We're like the old-timers

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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We're like the old-timers

Post by Flash Gordon »

I was chatting with the father of a friend the other night, and I asked him what he remembered about fedora-wearing...brand names, etc. He's about 80-years old, and could only remember the Adams and Lee brands. Then he said:

"I do remember one thing very well. Men used to spend a LOT of time fiddling around with the brim and the crown to get just the right look. It all depended whose hat you wanted yours to look like...Humphrey Bogart or Paul Muni, or whomever.

You'd tweek the brim a little more here or there, and then you'd maybe sweep one side up a little or squeeze the pinch a little tighter. Over time, it would finally look just the way you wanted it. Then you'd get the hat cleaned and blocked and have to start all over.

Those without any style would just wear the hat the way it came."

So, we're true fedora-wearers in the old-style with all our obsession over just the right look.
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Post by Indiana Jess »

When I first saw the thread I thought it was going to be about Michaelson, but then it dawned on me the title is "We're LIKE old timers" and not "We ARE old timers" :shock: :-#

Half the fun of having hats is the constant tweeking of the bash and brim, half is wearing them, and half is the compliments I get ... wait that doesn't add up right. Shouldn't there be another half in there somewhere?
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

That's a scary thought... I was old before I was young. I still have pictures of me fiddling with my wool fedora's alternating between Bogart and Ford.
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Re: We're like the old-timers

Post by Pyroxene »

Flash Gordon wrote: "I do remember one thing very well. Men used to spend a LOT of time fiddling around with the brim and the crown to get just the right look. It all depended whose hat you wanted yours to look like...Humphrey Bogart or Paul Muni, or whomever.
Yes! That's good to know..
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I've been considered an "old soul" by many in the past, so I guess I'm glad to be considered an "old timer" if I like to twek my hats and clothes somewhat. Besides, how many people wear braces (suspenders) and bow ties anymore? :wink: bink
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Post by indybill »

While my current fedora is what I'd call a cheapie, I can relate to this.
I've had this hat for 3-4 years now and during that time I have tweaked
it here and there to get the pinch and the brim just how I like it. Of course
this means that it's now time to buy a new hat and start all over building
that relationship with a new friend. :lol:

I take it as a compliment to be compared with 'old timers'. To me the
title implies honesty, integrety, and a more gentlemanly approach to
living (if that's really a word?). So here's to our group of gentlemen
(and ladies :wink: ) . Cheers!

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Post by Michaelson »

#-o No comment. (Only because Jess got to this post before I did. :wink: ) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Blizzard »

I yern for the old days when men wore hats and women wore (god forbid)dresses and skirts, cool cars and class was the order of the day... :)
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Post by Mulceber »

Indiana Blizzard wrote:I yern for the old days when men wore hats and women wore (god forbid)dresses and skirts, cool cars and class was the order of the day... :)
Amen! It's great to hear that we aren't the only ones who've fiddled with our hats trying to emulate a certain character. :junior: -IJ
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Post by thePawn »

I'm curious, who's are oldest member and who's are youngest that actually wears a hat everyday?
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I'm 35 in July and I wear mine everyday.
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Post by Mulceber »

thePawn wrote:I'm curious, who's are oldest member and who's are youngest that actually wears a hat everyday?
Does anybody really need to ask? It's obviously Michaelson. :) :junior: -IJ
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Post by Indiana »

Renderking Fisk wrote:I'm 35 in July and I wear mine everyday.
You old geezer Ren! :wink:
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Post by Indiana »

Im 14 and I wear mine a lot.
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Post by Mulceber »

I'm 15 and wear mine alot too. :junior: -IJ
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Post by JrZyBud »

Im 21 and and I dont have a Fedora as of yet, but I will hopefully in like 2 weeks and when I get it Im going to wear it all the time!
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Post by Sheffield Jones »

Indiana wrote:
You old geezer Ren!
I resemble that remark :D

I turned 35 in March,and I wear my Fed every single day.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Back in my day... we didn't disrespect our elders. Mostly cause they were too slow and got eaten by dinosaurs.
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Post by indiana smith »

