Red Wing 8875's

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Red Wing 8875's

Post by fifthchamber »

Having recently managed to find a pair of Red Wing 8875's for a deal off the usual selling price I was wondering what (if anything) people had found works in darkening them slightly?

The colour is a lovely dark brown/red russet colour...Rather close to the Alden 403 shade and I wanted to try and get them closer to being dark brown, rather than red...I'm using Mink Oil and sunshine since yesterday and they are already a shade or so darker...But I was wondering if anyone here had any extra advice specific to the Red Wing "Oro-Russet Portage" leather?

The boots can be seen here, in the "Heritage work/Classic Moc" section;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I did a search and came up with several different ideas about darkening, and I'll try Pecards and more Mink Oil with a lot of hot sun but was wondering if there was anything more (specific to these shoes) out there that had been tested?

The shoes themselves are stunning..Lovely to wear, and close enough to the 403's already to not have me worry...But I'd like your opinions!

Thanks in advance...And regards. :TOH:
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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by fifthchamber »

These are the shoes after a day of oiling and tanning in the Sun...

Personally I think I've done a decent job...But if anyone else has any useful suggestions I'd welcome the expert advice! :TOH:

I guess this is a fair example of what can be done to great "close-enough" shoes to make them look more Indy...I've changed the laces to dark brown and wide laced instead of the cord style, and have used a mixture of Mink oil and the Pecard's leather dressing in alternation while drying in the Sun between oilings.. That'll be it for a while, let the oil sink in and settle and then re-apply perhaps? Not sure yet though..

Any comments are warmly welcomed...


Regards.. ;)
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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by ThatManFromRio »

You should check this tread from Tundrarider : viewtopic.php?f=16&t=47437
He did a perfect job ( as always ) in darkening his 405 !

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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by fifthchamber »

Thanks for the reply! ;)

Yeah actually, it was Tundra who started me out on the process I've ended up using...He's spot on with it by the way, just sunshine and good use of Pecards really has darkened the skin down... And I'm still using his colour as the standard to aim for, since in all the movies the boots are dusty and broken to ####..

Thanks though! :TOH:
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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by jlhampton »

I own a pair of Aldens from 2003 and they are the lighter brick red color. I have had very good results in darkening them to a pretty dark brown by going back and forth between brown and black shoe polish. I have repeated this process about six or seven times since purchasing them and i am well pleased with the darker color. Sorry i don't have any pics to post as i don't have the software to my old camera and have not bothered to get a new one, but this method gives a pretty s.a. hue to the boots. Also, by using a mink oil application after the polish, this will really dull down the shine and make the leather look more weathered. I hope this helps a little. By the way, if you do attempt this, try not to get the polish on the stitching for obvious reasons.

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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by jlhampton »

Oh and one more thing, I just went back and reviewed the thread on how Michael darkened his boots and just to give you an idea on the result of mine, they are exactly the same color of the last pic Michael posted of his with his pants legs hiked up. So my boots started out that " pumpkin/brick red " color to what you see in that last photo.

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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by ThatManFromRio »

Tundrarider wrote:I used Pecards, olive oil and sunshine to get these results.
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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by fifthchamber »

Yeah, I'm worried about the Olive Oil method for several reasons, including any possible smell and the mixture with the severe humidity of the Japanese summer...So I've been cautious about trying it out..I'm less worried about insects trying to eat it, since the usually choose to eat me instead, but Olive Oil....I dunno...

The polish sounds like a good go-to plan! I might try if I see the need to darken the skin any more than it is now...Thanks for that!

Regards to you both! :TOH:
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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by fifthchamber »


I loved the way your boots looked, and that colour is the guide I'm going by for mine... I've been using a layer of Pecards daily and leaving the boots out in the sun from 10am to 3pm ish all weekend and they have darkened quite considerably already... I'll probably stop the oiling after today and just rely on use to do the rest of the work for me, but it was great to get feedback on the methods I was using and could try out..

The Olive Oil one is an interesting one still...I don't think I have the guts to try it just in case something happens, but I do like the outcome on yours...So...It'll stay in my head and if I get a slow weekend I'm sure I'll try it and see what happens...On that note, this far down the line have you found any issues with the method? I'm guessing no?

Warmest regards. :TOH:
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Re: Red Wing 8875's

Post by fifthchamber »

I agree with you in that regard...

I'm not looking for SA boots as much as "Indy-style" this time out...I think going out anywhere in boots as beat down as his would do me no favours...I'd like the shoes to look used, but not beaten senseless, and I loved the dark, rich undertones that you'd gotten the Alden's to in those photos...I'll stick with the Pecards and Sunshine I think, since these and my Timberlands are my "go-to" boots and I'd like them to look fresh but distinguished... :-k

Thanks again for the help...I'll keep on trying as is and see what happens...I love the red/brown tones my Red Wings have hit now..I keep comparing them to the website photos and it's rather remarkable to see the change already...Although I'm probably over-oiling them right now...(Hence the all day suntan session going on now..It should help the oil to settle into the leather better)...

All round great advice from all here...Thank you for the help.. :notworthy:

And thanks Tundra for the original post...So much good stuff to use there in both comparison and method that I reckon it should be stickied...

All the best. :TOH:
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