Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

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Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Captain D »

Hi all,

I was just toying with the idea of which jacket to purchase at some point int he future: Hero or Special Hero.

Basically, are they the exact same designs - only the 'standard Hero' being made out of lamb and the 'Special Hero' simply gives you more leather options. Is that correct? I'm not too crazy about lambskin, so another leather choice may be best and both options read on the Wested website to be the same designs. Also, for those who own either of these two Hero jackets (standard or Special if they are, in fact, the same designs), can they tend to be 'too' snug of a fitting in the arms, just out of curiosity?

Thank you for any and all input :D ,
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by Texan Scott »

Just as a suggestion, shrunken lamb could be as close to the movie jacket as Wested has ever sourced, based on Peter's own description:
Texan Scott wrote:I was looking back through old shots when I stumbled onto this one:

Take a look at that left sleeve, especially how "crusty" the upper left sleeve looks:
http://www.imdb.com/media/rm590527232/tt0082971" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We always wondered why we never could get the same type of texture from any other leather source, past or present? Here are the reason(s):
PETER wrote:I know l dont usually but it seemed the thing to do and stop all the speculation.
The crust cost about $1 a foot and 50c per foot to contract tan. total $1.50
in those days. About 75p in English.
Modern tanning systems cannot make leather like that, it was tanned in vast wooden drums and then pegged out on wooden frames to dry naturally before pigmentation and pressing but a jacket made from it could stand in a corner by itself. which is why the film jackets were put into old tumble dryers with no heat and a few large pebbles to soften and rough up a bit.
I have been experimenting to recreate the effect and the washed lamb is close but still too soft. Itailians only know soft.We are getting there though
Sorry, Michaelson. my manners are terrible 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to you and all.
The reason why we could never find the right leather is that it does not exist anymore...in exactly that type and texture.
SL is a rustic skin/hide and tanned in the rough with veg. If you are looking for a more authentic flavor, you might consider it? Another one that I have really liked in the past is the dark brown goat. Same design, only the Special gives you more leather options. The difference is that the SL costs more.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by indymassilia »

About the washed lambskin,is someone have got a sample or a jacket made with this leather by Wested recently ?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by Captain D »

Thanks guys for the replies & info. ;)

Its great to hear that both 'Hero' jackets are the same design; just comes down to leather option more or less. And, great history on the original hide there Texan, :tup: . I also contacted Gemma whether or not their goatskin as you had mentioned, listed under the Special Hero, is the dark-brown or authentic shade to which she stated was the latter of the two colors, unfortunately as I tend to prefer the darker shades in Indy jackets, lol. But, its all good!

I appreciate the info on the lambskin, but I never had much luck with lambskin jackets not tearing/ripping on me. So, if I were to put out that much $$ I would like it to be more durable - but thank you anyhow my friend. The great news is that Gemma noted that they can make a Special Hero jacket out of the dark-brown novapelle. With having a sample of that particular hide here to get an idea, I think that may be what I'll go for!

Just out of curiosity, does anyone happen to have any pics of their Hero Indy jackets by chance? I'm curious to see just how tapered/narrow the sleeves look on our fellow members. Thank you again for your time & input everyone! :TOH:

Best regards,
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by Michaelson »

Texan Scott wrote:
PETER wrote:I know l dont usually but it seemed the thing to do and stop all the speculation.
The crust cost about $1 a foot and 50c per foot to contract tan. total $1.50
in those days. About 75p in English.
Modern tanning systems cannot make leather like that, it was tanned in vast wooden drums and then pegged out on wooden frames to dry naturally before pigmentation and pressing but a jacket made from it could stand in a corner by itself. which is why the film jackets were put into old tumble dryers with no heat and a few large pebbles to soften and rough up a bit.
I have been experimenting to recreate the effect and the washed lamb is close but still too soft. Itailians only know soft.We are getting there though
Sorry, Michaelson. my manners are terrible 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to you and all.
That was an email from quite a while ago between Peter and myself, Tex. :-k

