Maboot, gearheads are a far different and more selective breed than 99% of the overall population. I don't actually own a DP (though I wanted one as a kid and am still tempted to get one for the nostalgia factor). I've seen these hats on plenty of non-gearheads who are quite happy with them. If you want a 100% screen accurate Indy fedora which will stand up to abuse and bad weather, this is certainly not the hat. But calling every consumer who buys one ignorant is just as, well, ignorant. Sure, most may not be hat snobs like us, but it fits their criteria just fine.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I saw several kids with Dorfmans on their heads at the Queen Mary Summit this past weekend who adored their hats. Are those kids ignorant, then?
Everyone has their own criteria in buying an Indy hat, including you. For you, the DP did not fit your criteria, there is nothing wrong with that, but your aims are not necessarily those of everyone else on the boards. From the newbie point of view, there is a lot to read and learn, but it is also up to those people to do the research and find what hat suits their needs. I am not trying to be the patron saint of Dorfman, rather, I am trying to show that there is always more than one side to the argument. Geert hit the nail on the head in guessing that this thread would quickly turn to "get hat x instead," which it has. If fenris is interested in more options, then it is his job to inquire. As it stands, he was very clear in his question:
fenris wrote:Which one of these would you guys recommend? I plan on buying a hat.
(links edited out for space)
They're all the same price range... around $40 - $50.
My budget is $100 including shipping. Shipping to the Philippines costs as much or more than the purchased item.
If you guys could recommend other brands
that fit the budget, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

He also said he wanted the Indy pin, so that appears to be another part of his criteria.
Sorry to rile things up, fenris, but you can see we take hats very (and sometimes TOO) seriously around here! Again, the choice is YOURS. Read the boards, take notes, and if you need a hat now within the budget you posted, stick to your guns, regardless of the manufacturer!
So can we get back to the original question posted, please?
And I see Michaelson and you posted back and forth before I finished writing, too.