I'm a little late in posting this up, but I thought people would like to see more of Wade's work... This was a Raiders holster I'd ordered at the end of last year, and I've wet formed it myself now.. I love the whole thing.. The grip to the gunbelt is so solid that it doesn't slip even when I take the belt off (a plus gained when you get both the gunbelt and the holster from the same guy I guess?), and the wet forming has really brought out the shape in the leather rather well..I was glad to get the experience and make it work well enough for me to be happy with!
No one needs to be told that Wade's work is simply stunning... This thing feels like it's made out of kevlar... It'll take many years of abuse yet... And the stitching is so well done that it would take some MAJOR effort to weaken it...
Once again Wade, your work impresses me, and thanks for putting the time in for me and everyone else here! It's deeply appreciated mate!
Hope you all enjoy!