From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Thanks guys. Coming up next will a 7' fancy Australian style bullwhip, a 4' stockwhip ( may be but on the back burner, depending on certain upcoming events ). I'm also probably going to make a couple snake / signal whips, and will probably try to have at least one Indy whip in stock when I announce my website ( not far off! )
Ok, so I've seen pics of this red and black one in a few different places now...
And I have noticed some very serious and tragic flaws with it. I mean, we're talking potentially dangerous. There is NO WAY you can send this to a paying customer. Someone could possibly lose a limb if they use it.
I am starting a new business to safely dispose of incorrectly constructed bullwhips. As a special introductory offer, I will waive my customary disposal fee. All it will cost you is shipping.
I'm glad at the way you've improved at whipmaking, Jeremy. I liked the way you made the transition from herringbone to 4-seam. It makes the whip look like David Morgan's Performer's Bullwhip which he offered until some years ago.
Hey, is that tan roo hide with the 75dm2 mark from Packer?
Originally, yes it is from Packer. I got it through Richard Taubman though. I was taking out the last few hides I have from that batch last night ( that hide included ) and was very pleased at how clean the hide is! There are a couple spots ( literally, 2 or 3 ) that appear to be some kind of tick or bug bite, but literally zero scars! I'll have no problem cutting an 8 ft. bullwhip out of that hide.
I'm about to go plait the overlay of a 7' 16 plait Australian style bullwhip