Regard! M
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by Texan Scott »


Many times/sometimes, Wested has in stock, leather that is not mentioned in the standard options on their website, I assume because it is left over from other projects, or could have had other uses. If you scroll through the Hero thread, you will find examples of the dark brown goatskin that has made some really nice jackets in the past. I ordered one just before the Hero project was officially kicked off, and really liked the leather. Unfortunately, because of the pattern change, I sized it wrongly and consequently sold it. The result was that I liked it so much, I ordered another one, as it was tweaked slightly and is a better fit. If you like the darker color, to me it is a perfect type of leather for this type of jacket: tough, durable, thin and light weight. The Hero thread will give you several different ideas that may appeal to you. I mention this from a personal standpoint.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by Texan Scott »

I went back and re-researched it, and the info. appears on page 5 of the TN/Raiders thread in the Archives.

CD, if you decide to place an order sometime, one add on that I have found useful is the hidden snap on the storm flap, etc.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by moses »

Just a note on the dark brown novapelle - I have one and it's a lovely leather, but it weighs a ton! Seriously, it's the heaviest leathr jacket I've ever owned. If it's warm and I take it off, I get a tired arm carrying it! I've owned Westeds in lamb, goat, cow and horse and this is heavier than all of them.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Captain D »

'Thank you' all for your many input messages!

As an update, I did contact Wested about the sizing/chest size for a size 38 Regular Indy Hero jacket. However, they noted that they, unfortunately, do not have one there in their shop to measure to give me an exact number. As a side note, I do have a Lethal Weapon 4 cowhide jacket that seems to fit decent. I measured it as an 'approximate prototype' and from armpit to armpit; it came to exactly 22.''

In your opinion, would anyone happen to know the normal/average chest size fitting for a Indy Hero size 38 Regular may be, by chance? Also, I read on another older thread that for the Indy 'Hero' jackets, one should order their sleeve length about a half inch shorter on account that these type of jackets tend to produce longer sleeve lengths. Is that still correct? My Lethal Weapon 4 jacket sleeve length seems to be at 24 and 1/4,'' so if that is still the case to order slightly shorter from Wested - I'll have to decide how short to go, ;) .

'Thank you' for any further replies and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Hey, Captain D. I can answer your question somewhat well, having owned a few Westeds, and owning a Nowak Raiders (which the Wested Hero is loosely based off of). Also, I'm a size 38.

Generally, a 38 from Wested will have a 21 to 21.5" chest across the front. My Nowak Raiders is 21" and the fit is perfect. My actual chest size is 37 inches. A size 40 will usually have 22" chest across the front.

Now, that said, the hero jacket pattern is a slimmer fit all around. Higher arm holes, narrow sleeves, slim through to the waist. If you want a more relaxed fit, a 40 might work. Just depends on your actual size.

As to the sleeve length, yes I agree, take a half inch off since the shoulders will be wider. The length of the front and back of the jacket will be roughly the same (which is unique to the hero jacket), therefore, you will need a shorter back length than you expect. I'm 5' 10" and a 23" back length is perfect, since the front is also 23" and I wouldn't want it any longer. Most jackets I wear have a 25" back length. Hope this helps.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Captain D »

Thanks man for the reply and info - great info and it helped immensely; 'thank you' again, :tup: .

Just out of curiosity, would you happen to have any pics of you wearing a size 38 Wested (a Hero if you have one)? If not, that's totally cool - was just curious to ask. Also, what is your height + weight? I've been going to the gym and at this point - I'm 6,' 135 lbs., and and my Lethal Weapon jacket sleeve length is between 24'' and 24 and 1/4'' (just double-checked). I can't stand long sleeves in that I constantly have to keep rolling them up and too short can be just as annoying, lol, so I suppose it comes down to the happy medium sweet spot. I hope that I get it right the first time due to Wested's 25% restocking fee seeing how it is a 'custom jacket.' ;)

Thank you again for your time and efforts!
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I don't have a Wested Hero. I had a standard in a size 38 that I sold. It fit great, I just didn't wear it much. I'm 5' 10", 165 lbs. At 6 feet tall, you may want to go with 23.5" or 24" back on a hero jacket. What is great about Wested, is that you can select chest size, back length and sleeve length independently of one another.

