Finished pants circumfrence

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Bruce Wayne
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Finished pants circumfrence

Post by Bruce Wayne »

I have a slight issue I hope you guys can help me with. I already know that Indy's pants from the top to the bottom. And if they do, it is nearly unnoticible. However, I have what they call "thunder thighs". If Indy's pants don't taper, my pants would weeentally be bell bottom, or close to it. So my question to you guys is this: should there be a difference between the diameter of the thighs & the finished diameter at the military hem? If so, how much? Is there some way to calculate the drop between the top of the legs & the bottom, such as top measurements minus X equals finished circunfrence?
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Indiana MarkVII
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Re: Finished pants circumfrence

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I would recommend getting a tailored fit at a good alteration shop or men's shop near you. A good tailor will know what will good on you.
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Alkali Jones
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Re: Finished pants circumfrence

Post by Alkali Jones »

Hey bruce wayne,

Indy's pants taper. (Jumping up and down stamping both feet, hard! :x ) I don't know who started this "they don't taper" thing, but they're wrong. If you look at KT Templars picture below, (Feeling calmer already, breath in breath out. :oops: ) you can see they taper. Not like what we called "straight legs" when I was in school, but they taper. They must. You're going from a 36 inch circumference hole (the waist) to two eighteen inch circumference holes (the hem). (Calm again- :) )


Indiana MKII is right on this. For the best Indy look your body type can be (and I have no idea what body type you have!) have well fitting clothes. Neither loose and baggy nor tight and straining.

Indy's shoes will tell you how wide to make your pants hem. Think of it like a proportion. The "leap from the lion's head" in LC shows Indy's shoes petty well. See how much shoe the pants cover? They cover almost all of the lace placket. All but one or two laces. That's your guide. Hem your pants while wearing your Alden's or Todd's or whatever and have them cover the same amount of shoe as Indy's pants did. If you have really big feet, the you'll have less taper, but not no taper. If you have small feet, you'll have more taper, but the right look. The only way to have Indy's exact look is to have Indy's exact body. Most of us just don't, I don't. Anyway, good luck with your "Indy look". :TOH:

See this thread for info on the Military Hem if you need it: ... li#p555753

Dan S
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