Shirt comparison pic

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Shirt comparison pic

Post by djd »

These are (top to bottom) Wested, Azuma, NH and AB.

My favourite is actually the AB. The NH is great but needs one more button on the front to prevent it gapping about the trousers! The Azuma is actually most like the Westedin terms of design IMHO.

Last edited by djd on Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by azuma »

Hi djd,

I disagree about my shirt being similar to Wested in design. Wested's Indy shirt is neither Raiders nor LC in terms of design and accuracy. AB's shirt is based on MBA(NH)'s Indy shirt which is based on the original Raiders shirt. My LC shirt is based on the shirt from the Last Crusade. As I said earlier in Azuma's LC shirt thread, all Indy shirts may look the same, but they are actually different in details. And Raiders shirt has the most differences in structure compared to the other two shirts from the trilogy.

For more information and specs on the Indy shirts, please check my posts regarding Indy shirts details comparison charts on Nov 10th, and photos comparisons on Nov 11th in the following links.


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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by djd »

I wasn't being critical :) What I should have said is that Wested's shirt is much closer to LC shirt than a Raiders shirt- and thus more like Azuma's.

Your shirt is a fine shirt (better than the Wested) ;)
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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by Cannuck_Indy_Fan »

You are a shirt geek!, good stuff!!

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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by mrkaboom »

IMO The Wested shirt is nothing like the shirt in any of the movies, the only similarity is the colour and vague design. Everything else is fairly generic. Dont get me wrong I like the Wested shirt (it doesnt need ironing) buts its definitely not SA.

Ive heard good things about Adventurebilts shirt but have yet to get one. My fave is the NH - raiders through and through.

Just my two penneth worth :)

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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by jnicktem »

I've had a NH, AB, Todd's, and an Azuma LC shirt. To me, the NH is king. And once I received my Azuma LC shirt, I decided to sell off my Todd's and AB shirt. Sure, they were great shirts, but to me I just liked the NH and the Azuma the best and that is why I kept those two. The material and the fit were perfect in my opinion.
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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by Digger4Glory »

I have had all of the shirts except Azuma's LC. The MBA I agree is King with the AB right behind it. The others are nice shirts to have but I feel they lack in one way or another for my tastes in terms of an Indy shirt. Now with that said, any close enough Indy shirt is better than none. If you do have a choice though, my personal order is. MBA or NH, AB, Todds, Wested, WPG. This ranking without ever having Azuma's.

I look forward to the new LC shirt from Azuma since I don't own one of those yet.
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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by RaidersBash »

I have several of Todd's shirts. I bought one, and loved the way it fit so much I bought 3 more for myself and later bought 2 for my dad for his birthday.

The value can't be beat, IMO.

But here are some pics for comparison (to make sure to keep it relevant to the "shirt comparison" thread) on the one I wear the most. It is rather old, and was new old stock when I bought it. There were some very subtle style changes between this one and the ones I bought later (this one doesn't have a pen opening on the left pocket, the epaulets aren't over quite as far past the pleat).

This one has 6 buttons on the front, and 1 at the collar (as do my newer ones).

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Re: Shirt comparison pic

Post by DanielJones »

Well so far I like the offerings I see here. Nice collection to be sure.

Cheers! :TOH:

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