There's a photo of me wearing the Nowak Raiders jacket, which is similar to a size 38 Hero jacket, here:


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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Captain D »

Thanks again for the reply man! :tup: The info has certainly helped me to zero in on some ideas with regards to measurements. The only thing that has me cautious at this point is the sleeve length. I just hope that they aren't made too long or too short when having it custom made. My Lethal Weapon 4 jacket sleeve length was decent at 24'' and the jacket length is at 25,'' so looks like 23.5'' may be safe to go with when ordering a Wested Hero jacket (I just never ordered a jacket with a sleeve length that short and hope that it arrives okay, ;) ).

Thank you again for the info!
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by arklover »

so which one is the closest to screen accurate to Riaders?Ans regular lamb or shruken lamb? Is there ANY things you HAVE TO REQUEST to make sure it matches the screen used one? If so what special instructions should you give...or are they already made to match movie specs when you just order them and give them no special instructions?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Texan Scott »

Based on the way the leather was tanned, ie vegetable, tanned in the rough, etc., I'd recommend: SL. Hero specs has the quirks of the movie jacket, if that is what you are after, so you do not have to spec it. If you decide to go in that direction, I'd ask for the darkest SL possible. Mine is almost caramel in color in certain areas.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by arklover »

Texan Scott wrote:Based on the way the leather was tanned, etc., SL. Hero specs has the quirks of the movie jacket, if that is what you are after. If you decide to go in that direction, I'd ask for the darkest SL possible. Mine is almost caramel in color.
mmm. not sure id like the carmale color...want that almost black DARK brown color...do they actually come like that in the shruken lamb?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Texan Scott »

You can get dark brown in lamb, (thin) dark goat or novapelle, but not SL, unless the color varies from batch to batch.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by arklover »

so..guessing HERO in regular lambskin? Unless they actually have Shruken lamb on hand that is dark ..correct?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Texan Scott »

You can get the Hero in dark brown lamb or authentic brown. The Hero is basically standardized, and so all you need to provide is sleeves, back and chest, or regular suitcoat jacket size.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by arklover »

Texan Scott wrote:You can get the Hero in dark brown lamb or authentic brown. The Hero is basically standardized, and so all you need to provide is sleeves, back and chest, or regular suitcoat jacket size.
So which color is Raider's accurate?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by jlhampton »

The authentic brown is the all around S.A. color. I have the hero in that color and an old Wested standard in dark brown lamb. To my surprise, the authentic was very close in darkness to the dark brown. I'm glad I got the authentic brown.

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by arklover »

jlhampton wrote:The authentic brown is the all around S.A. color. I have the hero in that color and an old Wested standard in dark brown lamb. To my surprise, the authentic was very close in darkness to the dark brown. I'm glad I got the authentic brown.


hey tahnks for the information....got any pics of the two side by side to show in comparison?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by RayROnline »

Captain D wrote:Thanks guys for the replies & info. ;)

Its great to hear that both 'Hero' jackets are the same design; just comes down to leather option more or less. And, great history on the original hide there Texan, :tup: . I also contacted Gemma whether or not their goatskin as you had mentioned, listed under the Special Hero, is the dark-brown or authentic shade to which she stated was the latter of the two colors, unfortunately as I tend to prefer the darker shades in Indy jackets, lol. But, its all good!

I appreciate the info on the lambskin, but I never had much luck with lambskin jackets not tearing/ripping on me. So, if I were to put out that much $$ I would like it to be more durable - but thank you anyhow my friend. The great news is that Gemma noted that they can make a Special Hero jacket out of the dark-brown novapelle. With having a sample of that particular hide here to get an idea, I think that may be what I'll go for!

