So what happened to all the Kangaroo Indys?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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So what happened to all the Kangaroo Indys?

Post by Lemon »

Hi Everyone, I'm new to COW, but have been visiting Indygear for some time. I've got my WPG MkVII bag, but now am shopping for THE jacket.

I'm intrigued by the kangaroo from US Wings, but aside from an Ebay auction a few weeks ago (which I was really bummed about missing out on) they never seem to be for sale on the secondhand market.

Were these items just very rare or is it that people hang on to them forever?

I'm likely to buy one as soon as US Wings has a sale again, but was curious about the lack of traffic on them.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Welcome! Sorry, can't help you on the Roo' - I know a few people out here have seen or owned them. I think _ has/had one, as well as Indydawg perhaps?

Glad you got your account up and going ok! :wink: :)
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Post by Michaelson »

Rare? Not especially. The color was/is just to red to suit a lot of hard core fans, and the price WAY out range of most other Indy jacket, with the exception of the new Kevlar Wings offering. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Jess »

Welcome Lemon!

Michaelson, I knew there was a reason why we don't hear about them around here. Thanks for the reminder about the color.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Yeah, but they come standard with an extra interior pocket! :roll:

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Post by Michaelson »

I guess if you can get around the color and price, folks who have them love them, as they're light as a feather, but tough as a tank due to the 'roo leather. I've only seen one myself, and have to say it was really red....a bit TO red for even MY taste. :? Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Jess »

The only thing that would go with the jacket would be the pumpkin colored Aldens then.
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Hmm, red.

Post by Lemon »

Strange, I guess I will have to wait and see if I can live with the reddish color. I've got a russet horsehide A-2 that I wear in the winter, so if the color is closer to russet, I can live with it.

I asked Flightsuits if they'd do a russet or seal Indy, but they said they wouldn't consider "custom" orders for at least 6-8 months (they are backordered on regular dark seal Indy's until November!). They sent me a swatch of the dark seal, but it is just too dark for my taste.

So why not a Wested? I'd rather spend my money on US workers right now. With the exchange rate the way it is, it is not much cheaper to get one from the UK, so why not help out the economy a bit?

Thanks for all the replies so far!
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Post by Rob »

The concept of the jacket really appeals to me, despite the colour thing. It's kinda funny, however, that something which is shot in my backyard has to go to the States, then back here again, before I can buy it! :)
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Post by FLATHEAD »

So why not a Wested? I'd rather spend my money on US workers right now. With the exchange rate the way it is, it is not much cheaper to get one from the UK, so why not help out the economy a bit?
This is fine as long as you can fit into a one-size-fits-many jacket. The
jackets from U.S. Wings are made to fit several sizes in each jacket size,
so if you know that you fit good in a large or medium, then thats great.

However, most people, like me, who are kind of inbetween a large and
a medium don't usually fit these types of jackets. I have a Wings Indy
jacket in the Vintage cowhide, in a size large, and its alittle too big on me.
The medium was just a little too small, so I went with the large because
I would rather have it too big than too small.

And god forbid you need to have any alterations done to it! Like if you
need shorter or longer sleeves than normal, or if you want a longer
body or any other custom features. Wings will not do any of that for
you. You get what you get.

And then, after you have the jacket, and you deside that you do need
some alterations, you have to find a person near you that does it, and
then you have to pay them, and that will add to the overall price of
the jacket.

A Wested on the other hand can be customized to your EXACT specs,
in many different types of leather choices for VERY little cost if any.
And, if you don't like it, you can send it back for either another one, or
your money back. You can do that with Wings also, but you will get a
hassle in doing it, and then it can take months for your credit to show

So, you can either have a very expensive Wings jacket, that was made
to fit a whole range of sizes, that does not have custom length sleeves,
does not have a custom length body, does not have gussets if you want
them, does not come in different leather choices without costing more,
and is not an authentic Indy jacket.

Or, you can order a Wested, get it custom tailored to your exact specs
with your proper length sleeves, a body length made to your liking,
gussets if you want them, a big choice of leather types without having to
pay alot extra for the choice, and the fact that its an authentic Indy
jacket made by the same guy who made the original.

Its your choice of course, but if price is the only thing that matters, its
still cheaper, even with the current exchange rate, to get a Wested. I
currently own jackets from Wested and Wings, and I can tell you that
I will take a Wested, with my custom features over a Wings any day
of the week! Its just a better fitting, custom made to fit me only jacket,
and it still cost me less than the Wings jacket that does not quite fit me

Oh, also remember that these Kangaroo jackets, as they start to get
some distressing to them, the distressed areas are very dark, almost
black in color, not the nice tanish color we all are looking for. Be
aware of that when making your choice.

