Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again! ;)

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Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again! ;)

Post by Holt »

yes, here we go again... :lol:

I tought I'd share my take on the boots used in the films.

I do not believe the boots in Raiders nor temple were that DARK brown like AB aldens or the 403's

I think the distressing, the oils applied, the dirt and dust played a HUGE factor whe the boots where caught in either shadow filming or under stage lights. The ''authentic brown'' jacket looking black on most scenes is a perfect example. when Indy jumps over the gap in Raiders we see the true jacket color in a split second. very light brown compared to the rest of the film. same with the boots.

I still think the real ones were just about standard 405's.

when I look at the 405's I see Indys boots in the truck close up scene or when they are caught in the sun, when the boots shows it original color and the distressing/dust/dirt is not strong enuff to hide the red. Look at the temple of doom boots in the corner of the picture. what color do you see on the originals at Noels' place and now look at the ones Indy wear in the film pictured next to Indy. possibly the same boot (?)


take CS, look how 'light' and 'naked' the whole film looks compared to the 2 first films. the contrasts in raiders and temple is darker and is making his whole gear appear darker and so does his shoes. look at CS now and see how his gear is too costumie and way too light looking. it's not dark and cool like the other 2 first films. it's caught under pretty bad lighting and that is making his whole gear look awfull and safari looking and the same is happeing to his aldens. they look very light'ish. actually his aldens in CS look pretty much like the ones in Noel howards picture caught in the flash. lol.


so, IMO? 405's is used in all films only very distressed making them look wither darker or lighter. it just depends on the lighting.

anything of this making sense? or is it just my head?
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by starks_6 »

I agree that some shots in Raiders the boots are definitely the lighter colour. There's the shot of the boots in the beginning of Raiders when Indy is stepping around the 'sensors' on the floor and the boots look quite darkish brown like the AB aldens, and they dont appear to be overly distressed. I suppose with being aged, darkish set and then film editing could cause this however. Its an interesting argument. I like to think they are the more brown in that scene though.
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by sithspawn »

There are behind the scenes shots in the Making of Indiana Jones book where the boots are clearly the AB color. I don't think it's a trick of the light.
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by TheExit148 »

I personally think that multiple colours were used. The standard lighter brown, and the AB brown were probably used. But I think the inside temple scenes were these boots, and maybe some other scenes. I give you these vintage Alden's from the 70's/early 80's from a recent ebay auction:


I have an HD rip of ROTLA, and the boots in the temple have the lighter welt, not the colour matched welt like on the ABs. The leather looks identical to the boots in the above pictures. Unless they are just super dusty, but the leather itself doesn't look like that. And don't think this is a knock against the AB boots. I'm sure the boots Marc re-created were used a lot on the actual film, and Marc is a diehard and wouldn't release them if they weren't. He wouldn't call them "hero" boots if they weren't.

But Holt is probably right. Lighting, and distressing all add to the different look of the boots. I don't think we will ever be 100% what was what unless the actual "Hero" pieces are released to the general public for viewing, in a book or a dvd/bluray special feature. They haven't ever been and shots included in any of the DVD's, or books or even the latest Indy Exhibit thing going on that outright state HERO COSTUME PIECES. The Raiders costume is probably never going to be fully seen.
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by irishjones »

Oh My God, those boots are gorgeous! I love the colour! Absolutely perfect!
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by sneakertinker »

Been a very long time since I've posted anything (Great to be back by the way)...

Decided I'd throw my hat in the mix here as it were and offer up a little bit of extra information.

This is what I've been able to rundown over the years from Alden connections I've been lucky enough to make. A little bit of a long read so please forgive me...

First thing is, as most of you know, Harrison Ford was the person responsible for bringing the Alden 405 Boot into the costume. He'd been wearing the model since his day's working in carpentry (1973 ish...or there about), and purchased his first pair from good o' Fritz at the now defunct Frederick's Shoes (RIP Fritz). Fritz suggested the shoes to Harrison when he entered the shop looking for something to alive his back pain during his long work days. The original costume called for Indy to wear moc toe Re Boots. Harrison suggested the 405's since they were period accurate and he loved their comfort as he'd already been wearing them for years prior...The rest as they say is history.

As such, though we've never gotten full confirmation, it's understood that the boots that Harrison himself wore during the filming were his personal pair that he'd had for a fair amount of time prior to filming. All the pairs worn by stunt doubles etc...were purchased from Fritz over at Frederick's. Best time frame for the "hero", or the boots being worn by Harrison, was dated to the early 70's range while all the doubles boots would have been dated to the latter end of the decade. A couple pairs of the boots purchased for the doubles work would have surely been NOS (New Old Stock) but the majority of them would have been brand new as they were literally made following the large order placed through Frederick's.

Through a ton of leg work from a great many people (Mostly Marc) the original "Dark Brown" calfskin leather was discovered to be what was used on the boots worn by Harrison during the filming of Raiders. I've been able to determine that the "Hero" boots have the same color leather used on the current AB Boots, duck lining / leather tongue lining, color matched welt, and white stitching...Basically picture the AB Boots with white stitching on the moc toe. It could also be noted that the duck lining / leather tongue lining combo ended with this era boot. Every subsequent variation of the standard 405 used the full duck lining until the release of the 403, and 404 models.

