina Jolie to the point were I actully have a life mask of her face on my wall at exactly 5' 7". Right above it is an autographed pic of her riding a jet ski. I also 2 other autogrphed pics which one day will go up next to the other one. But I'm rambling here. The movie looks good cant wait

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Post by zeus36 »

ob1al wrote:
How did the trailer look Zeus?
Like something right out of a 1930's "Astounding Stories" magazine cover. Looks like they are combining cartoon and CGI with live action.
Also, the robots reminded me of some of the mechanical men in "Batman: the Animated Series" (an episode with a supercomputer named HARDAC?)

The trailer images seemed to have quite a British influence(think WWII aircraft and airships) so I am thinking it was made in the UK.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

The sheer 1930's sci-fi comic look alone makes we want to see it. Even if the story ends up being cheesy, it'll still be good entertainment and great eye candy.

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Post by Skippy »

Just watch the trailer here - - pretty cool :D
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Here's a quote from a feature article in this week's TIME. It says this movie uses no sets, only blue screen. "He (the film maker) created a new use for animation-rendering software because it was the only way he could make the Raiders of the Lost Ark-style movie he wrote as an ode to 1940's comic books. Going to Nepal, having a zeppelin dock at the Empire State Building....." As a side note, saw "Hidalgo" on DVD, this week, plan to buy it, bought the sound track. At least two Raiders references in the film. The line "Sit down before you fall down" , and a self assured swordsman with a cruel laff who gets "shot" :D
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Post by Rob »

So you never saw "Girl, Interrupted" Mike?

I have much respect for someone who can rip apart a serious movie role like that, and then also have no pretensions to also play roles like Lara Croft.

Being hot also helps :lol:
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Post by IndianaFist »

I could not disagree more with INDIANAMIKEY about our favorite Tomb Raider. As for Sky Captian I plan to be there in a Fed and a full suit. Just to put a litttle style back into going to the movies. Of course I also am going as a Foree Electric employee to see Shaun of the Dead. :D
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Post by Gater »

she only has a "cameo" role
According to last night's Entertainment Tonight, she shot all of her scenes in 3 days!

The ENTIRE film was done on blue-screen. In fact, there was a making-of clip that showed Gwenyth coming through a door. She, the doorman and the door itself were the only 'real life' objects. EVERYTHING else was bluescreen.

The filmmaker stated that he was going for the look of the old Superman cartoon, and if you see the trailer, you can definitely see where the influence has come from.

I am sceptical about this film, but will see it with an open mind. I find sometimes that going to a film with the expectancy of disappointment will make the film better and more enjoyable, only cuz you think it's gunna be bad, so anything is an improvement.
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Post by gobo »

I've never been too fond of Angelina. She's godawful in those Tomb Raider movies. She plays it so cool, you never get the sense that she's in any real danger. Harrison wisely played Indy like he was always in over his head, which adds to the excitement. Besides, she looks like her dad in drag. I watched Catch-22 the other day, and he looks so much like her, it's scary.
That aside, I'm REALLY looking forward to Sky Captain. The imagery is straight out of those magnificent Max Fleischer Superman cartoons from the forties. How can you not love a movie where the villain is a mad scientist called Dr. Totenkopf?
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Oh, yeah, Wynona's the one who can't STEAL her way out of a paper bag!

Ba-DUM! Chhhh!!! :lol:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Well, considering she got caught... Something tells me she wouldn't have made it out of the temple with the idol without setting off the alarms there, either. :wink:
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Post by Flattery »

The movie looks interesting, but from what I've read, there's absolutely no physical sets... which is ridiculous, in my opinion. Actors and actresses perform better on real sets, and a movie being over 90% CGI takes away from the art of filmmaking. But hey, I'll see it. I like the jacket Ewan wears.... oh yeah, and the fedoras are awesome.

Speaking of Indy IV... if someone other than Lucas had written the script, I bet it'd be in production by now. They need to hurry! Ford's getting old!
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

Actually, he was beginning to look over the hill in LC already... makeup dept. generally did a good job, but take a look at his face when he's on top of the tank, about to go down the cliff - you know, when his hat blows off. That is a face of an old man...
Not that age is an issue, though - I'd love to see HF as an old Indy in a movie... anything to annihilate the image of that vulgar, bloated eye-patch geezer rambling away in YIJC... that guy is just so wrong... :lol:
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Post by Shawnkara »

I've just about had it with CGI garbage taking the place on an actual script. My prediction for "Skycaptain"? It will defy the very laws of physics by proving that a thing can both **** AND blow at the same time.

Hey, Fist... Glad to see I'm not the only one waiting for 'Shaun of the Dead'. Great title, even though they spelled my name wrong :lol: Did you pick up the 'Dawn' 4-disc set yet? Great stuff!

