Best leather for a Wested TOD?

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Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by rickraptor »

Hello Guys

I'm about to buy a Wested TOD now that it is available again and I have doubts on which leather is better for my needs. I want a jacket for cooler summer nights, spring and early autumn, fitted to my body (TOD style, indeed) and with a soft skin.

I've had a goatskin Wested and it was quite stiff and is kinda rigid. Color was great though.

I have doubts between authentic, shrunken or washed lambskin. Which of these leathers' color is more similar to the movie jacket? Which is more durable?

Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Tibor »

I think shrunken lamb would be excellent for a TOD, and of the three, I think it's probably the most durable. I haven't seen anyone distress the shrunken lamb yet, but I think it would look great with some sleeve wrinkling and a bit of judicious scuffing.
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Obi Sean Kenobi »

Mine is dark brown lamb and I love it!
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by WConly »

Tibor wrote:I think shrunken lamb would be excellent for a TOD, and of the three, I think it's probably the most durable. I haven't seen anyone distress the shrunken lamb yet, but I think it would look great with some sleeve wrinkling and a bit of judicious scuffing.
I would tend to lean towards this too, however owning one of Wested's 'washed lamb-hide' "Skyfall" jackets, I just might go that route. I would really love to see one of these new offerings! It really looks great and now -- back...I go to the old; 'do I really need another jacket -- gig :rolling: ?' I like my ''Skyfall" so much, that I know I really don't 'need' another addition, however this 'one' is truly -- special :TOH: ! What to do :-k ? W>
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Texan Scott »

Why, its raptor hide of course. The thing is they just have to make the trek ever so often up to the artic and find one frozen in ice and thaw him out! Talk about exotic, and rare... #-o seems like there is a little surcharge with it? Do you remember, big dawg? :-k

....I thought you guys knew that, already? :roll:

Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by whipwarrior »

Since they filmed ToD in Sri Lanka, it might just be elephant hide. Didn't they borrow them from a local elephant orphanage? :lol:
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by eporium »

I have recently ordered a Wested ToD in Antique 'Lambtouch' Cowhide, so if you can wait I will be able
to report back on it. I don't know how long the wait will be.
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by indy81 »

I'm liking the TOD style jacket more and more. Thinking it's just going to be a must buy here pretty soon. :lol: I have always wanted a Wested in goatskin. They list it as just that, goatskin. Is it still the softtouch goat I believe they listed it as a while back? Can this new TOD offering be made in the 80's slim fit or is this going to be roomy like the Wested Raiders jackets were(not Hero)?
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by whiskyman »

Pretty sure the TOD is an accurate reproduction of the screen used jacket that belonged to Noel Howerd - that's sort of the point.
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Holt »

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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by DiCatania »

I am tossing around the idea of ordering a TOD but I am pretty sure I read on that Ford hated the fit of the jacket. He refused to wear it after a while because it was so uncomfortable.
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Holt »

And if you order it You will probably get the same feeling... The jacket isn't for everybody... It's for a certain bodytype. Kinda squarish
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Texan Scott »

To me, the jacket just looks ill-fitting. longer than the Raiders jacket, with a wide yoke and token pockets? Its a piece o' work! ;)
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Holt »

The raiders looks ill'fitting as well and it is, but those ill fitting sides of the jackets is probbaly why all we hardcore Indy fans get these jackets... ;)
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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by indy81 »

DiCatania wrote:I am tossing around the idea of ordering a TOD but I am pretty sure I read on that Ford hated the fit of the jacket. He refused to wear it after a while because it was so uncomfortable.
I believe this was due to the lining type they used rather than the jacket overall fitting wrong.

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Re: Best leather for a Wested TOD?

Post by Kt Templar »

If I were to get another ToD, and I have been tempted by a couple of the leathers recently, I would definitely swap the nylon lining for cotton. Probably the heavy duty black cotton I have on a couple of my jackets, I don't mind that it is not screen accurate brown, I like the thickness.
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