Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

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Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

The first part of my Indy ensamble that I recieved was my LL Bean 'taup' colored pants. Great look and feel - certainly the best off the rack option for the pants.
While I wait for my AB Henry to come in stock, I have been able to set aside funds which tonight I used to purchase a few other items to help complete my ensamble:
From Todds, I got the brown web belt w/brass buckle and the boots.
From AB, I ordered thier Andventure shirt. Based on the recommendations from many COW members, the AB shirt seems to be arguably the best option out there for the shirt.
Within the next few weeks I am looking to get Wade's weathered Raiders strap and a vintage MKVII from WPG.
The jacket will have to wait until later down the line, maybe by summer time. I am planning on a custome Wested in washed Goat - Raiders '80's cut.
I will post pics up as I get more items for the ensamble, but I wanted to share my exictement - I have been a member here for such a short time, but in that time I have been able to get advice and recommendations on all of the gear and I really appreciate what a valuable resource this message board is! :TOH:
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by knibs7 »

Congrats! I remember when I ordered my first gear- it seemed like it took FOREVER ](*,)
Be sure to post pics ASAP!

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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by nicktheguy »

It still feels like forever when I order new stuff now! That fun feeling never goes away! Enjoy!
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Sebastian Arms »

I agree, send pics with your gear on while in a cool setting.

Enjoy getting the gear dirty.

Have a great Christmas.

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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

If you guys want some pics in an appropriate setting, you will have to wait until March when I take my Orlando trip. I will be sure to get lots of photos in my gear standing in front of some Indy backgrounds!
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by bigrex »

Congratulations sir, keep your pocketbook leather handy, you'll need it! :whip:
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Today, finally, I recieved my boots from Todd's and my shirt from Adventurebilt.
The boots are really great for the price, the best option for those (like me) cannot afford to invest in a true pair of Aldens. Very soft leather, but I am looking forward to breaking them in to see how well they hold up.

The AB shirt is really fantastic. It fits and looks perfect. I especially like the staff of Ra logo sewn inside the colar. I am a slim guy, so the fit is perfect and I plan on wearing this with regular jeans for 'non-Indy' nights out.
I am tortured by anticipation as I am still awaiting my AB Henry hat size to come into stock - the Hat is what I am most excited about and I feel I made the right decision for what to go with for my first Indy fedora.
I will take some pics when I have more of the ensamble together...
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by mrkaboom »

welcome to the craziness that is COW - when the hat comes your outfit will really kick in.


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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Indiana Joosse »

Welcome to a wonderfull new world! :D

And say goodbye to your life savings while you are at it... :[
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Next on my hit list to have in time for my Orlando trip is a bag from WPG and distressed raiders strap from WE.
Since I won't be able to wear the weapons belt into the park, that one will have to wait, but I am planning on getting WE stuff for that too.
The jury is still out as to which whip I go with. Right now, I am leaning towards Todds because it will be mostly for display and costume wear, with the occasional crack thrown in thier (now THAT sounds naughty!)
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Imahomer »

Good luck gathering up all your stuff. I hope you don't wind up selling it off in under a year like so many others seem to do. Take your time and be sure what you order is what you want.

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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Indiana Joosse »

Take care though, because if your costume looks too good you might not be allowed into the park. Happened to me once.

There's a thread about that on here somewhere...

Oh... :oops:

Just saw that was your thread....
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Yes, I am absolutely trying to take my time and 'get it right the first time' with this one - that way I don't get too complaicent with less-than-quality gear pieces and end up wanting to upgrade (but can't afford to) down the road.
That's what happened with my Joker costume. Despite the Dark Knight just coming out that summer, enough progress was made between then and October to have a really great quality Joker ensamble available in time for Halloween. But now, over a year later, there are several new options for some of the costume pieces that totally blow mine away in the accuracy department...darn thing is, my interest in the costume has subsided and I'm not gung-ho about upgrading to more expensive, more accurate pieces at this time.
That's precisely what I DONT want to happen with my Indy gear.
Though my budget is limited, I want to make the right decisions as best my budget will allow. Here's the rundown of what I plan on getting (or already have)
Fedora: AB Henry
Shirt: AB (in hand)
Web belt: Raiders brown w/brass buckle - Todds (in hand)
Gun Belt, holster, bag strap: Distressed Raiders - Wade Egan
Bag: WPG original
Pants: LL Bean, taupe color w/back pocket flaps (in hand) though I may upgrade when Todd comes out with his.
Whip: --undecided--
Jacket: Wested ROTLA washed goat - custom
Boots: Todds (in hand)
I think that about sums it up - minus accesories like the gun and artifacts. I hope my list meets high standards that were no doubt set here by the biggest gearheads in the world.
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Placed my order today with Wade Egan for his SOC aged bag strap and also ordered an original MKVII from WPG. I asked for the most faded/lightest green bag available. I'm not keen on the green color nor completely khaki so hopefully I can get something inbetween.
I now have enough of the gear to wear to Disney.
The only items I am saving for Halloween and beyond is the jacket, weapons belt w/holster, whip and gun.
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Got my MKVII today :D
It is everything I had hoped it would be. I like the color and even the large "VII" stamped on the inside of the flap.
Not only does this make an essential peice to the Indy gear ensamble, but it will be great for carrying bottled waters and purchased gifts around in the Disney parks!
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Today was a good day!
FINALLY after being a member here for a few months and drooling over everyone elses gear pics, I was able to dress in my gear (minus the components I don't have yet: Jacket, weapons belt, whip)
I am really confident with how the whole outfit looks - as long as weather permits, I am having some nice outdoor photos taken tomorrow.
I've been slowly shaping my Henry to where I want it to be and started doing some light weathering with good ol' grinded kitty litter.
I'm really excited to share this experience with all of you because without COW, it would not have been as fun or as easy to put together!
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Indiana Joosse »

Way to go, Frosty!