What's that Mike Myers's character quote from SNL? "If it's not Indy, Star Wars or horror it's @#$%!" Sometihng like that, anyway. Sorry, didn't mean to steer an off-topic post even more off-topic :P
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Post by zeus36 »

Shawnkara wrote: What's that Mike Myers's character quote from SNL? "If it's not Indy, Star Wars or horror it's @#$%!" Sometihng like that, anyway. Sorry, didn't mean to steer an off-topic post even more off-topic :P

was it the Scottish Soccer Hooligans character?

or Dieter on Sprockets?
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Post by Ghos7a55assin »

I just watched some behind the scenes stuff and Jude's fedora has a really wide brim.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I'm going to hold off judging the movie until I actually see it. I'm really pulling for this filck, if it does well then we'll see more of its kind.

I'm always in favor of seeing more retro-flicks. I've waited for something like this for a long time.
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

There is that one coming out soon with Nicholas Cage as some kind of adventurer/explorer, but I can't come up with the name at the moment....
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Post by Indiana Jarmyr »

There is that one coming out soon with Nicholas Cage as some kind of adventurer/explorer, but I can't come up with the name at the moment....
Perhaps it's this one? National treasure
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

That's the one... although I shake my head whenever I see the poster. I just don't but Nick Cage as that kind of character; he's too neurotic, not really suave enough.
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Post by Shawnkara »

It wasn't any of those characters, actually (the Myers character I reffered to). It was that kilt-wearing shop owner...

"Welcome to 'All Things Scottish'. If it's not Scottish, it's @#$%!"

Just as Ren is holding out for 'SkyCaptain' I'm kinda hopeful for 'National Treasure'. Quite a long time ago I was wanting to see a version of 'Tomb Raider' that was a bit more grounded, more realistic in terms of what the Lara Croft/Indy characters might actually be like.
Another film vaguely in that vein is Johnny Depp's 'The Ninth Gate'. He plays a guy named Dean Coursoe, whose a free-lance historian of sorts. He studies, tracks down and autenticates very rare volumes of literature. He's hired by Boris Balken (Frank Langella) to find a particular volume of Satanic rites and finds himself in a really dark supernatural plot. It's really good and worth seeing. But as I know many of you here were put off by the dark tones of ToD I'll warn you now, the movie deals HEAVILY with Satanic lore, practices and rituals.
Sorry to go even further off topic. But it's always nice to find films that are least close to the ballpark of Indy.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

I saw 10 minutes of "The Phantom" (1996) with Katherine Zeta Jones on TV yesterday. Looked good! The Phantom seemed to be a simple Indy style guy. His girl had "Moxie" like Marrion. The action was over the top, and 30's serial-style at times. Anybody else like it?
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Post by gobo »

I like The Phantom, too. It's a fun, lighthearted adventure flick, but I thought Billy Zane was miscast. The runner-up for the part was Bruce Campbell, he would have been a better choice.
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Post by zeus36 »

Saw it in the theaters when it came out. Did not like the pirate's sets at the end, but after re-watching it, I saw some nice lids!
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Post by Neolithic »

Renderking Fisk wrote:I'm always in favor of seeing more retro-flicks. I've waited for something like this for a long time.
Then wait for Peter Jackson's King Kong! :D
That's one retro flick I'm very much waiting to see (of course with Indy IV)...
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Sky Captain and the World Of Tomorrow Review.

Post by OmegaIndy »

Just to let anyone know who might be interested I came across a review for this movie which sounded pretty good.

Reviewer gives Indy references in the review.

Beware: possible small general storyline spoilers in the review.
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Post by zeus36 »

Hi all !!

I just saw the movie and I am pumped up!! This is one that should not be missed at the theater up on the big screen. I think the link to the movie review just above this post is says it better than anything I can, except to say " SEE THE MOVIE." I'll bet this will be restarting a trend just as Raiders did in the 80's.

Great costumes, (vintage clothes), wild scenes, action, adventure, and a lot things familiar to folks who grew up watching serials at the bijou.
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Post by Indiana Croft »

I to just came home from seeing SkyCaptain and it was awsome, I mean talk about retro filming, you almost think your watching black and white.

Don't miss this flick on the big screen my COW friends it's very good.
Two thumbs up. :tup: :tup:

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Post by Michaelson »

I liked it too, but fall somewhere between the two reviews above in opinion. I really liked the way it was portrayed, and they were VERY true to the original concept and comic book to the acting...I guess when all you're doing is performing point/counterpoint to a blue screen for 90% of the film, and there were more than likely more than one take per shot, I guess it would eventually show through your acting in a few scenes...but that said, it wasn't all that apparent to me. I felt like I got my monies worth, but would probably not go back to see it again until it came out on DVD or video. It is worth seeing at least once on big screen, in my opinion. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I saw this film yesterday and I went in there really wanting to like it. I am sorry to admit, I found it beautiful to look at, but a little boring. And there were some problems, most noteably, Gwen Paltrow.

Gwen Paltrow ruined Sky Captain worse than Sofia Coppola ruined The Godfather III. What a horrid performance. Jude Law was good, and the camera loves Angelina Jolie (though, I would have been upset if I had gone to the movie to see more of her). The film was very nice to look at: the overall style was consistent and cohesive; a fine interpretation of art deco forms. I also appreciated the allusions to The Wizard of Oz, Metropolis, and the 1939 world's fair.

