i have been corresponding with tom park at leather soul in regards to a screen accurate version of the 405. he is very keen in getting SA pair done up. from my correspondence with him, it will be a custom run, built to the existing 405 specs but with the correct warm brown colour. an added feature is that it will be leather lined which is a far superior comfort option to the stock boots.
i sent him pictures of the 'blackbird' 405's from the previous thread which was about the right colour reference for the boot and he knew exactly which swatch to pick from his alden sample book.
the price will be $450 for a pair and he can only do a run if there are 10 people willing to participate. we are looking for 9 more

considering that the existing brick coloured 405's are going for $344 and that typical customization fees are $150....the price looks fair from that perspective. the catch is that it would probably be 4 or 5 months.....the last time i checked.
if you wish to get in on a pair, please e-mail tom at tom@leathersoulhawaii.com