Okay I admit that it's pretty lame, but until they make that new Indy film, pickins are slim!

Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
So sanford and son is a US remake of 'Steptoe and son' I take it?
Yeah, apparently so. Being Yankish, I had never heard of Steptoe and Son until I watched The Making of A Hard Day's Night. After that, all those 'Clean Old Man' jokes made a whole lot more sense.ob1al wrote:So sanford and son is a US remake of 'Steptoe and son' I take it?
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !Glurrk wrote:Just to keep this thread Indy-related, how about picturing the truck-chase scene from Raiders with the Sanford & Son theme playing, especially when they drive through that little construction site.
Or, when Donovan shoots Dr. Jones Sr, Sean Connery grasps his chest and staggers about , yelling "Oh, Elizabeth! It's the BIG ONE!"
When confronted by Hovitos, Indy doesn't pull out his gun. Instead, he asks Belloq, "How would you like one across your lip?"
When asked about the Grail Diary, Dr. Jones Sr. looks at his son and replies, "Did you think my son would be so stupid as to bring it all the way back to where I sent it? You didn't, did you? You DID? You BIG DUMMY!"
Indy doesn't tell Mola Ram to "meet Kali Ma in ####". Instead, he says, "Mola Ram... I oughtta push your face in some dough, and make me some gorilla cookies!"
Or how about this classic scene:
Sallah: "Please, what is it with this "Big Dummy?"
Dr.Jones Sr.: "That's his name. Big Dummy Jones."
Indy: "I LIKE Indiana..."
Dr.Jones Sr.: "We named the DOG Indiana, you big dummy!"
One last one-
Dr.Jones Sr.:"Remember, only in the Word of God will he proceed..."
Indy: "Word of God...hmm...letters on the floor...how about Gazinta?"
Dr.Jones Sr.: "Gazinta? Gazinta's not a word!"
Indy: "Sure it is! Two gazinta four twice, four gazinta eight twice..."