Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

Some "gun nut" friends of mine here in FL took me out shooting for the 1st time this weekend. I have to say it was quite an experience and a lot of fun! One (who's a retired sheriff from KY) was making fun of me being a New Yorker who never shot a gun before. I have to say I did well and shot the following: 2 shotguns (one was a 12 gauge), Glock, AR-15 (that was a lot of fun and I almost started laughing :lol: when the shots were going off so quick), AK-47 (Romanian), a WWII German pistol and a handgun called the Judge which I fired both shotgun shells and .45 Cowboy rounds. I'll put pics up later.

BTW what guns do people have here?
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Ah, yes! Nothing like the first time. sigh.

I favor revolvers, myself, but I keep a semi-auto for back-up. My favorite is an M-10 S&W .38.

I think if you do a bit of searching, there should be a gun show-off thread someplace on here.
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by kwad »

It is quite an experience, isn't it? (I try to get out to the range at least once a month.)

Your first time out and they let you shoot a Taurus Judge? :o

I hear with 45 Long colts, it isn't too bad, but, the .410 shotgun shells give you one heck of a kick!

Too bad they are outlawed here in California (The only reason they are banned is because of the ".410" stamp on the side of the barrel. If it only had the .45 stamp, they would be allowed. :roll: )

You'll find that the types of guns owned by members here run the full spectrum.
Everything from .22's to .455's and beyond.......
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Canyon »

Many congratulations on firing a gun for the first time. :clap: It's a lot of fun, isn't it? :mrgreen:

Got any pictures of your shots?

Here's my first time firing a gun (at a shooting range). ;)
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=47423" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

Thanks Stella! Yes, A LOT OF FUN! :mrgreen: I see you had a lot of fun shooting which prompted me to start this thread. Normally I wouldn't have been in this section. I guess I have the fever now, great! ;)

No pics of my shots but pics of me shooting in the below link (and some of my wife with a shotgun :shock: ). We would've but the range was very busy and there were about 10 of us all taking turns shooting targets; when you were done with a clip, you were done and handed it to the next person. There are some comedy pics of me "shooting" the staple gun gangsta style as well as the Glock.

http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/J ... 0shooting/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Canyon »

Awesome pictures! :mrgreen: Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! :D

I don't think I would feel comfortable shooting a hand held with one hand. I guess that Indy has had a lot of practice with that. :mrgreen:
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

Canyon wrote:Awesome pictures! :mrgreen: Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! :D

I don't think I would feel comfortable shooting a hand held with one hand. I guess that Indy has had a lot of practice with that. :mrgreen:
Thanks! Yeah, I wouldn't either and don't know how people do. Unless that's just in the movies. Again those pics were just me posing; don't want people getting the wrong idea that I actually tried that. :shock:
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Solent MKIII »

One-handed shooting can be fun too - just need to have a firm grip and the correct stance. ( I remember seeing training films from WWII where GI's were taught to fire one-handed with their M1911 .45's ). Glad to hear you had a good time at the range. :clap: Target shooting/marksmanship can be very fun ( and addicting! ). Image
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Holmes »

Glad to hear that you liked it. Shooting is one of my favorite things to do, careful with that "fever" though it'll attack your wallet lol :BD: Thats why my collection is pretty much limited to affordable WWII surplus, I mean come on at 80 bucks for a solid built mosin nagant you can't go wrong.
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

JC1972 wrote:
Canyon wrote:Awesome pictures! :mrgreen: Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! :D

I don't think I would feel comfortable shooting a hand held with one hand. I guess that Indy has had a lot of practice with that. :mrgreen:
Thanks! Yeah, I wouldn't either and don't know how people do. Unless that's just in the movies. Again those pics were just me posing; don't want people getting the wrong idea that I actually tried that. :shock:
One handed shooting can be rough with the bigger calibers... and that .410! If accuracy is you main priority, it's best to shoot a handgun with two hands. However, if your practicing for self-defense purposes, it is wise to also practice shooting with one hand, including your off-hand. Real shoot-outs are rarely "ideal." However, that "gangsta" stuff is not a good idea. Also, if your range will permit it, prone firing, rapid firing, and drawing drills are a good idea. Unfortunately, civilian ranges here don't allow either. :(
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

Thanks Chewie. All the shooting I did was with two hands. I was just trying to aim for something; the paper targets, water jugs, soda cans, etc. Just trying for accuracy and to shoot it right. The gangsta stuff I would never try for shooting of course. That was just a couple poses we took of us clowning around, including the staple gun. I know the range had signs stating no rapid firing. Maybe next time, depending on the caliber I'll try one-handed and left-handed (that will be something as I'm almost useless when it comes to being a lefty).
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by BendingOak »

Whats up with the gansta shooting?
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Solent MKIII »

I read an account of a kid at a local range who was gangsta-style shooting to impress his friends. Holding a semiauto pistol normally, the brass will usually eject to the side - holding the pistol sideways can cause the brass to fly straight back. Well, you guessed it - this kid touched off the first round and the hot brass case flew back and smacked him right between the eyes. :lol: He let out a yelp and dropped his pistol on the ground ( fortunately, it didn't go off from the impact ). This kind of shooting is best left in the movies. Image
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by RaidersBash »

Man, those AR's are sooooooo much fun. Unfortunately I sold mine a couple years ago, but the local armorer has Stag's for $800!!! :clap:

My favorite is my .357 S&W M13 Indy type revolver, along with my Winchester .357 M94 carbine.

