My final collection..

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My final collection..

Post by Gorak »

I finally received my jacket from Tomek and am now at a point where I am very content with my leather collection.
I have 2 Wested:
1. Washed Goat. Slightly longer as it use to be Tomeks.
2. Dark superlightweight Lambskin. Custom. Perfect with all cept the larger yoke.
and 2 Todd`s:
3. Standard Lambskin from about 3 years old. Perfect cept for construction quality.
4. Cowhide Custom bought secondhand. Perfect cept for slightly smaller arm length

Here are some pics to compare skins and colors... ... 164301.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 164140.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 164639.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 164647.jpg" onclick=";return false;

And here is my full collection...included is my heavyweight Ambercrombie jacket that matches my wife`s, my Banana Republic jacket that had such a cool looking skin that I had to buy it, and my other Banana Republic that is very lightweight has a great skin, and looks kinda Indyish cept for the collar. ... 165032.jpg" onclick=";return false;

I am very happy with this collection. It fills all my leather needs and stratches every Indy jacket itch I`ve ever had. Now we all know this probly won`t last with a Gearhead but right now I am so Happy. O:) :) :D
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Re: My final collection..

Post by singsingjohnny »

That's some collection, very cool!
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Re: My final collection..

Post by Joeyeah_right »

Very nice!! :) :TOH:

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Re: My final collection..

Post by Holt »

I absolutely adore the lightweigth lamb... so much I am thinking about getting that instead of the dark goat. yeah!

you say large yoke? did you order the 80's cut or the regular cut. I think the regular cut comes with a larger yoke. :-k
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Re: My final collection..

Post by Gorak »

With all the uncertainty of what you get and don`t get, I didn`t want to rock the boat and make too many I just asked for a snug, tight fit. I admit, I didn`t even really give it any thought aseverything that was coming out of Wested at that particular time had smaller yokes....even now, I don`t think it is that much different and not noticable until I put it up next to my Todd`s.
I thought I could live with it but then I saw lots of other folks jackets and the bigger yoke really seems to **** out the Raiders of any jacket and so since then it had started to bug me alittle but then after my new aquistion (Tomeks Washed Goat) was perfect in yoke and everything else, I have just accepted it...also since I didn`t specify, I feel it was largely my fault so no bad blood for Wested about it...the way they are handling this custom thing is different though. If they don`t want to do it, or can`t for whatever reason just say I know Peter HAS SAID SO but they shouldn`t have made the jackets and sent them out..they should have just been adament about the fact that they will not do customizing other than what is on the website order form. That I don`t understand.
I absolutely love the skin choice and I owe that all to you and your were so right on and I wear that jacket in the sun, just gets so comfy and light that I just forget I have it on and never think to remove just becomes part of me for the day.I am trying to decide which of my jackets I am going to distress for movie accuracy..even down to the gunshot hole..maybe I`ll start a poll and let you guys help me decide. :D
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Re: My final collection..

Post by Holt »

well, I really like the yoke size on your jacket. how thin would you say the lamb is? does it feel liek it could stand up to normal day to day wear?
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Re: My final collection..

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I'm VERY jealous of that gorgeous collection of leather, Gorak... Absolutely beautiful!
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