My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

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My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by TheExit148 »

I received this jacket about 2 months ago, and its awesome. Its TNO's standard Raiders jacket with some tweaks to it; collar shape and stand construction, pleat depth, and zipper cramming to make it appear like the Well of Souls, Idol grab jacket. I personally think that the tweaks make it fit better, and don't make the collar do that "Hawaii" look like in the one promo pic with the super flat and spread collar.

I wanted to wait until it was broken in more then being perfectly new when I posted. This is now, my only Indy jacket I own, and will not need another one. Riley and team did an amazing job on it. So here it is.

Measurements (when new):
Front Storm Flap/Back Length: 24"
Half Shoulder: 7"
Full Shoulder Across: 20"
Waist: 19.5"
Chest: 21.5"
Sleeve Length: 26.5"
Made in Stirated lamb.

When it came it was slightly baggier then I wanted, which I kinda had thought might happen but was hoping wouldn't. So I soaked it in the shower with warm-hot water, then threw it in the dryer to speed up the drying and help with shrinking. It didn't go through a full dryer run, and was left to finish drying via padded hanger overnight. When it was done, the arms shrank up and in to the perfect length and almost the perfect bicep width. It could be more slimmer, but that's my personal preference. The back length and front length shrunk ever so slightly and really exaggerated the zipper curl, almost to the point where I am still debating to get it switched to a proper size one. Everything stayed pretty much the same, and it just looked and felt like it fit a whole lot more. Back and front length are 23.5" now and arm length is like 26-26.25" roughly. Liner needs to be adjusted to account for the shrinking. I want to do that soon haha.

Here are some pics taken today with the jacket. I tried to capture as best I could (via a tripod) the jacket with on and off shoulders looks. The jeans I'm wearing are also somewhat higher waisted to today's jeans since they are 1947 501 reproductions from Levi's' Levi's Vintage Clothing. Belt is about 1.5" from my belly button to give you an idea where my waist line is regarding the jacket length. I'm also 6 feet tall exactly.

On shoulders (proper shoulder position)

Off shoulders


Back Zipped

Back not zipped on shoulders

Back not zipped off shoulders

Side on shoulders

Side off shoulders
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by singsingjohnny »

Very cool, looks great...congrats!

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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by Holt »

very cool.

tell me..

I have always wondered..

does the strap anchoring or ''K stithc'' have a double row of stitches or single on a nowak?
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by TheExit148 »

Thanks guys. :tup:

Holt for the K stitch, its not doubled up, its just stitched with a slightly bigger thread. I also get a k stitch added to the front of the jacket where the strap is next to the pocket to make sure its reinforced there as well (usually it's just a box).
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by Doctor_Jones »

great looking jacket! it suits you very well. wear it in good health!
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by jnicktem »

Looks terrible. Absolutely horrible. You should send it to me and I will have it destroyed.

In all seriousness, AWESOME jacket! I love Riley's work. I feel fortunate having two jacket made by him, and one by the big man (Tony) himself.

Plus, you wear it VERY well! Perfect fit! :tup:
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by Doctor_Jones »

so what's the deal with this vendor? guess they will quit after all the orders are done or... ???
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by Oildale Jones »

That jacket is gorgeous and I can't argue with results, but this line...
So I soaked it in the shower with warm-hot water, then threw it in the dryer to speed up the drying and help with shrinking.
...knocked me for a loop. So casual, like "So I took the Lambo down to the Wal-Mart..." :) I shrank my favorite leather motorcycle jacket 30 years ago in much the same manner (of course, I didn't really know what I was doing) and I've been apprehensive about mixing leather and water ever since. Just yesterday I overcame my fear long enough to put my Bantu Wind through a delicate cycle (cold/cold), and then worried that it was so full of water, that it was taking so long to dry, that it was going to stretch out, that it was going to shrink up...

But hey, if you're cool with putting your brand new TNO through the wringer, so to speak, that gives me hope to carry on. :)
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Re: My Latest (and last) TNO Raiders Jacket

Post by TheExit148 »

Oildale Jones wrote:That jacket is gorgeous and I can't argue with results, but this line...
So I soaked it in the shower with warm-hot water, then threw it in the dryer to speed up the drying and help with shrinking.
...knocked me for a loop. So casual, like "So I took the Lambo down to the Wal-Mart..." :) I shrank my favorite leather motorcycle jacket 30 years ago in much the same manner (of course, I didn't really know what I was doing) and I've been apprehensive about mixing leather and water ever since. Just yesterday I overcame my fear long enough to put my Bantu Wind through a delicate cycle (cold/cold), and then worried that it was so full of water, that it was taking so long to dry, that it was going to stretch out, that it was going to shrink up...

But hey, if you're cool with putting your brand new TNO through the wringer, so to speak, that gives me hope to carry on. :)
Honestly, I was somewhat stressed to do it! The one thing I knew was the it would shrink, but not sure how much. Once it was soaked, I put it on and wore it for probably an hour or so with the sleeves wrinkled up and the jacket fulled zipped. I sat on a towel on the couch and played xbox haha! Then it was taking too long to dry, so I figured, I'll put it in the dryer to speed up the shrinking. Not a full cycle, and when I removed it, it was still wet in places, and somewhat damp in others.

I knew the arms would shrink to be perfect length, that's why I ordered them longer then usual; .5" longer. When I put it on the next day, fully dry, I was happy and relieved to feel it fit much better. It was a risk, and thankfully it turned out right :lol:
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