Just out of curiosity, does anyone happen to have any pics of their Hero Indy jackets by chance? I'm curious to see just how tapered/narrow the sleeves look on our fellow members. Thank you again for your time & input everyone! :TOH:

Best regards,
An entire thread with no pictures. Come on gang, lets start snapping. I am trying to figure out just what Wested I have and this isn't helping much. The tag inside is Leather Concessionaires. Is that what we're talking about here? The leather seems kind of stiff compared to many I've had and it has a kind of uneven dye job dark and lighter areas. It makes it look older than it is. It falls off the shoulder...and pics:


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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by jlhampton »

Hey arklover, sorry no pics. i have never been one to post pics online. Plus I'm not that tech savvy. The Hero is pretty close to the same value in color , but a slightly different hue. It's like the difference between burnt umber and raw umber(if you know anything about colors) I don't think a picture would do it justice. It's something you kinda have to see with your own eyes.

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by fifthchamber »

RayROnline wrote:
Captain D wrote:Thanks guys for the replies & info. ;)

Its great to hear that both 'Hero' jackets are the same design; just comes down to leather option more or less. And, great history on the original hide there Texan, :tup: . I also contacted Gemma whether or not their goatskin as you had mentioned, listed under the Special Hero, is the dark-brown or authentic shade to which she stated was the latter of the two colors, unfortunately as I tend to prefer the darker shades in Indy jackets, lol. But, its all good!

I appreciate the info on the lambskin, but I never had much luck with lambskin jackets not tearing/ripping on me. So, if I were to put out that much $$ I would like it to be more durable - but thank you anyhow my friend. The great news is that Gemma noted that they can make a Special Hero jacket out of the dark-brown novapelle. With having a sample of that particular hide here to get an idea, I think that may be what I'll go for!

Just out of curiosity, does anyone happen to have any pics of their Hero Indy jackets by chance? I'm curious to see just how tapered/narrow the sleeves look on our fellow members. Thank you again for your time & input everyone! :TOH:

Best regards,
An entire thread with no pictures. Come on gang, lets start snapping. I am trying to figure out just what Wested I have and this isn't helping much. The tag inside is Leather Concessionaires. Is that what we're talking about here? The leather seems kind of stiff compared to many I've had and it has a kind of uneven dye job dark and lighter areas. It makes it look older than it is. It falls off the shoulder...and pics:


I would have that down as a Wested Hero in shrunken lamb.......Looks pretty good to me?
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by RayROnline »

[/quote] I would have that down as a Wested Hero in shrunken lamb.......Looks pretty good to me?[/quote]

Thanks for the input. :TOH:
I don't know for sure because I got it 2nd hand from COW Bazaar. I lucked out because it fits great and I love it, but I want to really know what it is for my future potential order. So anything members can tell me is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:'

Post by fifthchamber »

RayROnline wrote: Thanks for the input. :TOH:
I don't know for sure because I got it 2nd hand from COW Bazaar. I lucked out because it fits great and I love it, but I want to really know what it is for my future potential order. So anything members can tell me is greatly appreciated!

You wouldn't have that colouring from the standard versions (Seal brown or original)...It varies greatly, and that's far more indicative of shrunken lamb used by Wested.....Unless it's something else entirely, but I suspect, given that it's a Hero, that you're holding a shrunken lamb skin version of Wested's Hero model....

And yeah, they are brilliant.....I'd have ordered one myself, but at the time they only had the seal brown and the other standard variants...It seems now there's a few more choices (horsehide and soft cow etc), but, given that you got it in the bazaar, which means it's a little older, I'd say there's very little doubt about it being shrunken lambskin...

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Texan Scott »

Yeah, that is no doubt, SL, Ray. My only knock against it is that the skins could have been tanned a bit darker. I really like the 'feel' of it. You put it on and it really has the flavor, probably more so than any other in its range.

