From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Hey guys I have been working again to make my Nylon Indy style whips look even better and more screen like in shape and style. One of the main issues that I have always had is the look of the end Turks head knot. While yes before I did have the correct pass and bite for the knot it was to small for the Indy look, I was limited on how big I could make it due to the width of the nylon para cord. I then started thinking that instead of worrying about having the correct number of strands in the pass, I should concentrate more on the overall look and shape of the knot. (since with para cord it is a pick an choose of what you want, correct strands or correct shape and dimension) I have chosen the correct shape and dimension with great consideration taken to the number of strands like in the (wrist loop still being 6 strands, the end point of the whip being 6 strands and even with this Turks head knot, still a 4 bite.) With the new Version 2.5 the end knot is the correct size and shape (it is still 4 bite but it is now 4 pass instead of 3, even with the addition of the extra strand it looks even better then before) I have decided that with my nylon Indy style whips from this point on I am going to focus on the overall look to give that Indy style. Below are a few pictures of the new Version 2.5 Indy Style para cord Whip. So guys what do you think and can you think of anymore improvements.
Keep Crackin,
Last edited by classicbullwhips on Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I think this whip has a much smoother taper than the previous ones. It looks quite good. By the way, the whip you made me has quite broken in now and is very easy to crack. I'm really enjoying it! Keep up the good work!
Hi James! Great looking whip!
3 passes in turkseheads in nylon whips can also look like their leather counterparts.
I made this TH with 3 passes and the measurements are the same as Segei specified (1.68" wide and 1.7" long)
tomek9210 while I have to agree with you that the 3 pass will be more screen acurate in terms of the number of strands I find it hard to believe that it is correct in size. My previous versions of the Terks head look exactly like yours but were not close to the measurements that Segei took they were more like 1.4"-1.5". The current one with the 4 pass is 1.68"-1.7", it looks bigger then the one you posted pictures of (or your handle is really big in diameter) good looking whip though form what I can see. Along with this to answer Dangerman009 question I just went over the previous 4 bite 3 pass (if it was to be 4 bite 3 pass with those dimensions you would have gaps, about a half a strand width) I usually use leather to build up the knot.
It's standard indy turkshead - 5 part 4 bight, correct me if I'm wrong.
Here are pics showing the measurements:
As you can see it's 42 mm wide and 44 mm long.
For base for knots I use lead stripes or leather belt, tape and polypropylene cord.
I commend you if you can do the traditional bight/pass knot with paracord, just looks a little small in the pictures (pictures may not be doing it justice) I just worry that with the knot that big and the paracord a standard size that you may get gaps between the passes. What size/style paracord do you use 450, 550, 650. Great job though.