However, the film had no soul. There was no real sense of impending danger. And it seemed, for lack of a better word, uninhabited. There weren't enough people anywhere!

Overall, I hesitate to criticize a film of this type because I respected it so much, I really did. I respected it much more than I liked it. I could say more, but I don't want to give anything away. This might sound contradictory, but I do advise everyone to see it. It's great to look at.
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

The film was beautifully and cleverly shot, but the story and the acting left a lot to be desired.

[quote="Hemingway Jones]However, the film had no soul. There was no real sense of impending danger. And it seemed, for lack of a better word, uninhabited. There weren't enough people anywhere! [/quote]

I couldn't have said it better. Most of the movie, like most of an atom, was empty space.

I straight up don't like Gwenyth Paltrow. Nothing I have seen her in to date has proven to me that she deserves the hype she seems to get. The woman seems to have an incapability to emote.

I like Jude Law, and he had a solid performance in this movie, but I believe he was miscast. I think someone a little more snappier and funnier would have been better placed, though I can't really think of anyone off the top of my head. There is, or course, the fact that Mr. Law produced the film.

The costumes were really cool, with one problem. The fedoras. The crowns and brims were way to short and the fedoras were tapered to high heaven. I think they missed the mark on that one.

IMO the best part of the movie was the first 15 minutes, when it really looks like you're watching old hero cartoon from the 30s/40s come to life. The style was great, and it had a lot of potential, but I think their aim was just a bit off on this one.
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Post by Michaelson »

Actually, I think that acting pretty much helped it for me, as do you recall anyone 'emoting' in any way, shape, or form in the original comics? I don't, and so what I saw is what I already had in my 'minds eye' to how they reacted to the 'world around them', so to speak. I mean, flying their P-40 through the flying hazards that they did, and pretty much reacting like 'another day, another dollar' was how the original books showed Sky Captain to be. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Mattdeckard »

It was like watching a 1930's radio Drama.
The emotions were the same.
I thought the acting was fine.

They were who they were supposed to be!

Paltrow had her hat on backwards, and men's hats were very modern.
Last edited by Mattdeckard on Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Michaelson »

We're on the same page, Matt. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Gater »

I saw this last night, and have to say that I wasn't a HUGE fan of the film. The reviews have all praised it highly, but maybe I was missing something (??)

Although, if I am not mistaken, the gun that Law had was a smaller looking Webley. I cannot recall the name of the gun mentioned in prev. posts regarding the unreliable pistols that resemble the Webley, but it looked like one of those in shape and frame.
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Post by Michaelson »

Enfield. You're was one or the other. I didn't get a long enough look either. :? Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Blizzard »

looks like the movie is not doing well at the boxoffice.
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Post by Gater »

Michaelson wrote:Enfield. You're was one or the other. I didn't get a long enough look either. :? Regards. Michaelson
ENFIELD!! THANK YOU!! that was bugging me!!

It looked smaller than a Webley, so I presumed it was the Enfield model.
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Post by T.E. Lawrence »

Other than being a STUNNING movie to watch I was quite board - and usually all I watch are films from the era. This was a fine attempt and a smashing vission but a seasoned filmmaker might have but a bit more into the script a performances. My main concern with emotting actors is that the - well- "emote?" most actors don't get the idea of qick and clever banter. . . everything has to mean something. One of the few actors who seems to get it is the guy who plays Jamison in the Spiderman flics. Having said all that - I recomend this film SC to anyone who like Visual Tapestries. And Kudos to the filmmaker for getting it done.
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Post by zeus36 »

Well, it's the #1 movie in America and I'm going to see it again tomorrow.
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Post by T.E. Lawrence »

Its easy to be #1 when there is no other competition at the time. In truth the box office is not so great - too bad I would like to see more films trying to catch this flavor.

But just to give it a fair shake I saw it again this weekend. Not to sound rude, but since my expectations re: story and performance were lowered after the first viewing I actually enjoyed it more the second time around. The visual effects are beyond perfection -- now if we can just get Gweneth to understand that they give awards for best acting -- not more acting!
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Saw it and liked it!

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Well...on a trip to Toronto "where they actually have a theatre" I dropped $13 bucks to see it. I can say honestly that I really enjoyed it :D . Minus the acting job of Paltrow (who just didn't seem to get into it, probably due to acting against bluescreen) it was everything "Boys Own" would have published. I loved the giant Robots, P40's, Zepplins all the stuff of my Childhood imagination. The one thing I had a hard time adjusting to was the slightly fuzzy look. I know it was ment to be that way but I kept taking off my glasses to see if I'd smudged them :lol: .
As for Angelina...Well, "there's something about a woman with an eye patch! :wink: ".

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Post by HJJr »

Just saw t. The CGI was cool. The script was extremely weak in dialogue. Finally, this director should be whipped :wink: for making Paltrow and Jolie look so bad.
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

I thought that flick was awesome all around!

Great hats too.
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