Speaking of pics., I posted photos of 4 different Hero jackets in the....of all things, Wested Hero thread. There are lots of good Hero pics there, including the Hero is crispe lamb and a rare Hero in dark novapelle. To me, this was more of a 'give me a few pointers' thread, rather than a showcase. For that use the Wested Hero thread, that is its purpose. ;)
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by RayROnline »

Texan Scott wrote:Yeah, that is no doubt, SL, Ray. My only knock against it is that the skins could have been tanned a bit darker. I really like the 'feel' of it. You put it on and it really has the flavor, probably more so than any other in its range.

Speaking of pics., I posted photos of 4 different Hero jackets in the....of all things, Wested Hero thread. There are lots of good Hero pics there, including the Hero is crispe lamb and a rare Hero in dark novapelle. To me, this was more of a 'give me a few pointers' thread, rather than a showcase. For that use the Wested Hero thread, that is its purpose. ;)

Thanks all, I now agree after further review. It must be SL. And, yes, TS, I also agree that it could have been a bit darker. To that effect, I have gone back to hand rubbing Picards cream into it. It's been a year since the last application (as seen in the photos). It soaked it up! In about 12 hours it is nearly not greasy to the touch and is significantly darker and more even. It's like the color change if it were soaking wet. I LOVE it...hope it retains that look.

I didn't over do the application. Just a nice circular hand rub with Picards and a soft cloth, followed by a wipe down. I'll try to show you here. Sorry about the shine. It's the flash. It looks much better in person. So before:


And After:



The first is a night indoors shot so the table looks darker due to no outside light. Next 2 are shot in the same place/camera with overcast daylight outside. I tried to get the same angle for comparison, but stopping the glare from the flash was nearly impossible. To my eye and monitor I would say the last shot is the most color accurate.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Kt Templar »

I am enjoying the shrunken lamb. My one can sometimes look really warm brown in some light and then darker in others. But it it thin light and rugged looking and really ages well. (Yes, mine has a black liner :)).

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by RayROnline »

Kt Templar wrote:I am enjoying the shrunken lamb. My one can sometimes look really warm brown in some light and then darker in others. But it it thin light and rugged looking and really ages well. (Yes, mine has a black liner :)).

Thanks for the pic, KT. That looks incredibly like mine except for the liner. I love the black. 8)
I guess you and I have a different oppinion of light weight. At least mine, I would say is medium, but definitely not light. Perhaps yours is lighter if the lining is nylon rather than cotton... :-k
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Kt Templar »

That liner is cotton too. :).

I have a ribby lamb jacket that is much heavier, this is similar weight to a standard lamb, just with almost the hand feel of goat.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by rayman »

I just ordered a shrunken lamb hero from Wested on friday after doing considerable research into leather types and comparing SA to what would work best for me (lightweight/breathable) and went with lamb rather than more durable hides.

If I were to get a more winter/rugged jacket in the future I would consider a cowhide last crusade jacket, to compliment my lighter more seasonally versatile raiders lamb. But I digress;

I followed up my purchase email to politely request a smooth shrunken lamb if they are able, and I havent received a response, although I have heard through the grapevine that Wested can be poor with communications.

I love the look and SA of some of the shrunken lamb, but I am afraid of the possibility of getting a very grainy dino hide just because I am paranoid. (its the reason I didnt go with crispe)

Does anyone with Wested experience think I should send another follow-up email to see if they got my first, or do they start ignoring the customers that get too picky?

Also a second question, I am 6'0" 190ish and a 42R, and I ordered a 24" back and 26" sleeve. Are any of you of similar build and would have advised I size it differently? I wanted just over the belt-level for the length and to the thumb with the jacket, but I know the cut of the hero is off the shoulder and may be slightly different than a normal cut leather jacket. I may still have time to request an amendment of my order if any of you have wisdom to offer
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by CM »

rayman wrote:
I am 6'0" 190ish and a 42R, and I ordered a 24" back and 26" sleeve. Are any of you of similar build and would have advised I size it differently? I wanted just over the belt-level for the length and to the thumb with the jacket, but I know the cut of the hero is off the shoulder and may be slightly different than a normal cut leather jacket. I may still have time to request an amendment of my order if any of you have wisdom to offer
Size is difficult and personal even for people with the same dimensions. I'm 6 feet 2 and 185. I prefer 26 inch back, I like a longer Indy. You appear to like a shorter jacket so I don't see a problem. The key measurement is the pit to pit size. I generally get 23 to 24 inches. :TOH:
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Texan Scott »

