From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Hi, I came across this photo and it is by far the best one for someone who wants to see Indy's whip in its whole glory.
You can see everything - strands width, knot shape, handle lenght.
I'd say it's 8 footer. Take handle's lenght and mark it around the coiled whip, the end of visible portion of braiding is at around 7ft and it is thin. I think that there is just a feet of braiding, so my guess is 8ft lenght.
What are your opinions?
Awesome pic, Tomek. It is my second favorite pic EVER of Indy. I have been looking for a full nice copy in sn 8x10 or something and use to see them everywhere and now they are all gone. Thanks for posting!
10ft. It's hard to make out, but there are4 braided coils. Plus there are other pics from that shoot where it is clear that the whip is longer than 8ft - this one for example:
tomek9210 wrote:I'd say it's 8 footer. Take handle's lenght and mark it around the coiled whip, the end of visible portion of braiding is at around 7ft and it is thin. I think that there is just a feet of braiding, so my guess is 8ft lenght.
What are your opinions?
Based on Tomek's photo, I would've confidently called an 8 footer.
Thanks to Moses, now not so sure.
Last edited by Cajunkraut on Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That picture is actually cropped. The full version shows Harrison's foot propped up on a rock, and you can see the hitch strands at the end of the whip, and the fall. I always thought it was an 8-footer.
I believe that this is from a promotion photo shoot cuz I remember seeing this in sync with Raiders first coming out. I believe it is just a cave wall as several other shots from this also have the same type of background....included in the series is the other photo posted above....the full shot has the cave wall in the background.