Cabela's shirts: Will they ever wrinkle? ARGGH!!!

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Cabela's shirts: Will they ever wrinkle? ARGGH!!!

Post by PropReplicator »

Does anyone know of a way to make these shirts wrinkle? I hate the "just came back from the cleaners" look that man-made fabrics have. I've been trying to figure out a way to give them more of a rugged look, but have had no luck.:(
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Post by Sergei »

That's funny I just posted about the Cabellas shirt on another topic. Yea, the Cabellas are really wrinkle resistant. I found that if you wash the shirt in the most vigorous spin cycle you can select, which is usually the cotton wash cycle. Wash the shirt, let it finish at the end of the spin cycle. And just let the shirt lay compressed after the wash/spin is done. Just leave it alone for a few hours, wet and compressed. It should come out very wrinkled. But not as much as an all cotton shirt.

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Renderking Fisk
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Folks at the textile research houses are banging their heads on the black boards trying to find ways to make these shirts wrinkle free... just so we can find ways to wrinkle them.

Anyone else find this funny?
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Post by PropReplicator »

Oh, I fully recognize the irony of trying to wrinkle a made-to-be-wrinkle-free shirt, believe me. :)
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Post by Indiana Janice »

Renderking Fisk wrote:Folks at the textile research houses are banging their heads on the black boards trying to find ways to make these shirts wrinkle free... just so we can find ways to wrinkle them.

Anyone else find this funny?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Once again RF, you made me laugh!

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Post by Arkansas Smith »

Could you try wadding it up in a pant/jean leg and loading the washer really full. I find that this works (usually accidentally) to put a ton of wrinkles in shirts.

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Post by schwammy »

You could always try the John Wayne method. He used to have his kids wad up his new film costumes, tie the bundle up with rope, drop it in the Pacific and drag it behind his boat all weekend. After a trip to Catalina Island, his duds no longer looked like a dude's.
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Post by Michaelson »

Ah, Ren, it's no more amusing than when MBA was doing the same thing, after working so hard to get the nice crease on the Indy trouser, only to have folks work so hard to get it out again. :wink: I'm sure Noel is STILL shaking his head about that one. Regards. Michaelson
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