FOUND: My first fedora!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Oildale Jones
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FOUND: My first fedora!

Post by Oildale Jones »

My wife and son and I are visiting my parents for Easter weekend. I was in the garage this morning and look what I found hanging by the door:


My very first Indiana Jones-ish "fedora," which I haven't seen since about 1982. Shortly after seeing Raiders for the first time in 1981 (I was 15), I found this cheap safari hat (technically an Australian slouch hat) in my mother's closet. Never mind that it only bore a passing resemblance to Indy’s fedora; I promptly commandeered it, removed the chin strap, unpinned the brim, replaced the fake cheetah band with a strip of brown naugahyde, bent it into reasonable shape, and started wearing it everywhere. I can't imagine that it's been hanging there all this time. Did I just not notice it because I'd sort of forgotten about Indy over the years? (My dad mentioned that he'd been reorganizing the garage, so I think he reclaimed it from a box in the rafters.)


The label says 100% wool. It's way too small, of course, and in addition to eyelets, it boasts quite a few additional holes (moths?). I don't know what I used to glue the "ribbon" together, but it's still holding. Impressive. (Boy, look at that craftsmanship. Evidently I never noticed that I needed a bow.)


It's funny that even though I have no recollection of bashing it, or even being aware of the particulars of the Raiders bash, I managed to give it a tight pinch and camel humps.


This was the most amusing part:


It's a Dorfman. :)

My dad says he wears it when he gardens, so there's still some life left in it. I think that's pretty cool.
Last edited by Oildale Jones on Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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FOUND: My first fedora!

Post by Sammy »

That is a great story!!!! Its a great feeling to find long forgotten things from childhood.
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Re: FOUND: My first fedora!

Post by afterthedog »

Great find! I'll bet that brought back all kinds of memories.
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Re: FOUND: My first fedora!

Post by Indiana Bugs »

That's a great story. I think I know where my first 'Indy' hat is, purchased in 1982. I'll have to go see if I can dig it out.
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Re: FOUND: My first fedora!

Post by WConly » ought to go after Dorfman for royalties! You designed the first 'Official Dorfman Indy Hat!' :rolling: Well, it's a thought anyway :- ! W>
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Re: FOUND: My first fedora!

Post by Hollowpond »

Great story! My first Indy fedora was a Stetson Temple. And my son wears it to this day! :TOH:
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