Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

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Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by indydude18 »

I just received 3 Noel Howard/M.B.A. holsters that are in great condition. I had seem some pictures of a display down in the UK that showed Noel's screen-used jacket, shirt, trousers and Alden boots. I also remember seeing a Raiders holster and gun-belt in the picture. Does anyone here know if the gun-belt and holster were screen-used or were they just repros from Noel?
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Re: Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by Wade Egan »

You're going to have to post a photo or two before someone pops a blood vessel.

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Re: Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by indydude18 »

Here are photos of the screen-used items Noel had before his passing.


And here is a photo of my NH holsters:


NH Raiders compared to Keppler Raiders:

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Re: Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by trdaggers »

With those pictures it becomes perfectly clear to me. :roll: :lol:

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Re: Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by indydude18 »

Okay, in that case let me rephrase my question: Are NH's holsters designed from a screen-used model (ala NH screen-used shirt, trousers, jacket, etc.) or were they modeled from what he saw on screen/memory?
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Re: Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by knibs7 »

indydude18 wrote:Okay, in that case let me rephrase my question: Are NH's holsters designed from a screen-used model (ala NH screen-used shirt, trousers, jacket, etc.) or were they modeled from what he saw on screen/memory?
I'd say NO! Those holsters look NOTHING like the screen used ones... which is why I never had a desire for any of NH's holsters or gunbelts

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Re: Are NH holsters modeled after screen-used holsters?

Post by Gater »

Unlike the jacket dabate, where we have to decipher who made what jacket in what scene, we do know that Angels and Burhman did make the holsters for Raiders. When Monty too over, and became MBA, I would think that MBA were still making exact duplicates of the screen used holsters - the MBA I have is pretty exact, IMO as is the belt.

Whether Noel got the patterns from Monty when he took over, idk, and I have never seen a side-by-side comparison of an MBA to a NH, so there maybe a difference, but I do believe that MBA were near dead-on accurate. (IMO)
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