Debating on Indy shirt

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Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

so i got a todds indy shirt back in 2009 and i did the black sock method and still has a slight yellow tint. but i think its time to get a more screen accurate color indy shirt. but i cant decide on which to get. how are todds 2013 shirts? and so many choices.

I'm debating between wpg, the new Todd's (but still unsure about the color) or the magnoli one.
I like the more lighter colors
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Go with the WPG....I love mine!
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by trdaggers »

Go for the one in poka-dot. You'll love it! :lol:

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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by tex1272 »

WPG all the way for me. At least unless you can find a NH.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

Ok so everyone seems to vote wpg. I think I'm gonna have to get that. Are the sizes accurate? I herd they had issues in the past.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

Also in the site pics the sleeves look a little wide. The actual shirt okay in the sleeves?
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by lantzn »

I love my WPG and for a tall guy with long arms their "long" versions are wonderful. The cuffs stay putt on the wrists with arms straight forward and there's plenty of length to tuck in the pants and won't come out when bending over.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

lantzn wrote:I love my WPG and for a tall guy with long arms their "long" versions are wonderful. The cuffs stay putt on the wrists with arms straight forward and there's plenty of length to tuck in the pants and won't come out when bending over.

I'm 6"1 and half. So I might have to get long too. So there pretty SA? In look and color?
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by Indiana Jeff »

There's lots of information and reviews already on the site.

I put in "What price glory" and General Gear in the search functions and got plenty of hits. Here are two you'll likely find helpful. ... rice+glory" onclick=";return false; ... rice+glory" onclick=";return false;


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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by Obi Sean Kenobi »

I'm 6'2", about 200 lbs.

Personally, I prefer the regular large from WPG. I like to wear my shirt untucked with a pair if jeans, and I find the large long to have crazy long shirt tails.

The sleeves on the long fit me fine, and I have long arms.

I will concur about the WPG being the best Indy shirt readily available in terms of color.

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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

Obi Sean Kenobi wrote:I'm 6'2", about 200 lbs.

Personally, I prefer the regular large from WPG. I like to wear my shirt untucked with a pair if jeans, and I find the large long to have crazy long shirt tails.

The sleeves on the long fit me fine, and I have long arms.

I will concur about the WPG being the best Indy shirt readily available in terms of color.

Hmmmm so I should probably get a regular. My Todd's is a large. And the arms length is good. Just the bottom is too short and it's really tight around the button area. Ill messure myself to the chart on wpg. Everyone seems happy with the new version from there. Wish they had more stuff. I understand its a military place. All they have is the bag shirt and strap and a holster on the site.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by Obi Sean Kenobi »

Yeah my todds large is very very right around the wrists. Not so with the WPG.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

That's good to hear. Most people seem to side with WPG. So I will be getting one of those.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by lantzn »

I'm 6'1" 220 and with all the differences in arm lengths I thought I'd share the arm length on the WPG Large-Long. As I posted when I reach straight forward the ends of the cuffs sit right at the end of my wrist and base of my hand. Most dress shirts I own are to short when my arms reach forward. This shirt is the newest generation and is not overly baggy like the previous version.

WPG Arm/Sleeve Measurements Large-Long
26" from shoulder seam to end of cuff
22.5" from armpit seam to end of cuff

If anyone with a Large-Regular could post these same measurements that would be helpful.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

Awesome. Now is the WPG color good for raiders? I herd raiders was a little lighter then the other 3. I could be wrong.

I watched all the movies and to me the raiders looked lighter then the others
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by micsteam »

When you put the whole outfit on, if you've got it (ie. jacket , fedora, etc.), you probably won't see the difference but I find the WPG shirt slightly darker but very slight. I can tell you this I am a collector of older turn of the century and late 19th century British and American military uniforms and the WPG is the correct fabric for what should be Indy's shirt at the time, when I wear my shirt and stand in front of a mirror it looks spot on !! (and I'm a big scrutinizer). Now I am aware that the shirts made for the film were made of light weight fabric (Noel Howard at M.B.A.) but this is a #### of a shirt ready for whatever you might throw at it and it's fairly inexpensive. If anything maybe throw it through a few loads of laundry with bleach and try to lighten it up. Hope this helps. ;)
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by micsteam »

Oh by the way I find it correct for Raiders.
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Re: Debating on Indy shirt

Post by indyfan1234 »

micsteam wrote:When you put the whole outfit on, if you've got it (ie. jacket , fedora, etc.), you probably won't see the difference but I find the WPG shirt slightly darker but very slight. I can tell you this I am a collector of older turn of the century and late 19th century British and American military uniforms and the WPG is the correct fabric for what should be Indy's shirt at the time, when I wear my shirt and stand in front of a mirror it looks spot on !! (and I'm a big scrutinizer). Now I am aware that the shirts made for the film were made of light weight fabric (Noel Howard at M.B.A.) but this is a #### of a shirt ready for whatever you might throw at it and it's fairly inexpensive. If anything maybe throw it through a few loads of laundry with bleach and try to lighten it up. Hope this helps. ;)

Thanks very much. Helps alot. My gear is more based on raiders and I've always liked the shirt best from raiders anyway. So that's why I was wondering if the color was good for raiders. Good without the jacket. But like you said maybe ill wash it and see what happens. When I end up getting it. The shirt seems to be the hardest to get color wise hahahaha. But everyone seems to agree on WPG. I have older Todd's with the yellow but I washed it with black sock method and took some of the strong yellow away. The color now looks like crystal skull/last crusade to me. Those two seemed to have a slight yellow tint to them (probably just lighting from certain scenes.) I plan on getting crystal skull gear in the future so my Todd's will work good for that.
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