What size sleeve do you normally wear? Best to contact Peter and discuss your specifics with him. As a general rule, take the sleeve length that you normally wear and subtract 1". If you have an older Indy jacket, it helps to measure from it, but about 1 1/2" in back length.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by rayman »

Texan Scott wrote:Rayman,
What size sleeve do you normally wear? Best to contact Peter and discuss your specifics with him. As a general rule, take the sleeve length that you normally wear and subtract 1". If you have an older Indy jacket, it helps to measure from it, but about 1 1/2" in back length.
I have a 26.5" sleeve on a biker jacket that looks like it would be accurate for a hero cut, but when ordering it appeared that 26.5 was at the very high end of the spectrum, and being only 6ft I figured going down to 26" was more reasonable for this style. I have another leather jacket that is 25" but that is at the base of the hand and too short for this style. If it ends up being half an inch too long, I can always look into slight rolling/shrinking of the sleeves with distressing. Better long than short, amirite. BTW Gemma did respond today saying she added my request of a "smoother" shrunken lamb to my order, but couldnt guarantee anything. If they do have a smoother shrunken I hope its not at the expense of coloration :-k

If the coloration does turn out to be odd, is there oils that can be applied to darken the finish?

CM wrote:
rayman wrote:
I am 6'0" 190ish and a 42R, and I ordered a 24" back and 26" sleeve. Are any of you of similar build and would have advised I size it differently? I wanted just over the belt-level for the length and to the thumb with the jacket, but I know the cut of the hero is off the shoulder and may be slightly different than a normal cut leather jacket. I may still have time to request an amendment of my order if any of you have wisdom to offer
Size is difficult and personal even for people with the same dimensions. I'm 6 feet 2 and 185. I prefer 26 inch back, I like a longer Indy. You appear to like a shorter jacket so I don't see a problem. The key measurement is the pit to pit size. I generally get 23 to 24 inches. :TOH:

The hero didnt have those specs to choose from, but after reading about the cut and other people's experiences, I believe the 42 will be adequate for my chest size. I considered going 44R to be safe, but decided against it after re-measuring myself.

I dont think I will have to contact Peter & Co thankfully because my build is fairly normal and I think the sleeve and back sizing is as accurate as I can project for this style.

Anyone have any other recommendations about Wested or their Hero that may be helpful?

Thanks for responding
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Indiego Jones »

Kt Templar wrote:I am enjoying the shrunken lamb. My one can sometimes look really warm brown in some light and then darker in others. But it it thin light and rugged looking and really ages well. (Yes, mine has a black liner :)).

Again, this is the best leather for a Raiders jacket Peter ever had!
Perfect color, grain, weight.
Kt Templar wrote:I have a ribby lamb jacket that is much heavier, this is similar weight to a standard lamb, just with almost the hand feel of goat.
Your ribby lamb is much heavier???
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by rayman »

Indiego Jones wrote:
Kt Templar wrote:I am enjoying the shrunken lamb. My one can sometimes look really warm brown in some light and then darker in others. But it it thin light and rugged looking and really ages well. (Yes, mine has a black liner :)).

Again, this is the best leather for a Raiders jacket Peter ever had!
Perfect color, grain, weight.
Kt Templar wrote:I have a ribby lamb jacket that is much heavier, this is similar weight to a standard lamb, just with almost the hand feel of goat.
Your ribby lamb is much heavier???