I'm a few years younger than 15 and i wear my hat everyday. Everyone thinks i'm a pilgrim. :roll:
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Post by airforceindy »

WOW!!! I though I was one of the young-uns! 12, 13, 14, 15... I'm astounded! I'm 26 and wear mine just about every time I leave the house not in uniform...
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Post by Weston »

My Grandad is the one who inspired me to work with felt hats. He worked on ranches in Wyoming after he go back from overseas in WWII, and a well worn Stetson is as much a part of him as anything else. My Raiders fedora is a hat I bought for him and ended up back with it because the fit wasn't quite right. Now, I'm the one fixing his hat whenever I go out to visit.

As to my age, tonight my daughter was singing a song, and I caught a verse: 'My Daddy's 30, but he's still young!'

31 actually, in less than 2 weeks.

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Post by airforceindy »

Happy almost-Birthday, Weston! You're gettin' old, man! :lol:
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Post by Piker »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Besides, how many people wear braces (suspenders) and bow ties anymore? :wink: bink
I do, 4 out of the last 5 work days as a matter of fact. I don't have to wear a tie on Fridays.

Spring and as such have been getting a new wardrobe, and you know what? even though I am only 5 foot 8" tall, long waisted pants fit better.... And with braces you can go up in waist size, get more room in there and the pants stay up.

IF you really want to be looks, drive a well kept, green 16 year old Aussie made convertible, and wear a bow-tie and a fedora in rush hour traffic. Turning the hat helps it stay on at 45mph+
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Well, I don't wear bow ties unless I am in a tuxedo and generally don't wear suspenders unless I am in a suit, but I never leave home without a fedora. I don't have an Indy fedora yet, though I have two on order, but I own other style fedora hats and constantly tweak them for the right look. And now I don't alone in being called a "70 something year old man in a 20 something year old kids body). I don't just wear fedoras but dress for a time long since gone. A time when men dressed to kill and always looked spot on. I even get all "crabby" when I see young people not dressing or acting a certain way. Boy, do I miss the good old days!

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Post by agent5 »

70 something year old man in a 20 something year old kids body
What I've found is that quite a few people here over the years DO act like a 70 year old at 20-something. I just get a laugh out of it. I once dated a girl who reminded me of everyones favorite 70 year old great-aunt who was trapped in an 18 year old body. It was just her attitude. It was this annoying factor that forced me to break up with her.
I yern for the old days when men wore hats and women wore (god forbid)dresses and skirts, cool cars and class was the order of the day...
That is an incredibly nice fantasy to have, but then you have to face the reality that those days are so long gone. Nice to revisit them from time to time playing dress-up and stuff, maybe have a vintage car as a hobby, but to make it a daily habit to live in the past is a bit odd to me since we live in the present.
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Post by Mulceber »

I definitely agree, Agent5. You can't step into the same stream twice. The '30's were a nice era, and while it's cool to wear that style of clothing, that period is long gone. Better to live in the present, acknowledge the foolishness of modern fashion for what it is and live with some common sense. :junior: -M
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

bow ties
I do, but not braces. I like different belts and buckles, and wearing both is a little too old guy even for me. I don't wear garters on my socks, either (though my father did), and lost my spats about 35 years ago.
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Mulceber wrote:I definitely agree, Agent5. You can't step into the same stream twice. The '30's were a nice era, and while it's cool to wear that style of clothing, that period is long gone. Better to live in the present, acknowledge the foolishness of modern fashion for what it is and live with some common sense. :junior: -M
That doesn't mean you can't modernize the look or at least keep it semi contemporary. If I am dressing casual then I will leave my house in slacks and either a polo shirt or a long sleeve rolled up. As soon as the temperature drops even remotely close to 70 (I live in Miami so that is cool here) I put on a jacket. You can dress like a gentleman (what the 30's were all about) without living in the past. I can live in modern times without stooping down to the level of most other people my age. Don't be afraid to wear slacks instead of jeans (though that is ok), give up your seat for a lady or tip your hat in salutation. Be a gentleman. Have that 30's spirit.

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