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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Actually he was referring to purchasing a Flightsuit Leather Jacket, not US Wings. Yes, US Wings has the standard Small, Medium, etc etc sizes but Flightsuits has more sizing with 38 - 40 -42 - 44 etc. So it's more precise for a fit than S-M-L-XL are. I think you saw US purchases and thought he meant US Wings...

And actually I have two US Wings jackets myself. I like them very much. Yes, I had to have the sleeves brought up about an inch, but that's it. Otherwise, they fit right "off the rack" for me at least. And as an Indy Jacket goes, they have many of the Indy Features we expect of a jacket, including:

Bucket Cuffs
Cargo Pockets with Handwarmers
Action Pleats with D-Rings (ToD & LC)
A very LC Style Collar size
ToD Sized pockets

Yes, they are not made to your specs like a Wested, but they are still great jackets built to Military Specs and are probably a good hybrid of the three movies jackets in one. And to be honest, outside of this community most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Wested, Expo, or a US Wings anyway. And that's why they're still listed on the main site as a good Indy Jacket (and will continue to be).
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Post by Indiana Jess »

I think he's orginally asking about a US Wings (in his first post) since Flightsuits wouldn't consider doing a custom jacket for 6 -8 months. If your interested US Wings currently has a sale of some of their WWII A-2 jackets in cowhide or horsehide for $99.95. Limited to stock on hand though.

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Post by FLATHEAD »

Actually he was referring to purchasing a Flightsuit Leather Jacket, not US Wings.
This is what he said in his first post:
I'm intrigued by the kangaroo from US Wings, but aside from an Ebay auction a few weeks ago (which I was really bummed about missing out on) they never seem to be for sale on the secondhand market.

Were these items just very rare or is it that people hang on to them forever?

I'm likely to buy one as soon as US Wings has a sale again, but was curious about the lack of traffic on them.
He did not mention anything about Flightsuits in his initial inquiry. That
is the question I placed an answer to. Just to be clear.

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Post by FLATHEAD »

Yes, I had to have the sleeves brought up about an inch, but that's it.
Just out of curiosity, how much did you pay for this service?

When I originally ordered my Wings jacket, and I had to get the
sleeves shortened, Wings would not do it, so they told me to send
it back to the people who made it for them, which was Neil Cooper.

Coopers charged me $22.00 to shorten the sleeves and send the
jacket back to me. I thought that was not too bad.

But, when you factor in the price of the original Wings jacket, which
was $339.00, plus $19.95 to ship it, plus the $22.00 to fix it, that comes
to about $381.00!!

I can get a horsehide Wested, custom made to my exact specs, and
even with the current exchange rate, plus shipping from england, I would
still not spend that much, and have custom jacket that was made only
for me, and is an exact fit, not a its-almost-right fit.

Believe me, I am not knocking the Wings jacket as far as how it
was made, or whether its not a nice jacket or not. Its a well made
jacket, that is very tough. But for the price, I will pick a custom made
jacket over a standard size one, in my choice of leather, any day
of the week.

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Post by Swindiana »

Interesting topic...

Just in order not to make a new post I figured this one could go under the same category. This is where the Indy Kangaroo went:


Sorry, just couldn't help it with some time off for a change. :)

Move along.. right?

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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

Move along? More like sing along! :lol:
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Post by Swindiana »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
So, you just peel the skin and then a David Morgan comes off it?

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Post by jjkillin »

Kind of like shrimp.... :-k
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

So, you just peel the skin and then a David Morgan comes off it?
No, the whip hangs in the roo's Noel Howard whip holder.
This way, there's no harm done to the critter - you only need intermediate pickpocketing skills...
[EDIT - added bag for roo artifacts]
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Post by Swindiana »

Keeping in mind that they usually keep their babies in their pockets it could be a difficult task to conqer since they might be a bit protective of Gearhands coming near them... 8)

Survival in Australia 5.6: Pickpocketing a Kangaroo for needful things

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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Indiana Jess wrote:I think he's orginally asking about a US Wings (in his first post) since Flightsuits wouldn't consider doing a custom jacket for 6 -8 months.
You are correct, so I therefore stand corrected. Or sit actually, as standing and typing don't quite go well together... :wink:
FLATHEAD wrote:Just out of curiosity, how much did you pay for this service?
I don't recall off hand, as it was over a year ago when I had it done. But probably in the $15 range by a local tailor.
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Post by Lemon »

Thanks to everyone who posted! It has been enlightening for me. I'll probably go ahead and get the US Wings Kangaroo (when they go back on sale of course), but I'll reserve the right to abruptly change my mind if the pics of the new Wested horsehide are to my liking.

I've got a horsehide A-2 and it is one heck of a tough leather (but apparently kangaroo is even tougher in the same weight)
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Post by Michaelson »

Actually, it's tougher and LIGHTER in weight. Sort of like comparing titanium and steel. Regards. Michaelson
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