The screen suitcase appears to have a false bottom, probably to display Indy’s gear as he puts it in. Note the height of the bottom in relation to the handle. Also, the bottom interior straps are missing or not visible. The original lining might have been removed previously (the handle attachments are visible from the inside, which the lining would have covered) and the interior painted. The leather along inside top edge looks dyed or painted red—it’s darker than the lid and almost matches the interior.

During my research I learned that these types of suitcases were ubiquitous in WW2-era London and are also called “evacuee suitcases.” There are numerous examples and variations (and sizes) on eBay UK. Many of them have luggage labels, like Indy’s does. I believe the one on Indy's suitcase is a railway destination label for Tisbury. (It was quite a chore trying to decipher that one.) I believe there's at least one more label underneath, based on the angle of the top line of text. (Track information inside a circle, and then Southern Railway?) Luggage labels are plentiful and cheap on eBay, but Tisbury is one of the more obscure ones, I've discovered.

One thing that threw me off is that when Indy takes the suitcase out of the closet (note that there’s a similar one beside it) it appears to have external straps on the face, between the clasps and the handle. These may just be the ends of the lid straps sticking out (except that there are no lid straps). Fortunately most of the luggage scene is one long take, so we don’t have to worry about different makes/models in the same scene like we do with guns and jackets.
I found a very close match: a Peal & Co for Brooks Brothers suitcase, with pebbled red leather lining. I found a nice example on eBay in the US, but it was way too expensive. When I found a close-enough match at a great price, I bought it immediately.

In hindsight, I should have examined it more closely first. My suitcase is not SA in that is has corners on the bottom; also, it’s too small. Hence "Junior Indy." But screen reminiscent? Oh, yes. I'll pass this one along to my son, perhaps, if I find a better one.

If there's anything you want to know, please ask. I'll tell you what I can.