Next are my Ruger Mini's...the Mini 14 .223 and Mini 30 7.62x39

My carry pistol is a Taurus ultra-light snubby .38+P

Andy my AK-47 is the most beautiful work of art (well, I think Garands and M1A springfields are gorgeous too, and the AR) and hangs on the wall.

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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

BendingOak wrote:Whats up with the gansta shooting?
John, again it was a joke and there was no gangsta shooting. I just posed like that; my friends thought it would be funny that "straight-laced Jim" as one called me, to hold it like that. That's why I had shooting in quotes when I referenced it.
Solent MKIII wrote:I read an account of a kid at a local range who was gangsta-style shooting to impress his friends. Holding a semiauto pistol normally, the brass will usually eject to the side - holding the pistol sideways can cause the brass to fly straight back. Well, you guessed it - this kid touched off the first round and the hot brass case flew back and smacked him right between the eyes. :lol: He let out a yelp and dropped his pistol on the ground ( fortunately, it didn't go off from the impact ). This kind of shooting is best left in the movies. Image
I hate to laugh at that one but I guess he deserved that one and hopefully learned. I figured that one-handed shooting is just movie stuff, but from what Chewie was saying, perhaps it would be good to learn just in case. As he says there are no ideal situations.
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

RaidersBash wrote:Man, those AR's are sooooooo much fun. Unfortunately I sold mine a couple years ago, but the local armorer has Stag's for $800!!! :clap:

My favorite is my .357 S&W M13 Indy type revolver, along with my Winchester .357 M94 carbine.

Next are my Ruger Mini's...the Mini 14 .223 and Mini 30 7.62x39

My carry pistol is a Taurus ultra-light snubby .38+P

Andy my AK-47 is the most beautiful work of art (well, I think Garands and M1A springfields are gorgeous too, and the AR) and hangs on the wall.

Sounds like a nice collection; what kind of AK-47 do you have? Like you said, the AR was a lot of fun. It was nice using the scope.
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by BendingOak »

Sorry I didn't read anything in the group of photos just saw the pics and said to myself "what the .......?" and jumped all over you. :CR: :lol:
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

BendingOak wrote:Sorry I didn't read anything in the group of photos just saw the pics and said to myself "what the .......?" and jumped all over you. :CR: :lol:
Its okay, John. :TOH: I just wanted to make sure people know I'm not like that and get the wrong idea. Hence why my friends thought it would be funny if I posed like that.
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

BendingOak wrote:Sorry I didn't read anything in the group of photos just saw the pics and said to myself "what the .......?" and jumped all over you. :CR: :lol:
So, you essentially shot first and asked questions later, huh? ;)
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by BendingOak »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Sorry I didn't read anything in the group of photos just saw the pics and said to myself "what the .......?" and jumped all over you. :CR: :lol:
So, you essentially shot first and asked questions later, huh? ;)

That's how I roll B............. :CR:

I'm not the only one who shoots first and ask questions later. I have company. :Plymouth:
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Not me. I just shoot. :lol:
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Canyon »

JC1972 wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Sorry I didn't read anything in the group of photos just saw the pics and said to myself "what the .......?" and jumped all over you. :CR: :lol:
Its okay, John. :TOH: I just wanted to make sure people know I'm not like that and get the wrong idea. Hence why my friends thought it would be funny if I posed like that.
You'll have to excuse John. He's from New York. :mrgreen:

J/K... :anxious: :CR: :Plymouth:
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by JC1972 »

Canyon wrote:
JC1972 wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Sorry I didn't read anything in the group of photos just saw the pics and said to myself "what the .......?" and jumped all over you. :CR: :lol:
Its okay, John. :TOH: I just wanted to make sure people know I'm not like that and get the wrong idea. Hence why my friends thought it would be funny if I posed like that.
You'll have to excuse John. He's from New York. :mrgreen:

J/K... :anxious: :CR: :Plymouth:
Heyyyyy, I'm from New York. Which is why I excused John so easily. ;)
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Re: Went shooting for the 1st time Sun.; talk about fun!

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

In NY, you need a license to ask questions, so be careful.

Wait... does that sound right?

About the lefty shooting; I found out that people have an eye dominance, just has they have a hand dominance, but that they don't always match. I'm right handed, but left eye dominant. The weird result is, my firing accuracy is higher with my left hand! Needless to say, I practice with my left hand a lot.
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