cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by SkauneJohan »

I bought one in size medium, real wool felt, nice fit and just love it a lot, especially for the price ... 9369-p.asp" onclick=";return false;

I will add pictures in my next post, I am gonna use this post here" onclick=";return false; for base of my review
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Re: cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by SkauneJohan »

lets look at the front view first

it has the bumps when tilted forward, crown is slightly tapered towards top, center crease is pretty similar to last crusade

here is the side view, curve across top of the crown is correct, straight back is also correct, side bash looks to be correct shape, a little too much upwards bend in the snap brim on the rear, front brim looks pretty good, front of crown should have either straight or two angles, it seems to have the two angles but starting above the ribbon (wich is incorrect)


Lets take a look at the top center dent, looks like temple of doom?

Closeup of the ribbon, looks pretty good imho



How are the measurements then?
According to cotsworlscountryhats home site
Brim width aprox front 2,75inch (7cm) sides 2,4 inch (6cm)
Crown hight aprox 5,5inch (14cm)
Ribbon aprox 1,5inch (4cm)

The real indy hat dimensions according to" onclick=";return false;
Brim width front 2,75inch (7cm) sides 2,625 inch (6,6cm)
Crown hight 5,5inch(14cm)
Ribbon 1,5inch (3,9cm)

Pretty good for the price, can probably get very screen accurate with some steaming?

All in all a great fedora for the price :whip:
Last edited by SkauneJohan on Tue Dec 10, 2019 2:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by Indy Magnoli »

That looks more than "slightly tapered" but probably doesn't help that it's sitting on what looks like a round object instead of an oval like your head. I'm sure it looks better being worn.
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Re: cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by SkauneJohan »

thanks for the reply indy magnoli :tup:

here is some pictures from it when i was wearing it on my head, from the back it looks sraight from the front it looks tapered


from the back it looks straight :[
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Re: cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by SkauneJohan »

Do you want more pictures? Any comments? Would be nice to see how it compares to a real indy hat :TOH:
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Re: cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I think it's a fine looking hat for wool felt.

I assume by your comment of "compares to a real Indy hat" you recognize wool felt won't hold up as well to the elements as fur felt does.

That's not to say the hat will fall apart in the rain, but it can shrink or lose it's form if exposed to severe rain.

Ultimately if you like it, it's a great Indy hat.

There is the consideration of what your plans are for it. If it's mainly a costume piece that will be worn a few times a year, you have a great option there. If you are looking for an every day wear in all types of weather hat, then the reality is it won't hold up as well at rabbit or beaver fur felt hats will.


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Re: cotswoldcountryhats Fedora review

Post by SkauneJohan »

It is treated with teflon type of fabric protection, so is supposed to hold up pretty good :-k well time will tell since i wear it a lot ;) for the cost it is no big deal if it only holds a while

For 44 euro or 49 us dollar this is a very good fedora and a lot more screen accurate than others when compared in the same price range \:D/

For beginners this opens the possability to get a full and pretty good indy costume quite cheap
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