Dyeing pants, need advice

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Dyeing pants, need advice

Post by nihil »

Hi :)

I got two concerns regarding my search for close-ish indy trousers.

First off. I've located some trousers that I would like to modify and use as indy pants.
The problem is that they are made from a treated cotton that are both wrinkle and stain resistant. While it's great with the wrinkle part as that would help with the look overall, I'm also unsure if the fabric can actually be dyed?
http://www.landsend.co.uk/pp/No-iron-Cl ... gin=search
(They come with 41" un-hemmed inseam, so that I can make pocket flaps of the remainder fabric, making it a good pair. They also even come with seven belt loops)

Alternatively, I can chose these, but I fear that the non-wrinkle free cotton is heavier and won't have quite the same drape.
Plus they are a bit shorter, and I'm not sure I would get enough extra fabric after hemming the legs, to make the pocket flats.
http://www.landsend.co.uk/pp/Legacy-Chi ... gin=search

Secondly question is, which dye should I chose to dye either pair to a more SA color?
I've been looking at the RIT Tan, but it's all-purpose and I've read somewhere that all-purpose fabric dyes aren't the best in terms of durability and ability to cover difficult fabrics. I'm also very unsure if thats the color I should be going for.
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Re: Dyeing pants, need advice

Post by Indiana Jeff »

My guess is that any pants that are treated to be stain resistant are not going to take well to dying.

As for dye color that's really going to depend on what your base color is for the trousers you are trying to dye. Generally people have to go a bit darker from what's available commercially in "khaki." Some have used a cocoa color. Others have added shades of red or pinks to get more of a vintage uniform 'pinks' color undertones.

Idid a quick search using "pants dye" and limited my search to the Gear Care and Distressing and came across this thread. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=39468&hilit=dye+pants

In the thread itself there are links to still other threads about dying pants.


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Alkali Jones
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Re: Dyeing pants, need advice

Post by Alkali Jones »

Hey nihil,

Try here: http://www.dharmatrading.com/ They have all kinds of stuff for dyeing fabrics. Maybe they can help.

Dan S
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