The thing you have to remember is that, until recently with the release of the 404 and 403 models, Alden listed every color that the 405 was produced in as "Brown" no matter what type of dying the leather received at the Horween Leather Factory. This leather was always calfskin...This is what's made the exact specs hard to pin down over the years. Essentially as long as the color of the leather could be described as "Brown" and the leather type was calf then that's what got used. The understanding that I have on the subject breaks the colors down to this order...

...AB type brown color (Pre 70's to early 70's...Would have been worn by Harrison during the filming of Raider's)

...Lighter brown color (Mid to late 70's - the same type shown on the amazing boot that was posted in this thread)

...A red tinted "brick" brown color (Late, late, late 70's to mid 80's...Boots would likely have been worn by stunt doubles for Raider's)

...A flat brown color (Mid 80's through mid 90's...Color shown to be worn in Crusade)

...Back to the red tinted "brick" brown color (Mid 90's through early 00's...Essentially the same color used on the 405's of today)

...The infamous "Pumpkin Orange" color. A color Alden still uses today listed as "Burnished Tan" (Early 00's). These are the most interesting to me because they prove better than anything else that Alden really didn't care as to what color the leather used on the boots was as long as it fit into the loosely defined "brown" description. This was described as a small "hiccup" on the part of Alden, but was par for the course as far as their inconsistent coloring goes. The only difference in this "hiccup" and all the others I listed, is that it happened during the Internet age and all us geeks could get together and discuss things such as this. Alden clearly hadn't accounted for the following the 405 would garner over the years following this, and the result of our (Read: Indy super fans) consistent disdain for a boot that wasn't screen accurate. The constant questioning they got regarding this urged them to give us what we now call the 403 and 404 models.

...Back to the red tinted "brick" brown color to current...Of course today you have the 403, and 404 to pick from but we're focusing on the 405 after all ;) ...

Right about now you might be asking yourself "What about the boots used in Temple"...For all intents and purposes these were the same boots that Harrison wore for the filming of Raiders. Not the same generation or anything but the same boots.

Now, all that being said, we will likely never pin down the exact color used during filming simply because there are too many variables to consider...The biggest of which being what, if any, leather treatment and artificial aging the boots got prior to filming. This can be said for all the films in fact as it's common place for wardrobe to be altered to fit a certain look. Point in fact is that the boots used for Crystal Skull (Worn by Harrison at least) were left overs from the filming of Crusade that were artificially aged prior to Harrison putting them on. I myself took a pair of the brick color 405's back in early 08' and with the use of Pecards leather dressing (Thank you Michaelson) and a hair dryer managed to create a pair that looked identical, save for the full leather lining, to the current 403's.

Of course now a day's there are literally hundreds of versions of "Indy" boots that have been produced by Alden...Limited Editions, Store Exclusives, Custom made one off's, Cordovan Leather, Chrome Excel Leather, Calfskin Leather etc...Back in the day's following the initial discovery of what type of boots were worn for the films the only thing that Indy fans had to pick from was the standard 405's and whatever color leather Alden wanted to use for them. Now our options are endless...

In case you all can't tell the "Indy" boot is my favorite piece of gear. As such, at one point, I owned a total of seven pairs of various incarnations and designs...Just about covering every occasion I could think of that would require me to have shoes on my feet. At any rate I've dwindled my collection down to just these three pairs...

The AB's, the standard "brick" 405's, and the custom pair of "pumpkin orange" 405's I had made through Alden back in 2009...All duck lined (save for the leather tongue lining of the AB's) as that is what I prefer.

Image ... 681641.jpg ... 681642.jpg ... 681645.jpg ... 681647.jpg

Don't even get me started on laces and socks :lol: ...
Last edited by sneakertinker on Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by starks_6 »

geez sneakertinker,

That's a great amount of information. I'm especial interested in the run down of what model shoes were worn when and by who in what film.
Now the boots worn by Indy in the truck scene (where we see the close up) definitely do look like the redder colour, more so than the AB's at least. Which to me begs the this even Harrison's feet that we can see in that scene? or a double or stunt driver that they used for the close up?
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by sneakertinker »

starks_6 wrote:geez sneakertinker,

That's a great amount of information. I'm especial interested in the run down of what model shoes were worn when and by who in what film.
Now the boots worn by Indy in the truck scene (where we see the close up) definitely do look like the redder colour, more so than the AB's at least. Which to me begs the this even Harrison's feet that we can see in that scene? or a double or stunt driver that they used for the close up?
Good eye...

I read someplace, maybe in a making of book or something, that there were a few pick up shots done on or around Skywalker Ranch following the principal filming...this being one of them. I'll try and lock that info down and post it up here.

This is my favorite shot of the "Hero" boots by the way...

Also as an favorite scene in all the Indy films, the motorcycle chase scene in Last Crusade, was also filmed in the hills surrounding Skywalker Ranch.
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by Holt »

so, I have been doing some searching and here is the Indy boot on display from either Raiders or Temple of doom. the color is darker then I thought it was. no brick like the truck chase. it really is a darker boot which makes me think the boots in the truck chase maby was used by a stunt double and Ford wore the darker ones? :-k

I'm sure the darker JCREW aldens will look exactly like this when aged.



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Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again! ;)

Post by ShanghaiJack »

Great info Sneakertinker. I like the cotton duck lining too. It's a shame they don't use it anymore.

What are the 404s? This is the first I've heard of them. I've been gone from COW for awhile myself.
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Re: Boots / colors / stage light / distressing / yes again!

Post by Oildale Jones »

I'd put my money on those being the very same boots Indy's wearing on the bridge. (As well as the insert shots being done by anyone other than principal actors.)
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