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Help fixing hole in Wested lining.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:45 am
by Repairman Jack
I just noticed two small (a little larger than pinhead-sized) holes in the cotton lining of my year-old Wested... hardly big enough to warrent replacing the liner, but I'd really like to stop them before they get any bigger. Should I just patch them, or sew them, or just bite the bullet and send the jacket to be fixed?


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 1:03 am
by Farnham54
I would imagine that just sewing a piece over top would be a very viable option, or even just lash the heck out if it with brown thread (if it is a small hole) and patch it that way)

Or, worse comes to worse, use a bit of "goop" on it; you can get the stuff at most hardware stores and it is available for every type of material imaginable--from shoe leather to vinyl seat covers, and cotton too.



Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 12:13 pm
by Striver
Hi guys,
I'm definately no seam-stress (if I try hard I can put on a button) but I reckon you have to be careful putting on patches, because the holes you sew in (around the patch) "concentrate stresses" (engineering speak) and could be where bigger holes develop. Sticking on a patch would probably be a better idea if you can get the right glue (check for glue-material compatability). Maybe you'de better live with it.

All the best,
