Early in 2011 I decided I'd like another Indy jacket. I think at that stage I'd sold all that I'd owned.
I wanted to give Wested another go, since I liked their Temple of Doom jacket. I'd owned one before, in 'authentic lamb', but wanted something
I emailed Peter with a few questions about sizing, and he has pretty helpful.
The I left it for a while, before asking about the possibility of getting the jacket made in a leather more similar to that used on the jacket shown
on the Wested website (modelled by KT!). With no reponse, I gave up on the idea and forgot about it.
Imagine my surprise then, when a member of another forum advertised a Temple of Doom jacket he wanted to give away FOR FREE.
Not just any jacket either; the very same jacket Temple of Doom jacket featured on Wested's site that I had enquired about.
I was on vacation at the time and reading the post on my smartphone. I quickly replied, and after a few clumsily typed messages (from me; I'm terrible
with a touch screen), the deal was done and the jacket was on it's way. Wouldn't even let me pay postage, not a cent.
It was a very kind gesture, and I was and am still most grateful.
The pictures below are only a few days old, taken inside but in good natural light.
The lambskin leather is incredibly light, but in my opinion, stronger than I was led to believe!
It looks smooth, but you'll notice some 'shrunken lamb-like' patches on the chest, and also on the pockets, though the camera didnt pick up the pocket
grain very well.
It's a beautiful light brown, though darkened a bit but leather treatments from the former owner.
It's drape is so much like the film jacket. I think it looks more like the screen jacket than any replica I've seen.
Being an early prototype, it's not got the correct 'vent' configuration, but otherwise I'm informed it's as close a copy of the NH jacket Peter had that we're
likely to get!
The sleeves are shorter than I'd prefer, only 24", but the shoulders are wide for a size 40 (7.5 inches from collar to shoulder), meaning the sleeves end
where they should anyway.
I can't help but feel the jacket has the ol' Wested problem of overly large armholes too. I look at the screen jacket, and they look small to me.
The sleeves on this prototype are narrow mind, it's only the armholes that are too large. They're not quite Wested Last Crusade big, but they're not
as small as they should be.
I haven't worn this jacket for months, but I wore to constantly when it first arrived.
I may even pass it on to another worthy Indy fan, someone who will actually wear it, as the original owner intended.
It's far too nice to be hanging in a closet..