I have never been a fan of licensed replica products, as typically they are shoddy work just chugged out to make a buck for people/companies who already have too many bucks, and they are not made for the actual enthusiast/fan who wants a good accurate reproduction of what they saw on screen.
That said, anyone asking me who I would choose to get a jacket from I would hands down say from the original maker, Tony Nowak...as not only did he make the originals but he also makes a #### good jacket, and in this instance custom fit to the individual for a fraction of the cost of the licensed replica jacket made by Belstaff. I know Tony's work, being that I have owned and still own three versions of his Indy jackets, and actually spoke with him a couple times briefly about his jackets, my acquiring his product for myself, and the business/community in general. For not building these for myself yet, I feel Tony's were THE Indy jacket to get, and I measure all others against what he has produced.
Like many other Indy jacket enthusiasts I saw the Belstaff offering initially as a slim cut of their own doing with just some Indy styling and wrote them off as not even offering a decent replica, much less at the ~$1600ish price level they were daring to ask for these.
Then I actually saw some Belstaff fans and forum members acquire some of these Belstaff Indy jackets, take some decent pictures showing their jackets, and thought they didn't look too bad... given the opportunity I wouldn't mind getting one made by the Nowak OEM and the Belstaff replica together for a comparo. So over time all the needed pieces have fallen into place, as I now have together a Nowak made KoTCS jacket built to accurate screen specs and also Belstaff's offering in the hero sized XL.
As many know I actually prefer showing more than telling so lets start with some good ol pics:

Nowak Screen accurate LE
Belstaff replica
Belstaff on left, Nowak on right
Collar difference
So after thoroughly going over both jackets I have some things to share of course... First off, I have changed my position on shooting down the Belstaff, as I can now confirm they had to have had one of the screen used jackets in hand to replicate the Indy jacket this thoroughly. I can almost match up the hero XL Belstaff details to a certain hero jacket seen on screen... and looking at the Nowak jacket in person and knowing what tiny bits he improved for the public consumption Belstaff even replicated exactly how the screen jackets were put together.
Now there are slight differences between the Nowak and Belstaff: I will start with the Nowak as a screen accurate LE... this is true, but there were many different flavors of the jacket provided for the movie, as Tony built them in a variety of fits and finishes/colors for the production as requested for the various shoots and action done in the movie by Harrison and the stunt doubles. The Nowak standard pattern is probably the last pattern he used for the greater amount of jackets provided to the film, but this is not something I was able to ask him before his passing so that theory is not confirmed yet.
So from what I can see the details of this jacket match up to traits of a slightly different jacket in the movie than the one the Belstaff matches up to, which also goes to the confirmation Belstaff was giving a particular screen used jacket of Tony's to use for their replica.
This is a wonderful thing for the enthusiasts/fans looking at licensed product and unusual in the licensed replica market for jackets typically.
From the Belstaff example I have here you can even see that slightly bigger collar size and 1/2 inch extra length past the pockets matches up to the promo pic I started with. The Belstaff also carries a 1 inch raised armhole over the standard Nowak SA LE jacket, which also seems to show in the cut of the promo pic jacket... while the larger arm holed Nowak shows up elsewhere such as some on-set pics like this

and in this one the collar and arm holeness match up more closely to the Nowak I have here as well.

But, all the other details match very closely, pockets, side strap position and specs, hardware(zippers,snaps,d-rings), even internal pocket lining construction is the same between the two makers. Belstaff even did a very good job of replicating the leather down to the grain...although Belstaff's leather is a bit lighter, thinner, and not as supple as Nowak's. Nowak's stitch-work is also a tad better and stronger, as I have found a couple stitches that have come loose on the in new condition Belstaff where as the Nowaks have gone strong under clearly more stress.
Belstaff looks to also have produced their XL for the public as an exact 1:1 of the hero film jacket it was based on, as every measurement matches exactly to what Tony provided to folks as the Harrison size.
So I will say now I do believe Belstaff makes a valid replica, for me still not a $1600 worthy, but if you find one for a reasonable price it is definitely a well done replica of a screen seen hero jacket.