Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Wested.

Discuss technique for prolonging the life of your gear or giving it that aged look

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Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Wested.

Post by HerculeTheFox »

I bought this jacket a few months ago and tried to fight the artificial distress bug...and I made it this far so...I guess that's better than nothing...baby steps. However, I went very easy because I wanted that not overly weathered idol grab, Raiders look. So I'm interested in your opinion, should I go a bit heavier, tips, tricks that might help, whatever. :[
Method: (Our Methods are not as different; you and I.) *Sorry had to! :shock:
1-Right out of the box I wore it half a day and put Bick4 conditioner on it. I wore it everyday for last two months (my wife can swear to it.)
2- Balled and rolled and packed it in my rucksack for a few days. When I wasn't wearing it I didn't hang it up but tossed it on my go bag or in/on a chair
3- cotton ball of rubbing alcohol, light rubing on natural rubbed, more Bick4 conditioner.
4- small scouring pad very light grain and I applied very little pressure and it took like 2 hours or so.
5- ( Want to change out them D rings!!)
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Re: Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Weste

Post by Illinois_Jones »

Well here's the deal: chrome tanned goat does NOT distress like other finished leathers. Its fibers are particularly tight and dense and arranged uniquely. That, combined with its low cost, is why the military uses it. It will crinkle before it takes any surface wear the way cow or horse or lamb does.

That said, some high grit sand paper in the places where you want that kind of wear, and you will need some leather dye unless you're ok with the distinctive grey undertone of the chrome tanning, and some acetone for those areas like the elbows and other places that would see rubbing and stretching and to generally break up the monotone surface. Go lightly and take your time and be extra sure you want it.

Also, is that a Wested OTR jacket? Did you buy it new a few months ago? It looks... different. Like they put the Hero collar on it and scalloped the pockets more.
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Re: Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Weste

Post by HerculeTheFox »

It is the otr Wested and yes it was bought new a few months ago. Sort of wishing I had gone with the hero to be honest...which I might do here soon.
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Re: Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Weste

Post by marker2037 »

Goat just isn't going to show wear like other leathers will so since you wanted a tough, fairly new looking idol grab jacket, you'll end up with that style looking jacket for many, many years unless you purposely use some sandpaper like substances on it.
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Re: Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Weste

Post by Illinois_Jones »

HerculeTheFox wrote:It is the otr Wested and yes it was bought new a few months ago. Sort of wishing I had gone with the hero to be honest...which I might do here soon.
Well you're probably better served starting out with the standard. It usually takes several go-arounds to get a Hero with the right measurements if you go in blind. Now you have one, you know how it fits and exactly what the measurements are on it, and based on that Wested and the forum can help you dial in the measurement compensations to get the right fitting Hero.
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Re: Looking for Feedback: Lightly Aged, Raiders, Goat, Wested.

Post by drewgarcia618 »

While it’s not a Wested, but I own a goat Relic Hunter… and after 2.5 years of being my only leather jacket, it looked pretty new still: https://imgur.com/a/jx1O8RK
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