Epaulete taper- is it SA?

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Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by 3thoubucks »

I just got a great WPG shirt. I was struck by the taper of the epaulets. My Todd's didn't have taper, and it looks like the Magnoli doesn't either. Don't know about AB and Wested. But is taper SA (In Raiders)? It's hard to tell, but it could be there. Here's the WPG Image Image
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Re: Epaulete taper- fact or ficton?

Post by Texan Scott »

looks tapered in the still.
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by conceited_ape »

My NH Raiders shirt epaulets are tapered, if this helps.
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by John Vaughan »

Just going by what I've see in the movies ( hit the 300 times mark on Raiders just the other day) and by the pics. Well they do have a slight taper to them, could just be the angle tho'
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by Texan Scott »

It sort of makes sense in a way, that the epaulet would be wide at its base and slimmer as it is buttoned near the collar. No need for it to be as wide, and a better reason for it to taper near the neck.
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by Hollowpond »

3thoubucks wrote:I just got a great WPG shirt. I was struck by the taper of the epaulets. My Todd's didn't have taper, and it looks like the Magnoli doesn't either. Don't know about AB and Wested. But is taper SA (In Raiders)? It's hard to tell, but it could be there. Here's the WPG Image Image
Those two pics look identical to me.

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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by knibs7 »


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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by IndianaBogart »

Not making a call one way or another, but just out of curiosity: if the epaulets were in fact tapered, why would the four other main makers of the Raiders shirt not have them tapered? Especially Todd's shirt, which is based off of a screen used shirt?
Just curious. :-k
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by Texan Scott »

I have a Noel Howard shirt and the base of the epaulet measures 40 mm at the seam. At the button opening, it measures 32 mm.

There is no taper on the Todds shirt, however. This a minor shirt detail that could have gotten lost, forgotten or mistaken by the shirt maker's duplication methods?
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

Epaulets have a reason for being. Are they tapered on military shirts?

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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by 3thoubucks »

Texan Scott wrote:I have a Noel Howard shirt and the base of the epaulet measures 40 mm at the seam. At the button opening, it measures 32 mm.
The WPG's are 45 and 38, and they do seem to be wider than SA.
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by Texan Scott »

I can see a rational reason for the taper, jmo.
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by Kt Templar »

The one I saw had a distinctly tapered epaulet.

The other big question is, have WPG stopped making them in tent like proportions? :D
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Re: Epaulete taper- is it SA?

Post by knibs7 »

Kt Templar wrote:The one I saw had a distinctly tapered epaulet.

The other big question is, have WPG stopped making them in tent like proportions? :D
True story- the ONE WPG I bought about 2 years ago felt like I was camping in my own clothes

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