Can't wait to see those pics! :TOH:
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My Indy gear quest...PICS ADDED!!

Post by generalFROSTY »

Finally! Now I can start sharing pictures of gear instead of just drooling over everyone elses! It's been a long time coming - nearly three months, but I have finally been able to get enough gear together and take some decent photos to share.
Mind you, my need was to get enough gear to wear to Disney in March. Missing from the photos are the wepons belt, whip and Jacket - though in a few photos I am wearing a 'stand-in' jacket that I am using temporarily until I am able to order one from Wested - please don't be surprised by its wrong style as it's not the final version I am going with.
More pictures to fallow as my gear is added to and improved...
I hope you enjoy these pics - I owe my Indy gear adventure to this message board and I thank all you guys - you've been great!
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Great Gear collection you've started, gF... And I continue to be REALLY impressed with these photos of yours. Excellent work!
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by davidd »

Aw, maaaaannnn.... I may have to give up on this Indy gear thing after seeing your pics. :Plymouth:

It's not just your gear -- which is top-notch all the way. It's because you've got the Indy build and the Indy stance and the Indy attitude going along with the gear! It's the stance, the pose, the naturally comfortable and composed appearance you have that really pulls it all together.

Me... I feel like some dufus playing dress-up by comparison.

There are a a number of people on the forum (not just guys) who really pull off "the look" in a realistic, natural, comfortable, authentic way. Tundrarider and Twilekjedi come to mind for full-on Indy gear; Sable has the "real world" version of "the look" down pat. You're right up there with 'em, generalFROSTY!

Thanx for sharing the pics and the gear details. Now... how about sharing some "insider secrets" on how to pull off the "attitude" part! ;)
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Indiana Joosse »

Frosty, great pictures! :D

Excellent gear, you look great! My compliments.

And I agree with Davidd, you've got the stance and the attitude going for you!

If they give you any hassle at Disney now, just give them THE STARE.... and they'll back away. :shock:

And actually I admit to being a little jealous as well. I can never find anybody to take the time to take pictures of me like that. My wife is an excellent photographer, but she refuses to take Indy pictures of me like that. I believe that she refuses to encourage my folly and silently hopes I will 'grow up' some day... :roll:

But anyway, Frosty, you're the man. :whip:
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by maboot38 »

Fantastic look, Frosty!

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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I couldn't agree more with what's been said above on the subject of how well the character, "Indy attitude" (and general awesomeness) of members like Tundrarider, Twilekjedi, Sable and generalFROSTY translates to stillshots. They've all definitely got great charisma that finds it's way into the photos they have taken... and we're all lucky to have them share their pictures with us!
Cheers, folks!

But davidd...
I hope you understand that I have to discourage you on any line of thinking that would really lead you to think that you should "give up on this Indy gear thing" just because these talented folks pull off the look so well.
For some people, all that stance, pose and naturally comfortable and composed appearance stuff comes more easily... for others, it takes a few attempts to get over that "confidence hurdle" (or, in my case: "willingness to look a bit silly in public" hurdle) ;)
Some other people even seem to think that the ability (or inability) to succeed in pulling off the "Indy attitude" is directly related to age, height, weight even skin color... but I sincerely don't think it is.
It's not about trying to look like Ford... I think it's simply about building up enough confidence (mixed with enough time in front of the camera getting over the "lens-fright") to be the best, toughest, cockiest, most confident version of this character that each of us can be.
(Then - if you're anything like me - take a HUNDRED photos and hopefully you'll get maybe a dozen good ones!)
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by djd »

Nice pics GF! :TOH:
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

I'm really blown away by all your compliments! When I first joined up here I really had low expectations for how well I was going to fare in the world of 'Indy Gear' - I am extremely grateful for the wealth of information found here as well as the support and encouragement from all of you.
As for my photographer....well, that's a funny little story...
My father is a professional photographer - and me, a bit of a photog myself. The day I was finally able to put 'all' my gear on for the first time I had to wait for pics to be taken because the weather was rainy. The next day, the weather was sunny and clear - but my father was unavailable to take my pics.
Me not wanting to wait to share my gear on COW, I had to ask my fiancee - whom has never taken professional looking photos before - to be my 'stand-in' photographer.
When we got to the park, it was up to me to pose myself and 'guess' how it would look in frame. This came a little easy for me because I have done modeling from time to time so I know a little bit on how I pose - plus I've learned a lot from my father when it comes to posing a subject.
I had to give my fiancee a crash course in photography. I would show her where the frame should be, pose myself, have her snap the shot, then I would take a look at the screen to see how it looks and from there, re-pose myself accordingly until we started to really get it down. I use the Nikon D60 Digital SLR.
We continued like this for about half an hour. I would guess my pose, have her snap off a few shots, I would check them, then direct her according to how well or how poor the shots looked.
It was a lot of fun - next time, when I have ALL my gear, I plan on having my pops with me, so the shots should actually look even better.
Indy is actually not the first movie character I have tried to emulate. Check these out of me:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/ ... C_0318.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/ ... C_0262.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/ ... 0print.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/ ... a_2007.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/ ... yclops.jpg
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Re: Orderes Placed! My Indy gear quest begins...

Post by generalFROSTY »

Give me some time to think about it and I will try and put it down in words some techniques to nail some good Indy photographs.
If you guys think it would be a good thread, I will start one just for that, but I would want to go out and take some example photos to illustrate what I am talking about.
ONE piece of advice I can offer right off the bat is NOT to smile! For some reason, a smirk or smile takes an edge off that otherwise is completely appropriate to really nail a good 'Indy look'.
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