I posed this in another thread also, but does anyone have suggestions for a Wested Hero to stress it in a certain way that can correct how oversized and bouncy/floppy the collar is? The shrunken lamb is so light and the collar is so big on the Hero (screen-inaccurate to Raiders seemingly) that I feel like I need to roll or stress it somehow to wear it down and reduce the elephant-ears appearance. The rest of the jacket is sized perfectly, but the collar is definitely cut too large compared to the film.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by RayROnline »

Here is what I did with my recent TODDS to make the collar look smaller:

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa99 ... 1f39f1.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Slather on the pecards cream, put it on a hanger with a raised collar section, and curl/massaged it with my fingers. Hand facing fingers down towared the shoulder and you just curl your fingers like closing your fist.. Eventually it will stay that way on the hanger and you let it dry for a few days to retain the shape.

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by rayman »

RayROnline wrote:Here is what I did with my recent TODDS to make the collar look smaller:

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa99 ... 1f39f1.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Slather on the pecards cream, put it on a hanger with a raised collar section, and curl/massaged it with my fingers. Hand facing fingers down towared the shoulder and you just curl your fingers like closing your fist.. Eventually it will stay that way on the hanger and you let it dry for a few days to retain the shape.


Thank you for the advice :tup:

As for screen-accuracy of Wested's modern Hero, it's evident the collar is too large. Below are a range of Raiders jackets from the film, even with many of them possibly being different makes and models they all appeared quite similar. The shorter squarer cut of the collar is very different from the Hero. It's actually much more similar to the Last Crusade/KOTCS collar minus the extra stitching/heavyness

Raiders style:

LC/KOTCK style...collar looks much closer to Hero

Wested Hero:

Regular Wested Raiders may have a more Raiders-accurate collar than the Hero
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by hovitos loincloth »

Gotta agree with that. The hero collar is too large. I don't care if it's a second generation copy from a screen used piece to my eye and looking at all the forum members iterations of this jacket it's too wide. With thinner hides it's tolerable, with thicker cowhides it's very dumboesque.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Jacques »

RayROnline wrote:Here is what I did with my recent TODDS to make the collar look smaller:

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa99 ... 1f39f1.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Slather on the pecards cream, put it on a hanger with a raised collar section, and curl/massaged it with my fingers. Hand facing fingers down towared the shoulder and you just curl your fingers like closing your fist.. Eventually it will stay that way on the hanger and you let it dry for a few days to retain the shape.

Thanks for the tip! :TOH: I have a Todd's (Coyle's) jacket arriving on 10/2, and I want it to get the collars to be more Raider-like. I'll look into the Wested Hero for the LC/KOTCS look in the future. :)
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Kt Templar »

I have to disagree, I do not think the collar is too wide on my hero here:




Maybe you can ask for a slimmer collar. I don't remember If I did. I possibly did as my merino jacket has a wider collar.

Sadly I've, ahem, "outgrown" this one!

It's a mistake to think a slightly wider collar makes it look like an LC. The LC jacket has many details that make it different to the Raiders. General shape, pocket size, position of pockets, pocket flap shape, yoke depth, zip type, and seam overstitch (lack of mainly), Collar shape and poppers on the stormflap. To scratch the surface...

Here's an LC spec'd up to compare:

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Obi Sean Kenobi »

KT - what leather is that raiders hero?

I love it!!

Kt Templar wrote:I have to disagree, I do not think the collar is too wide on my hero here:




Maybe you can ask for a slimmer collar. I don't remember If I did. I possibly did as my merino jacket has a wider collar.

Sadly I've, ahem, "outgrown" this one!

It's a mistake to think a slightly wider collar makes it look like an LC. The LC jacket has many details that make it different to the Raiders. General shape, pocket size, position of pockets, pocket flap shape, yoke depth, zip type, and seam overstitch (lack of mainly), Collar shape and poppers on the stormflap. To scratch the surface...

Here's an LC spec'd up to compare:

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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Kt Templar »

Hi Sean that is a lambtouch cowhide.
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Re: Wested 'Hero' vs. 'Special Hero:' (update)

Post by Texan Scott »

For say, 42-46 sizes, the Hero collar should be around 2 3/4". Any more than that and it starts to look LC.
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