Can someone post the pic of Indy going into the Well of Souls, which gives a straight down view on the top of his Fedora please

Thanks in advance!

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Me too. I just turned my hat, btw. Looks much cooler.IndyMcFly wrote:What cheeses me off is that I can't get my center dent to look like that without the hat tapering, and then if I do get it, I can't wear the hat where I want it without my head pushing it back up to where I've got it where it is now!!! Argh!
I'm not a huge fan of the turn... and I don't know how my hat would turn out if I unbashed it - might have a crease from my pinch. Do you think we can't get that center dent because our crowns aren't high enough? You've got a Fed, right VP?VP wrote:Me too. I just turned my hat, btw. Looks much cooler.IndyMcFly wrote:What cheeses me off is that I can't get my center dent to look like that without the hat tapering, and then if I do get it, I can't wear the hat where I want it without my head pushing it back up to where I've got it where it is now!!! Argh!
Does the AB come prebashed? I was considering the hat and I don't know how confident I would be messing around with such a nice hat. e.g. bashing and shaping the hat myself. I was curious how you received it from Steve.Indiana_Tone wrote:Thanks Jpenman! I just took these two. Have had the hat on for about five hours since that last set. As far as the top dent, I almost never mess with it so it's pretty consistent with the first ones. Here's the front view, though it's difficult to get a sense of the "deep bash" theory from this angle.
Yeah, just the same I'd prefer someone experienced do it.. It's an expensive hat and no matter how easy everyone says it is I still find myself a little apprehensive with 200 plus dollar item I know so little about from personal experience.Indiana_Tone wrote:Ransom,
Fedora will bash your A/B in any style you like when you order. That comes with the purchase.
I ordered mine open-crowned and bashed it myself. There are many excellent tutorials here for bashing a hat.