Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by fedoraiders »

Hello everyone! My hat block are very artisanal but i realy certain that i have found the realy good block shape. I repeat, since two years, i work on this blocks and my hats. I'm not pretentious but i'm specialist for make a SOC hat.

In the basement of my house, i created a new place for my analysing hats. It's my laboratary, LOL. I spend several hours by day in this room.

My daughter plays with lego beside me and me, I play with my hats and I ask him questions and she gives her opinions. It is very fun.

Look these pictures and your understand.









Thanks for looking!

The next week, I will show a another methode for distress your hats with videos.



P.S. It's very hard to me to write in english. I pratice my english with you and i appreciate your patience very much!
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Holt »

your sick man!

I love it :tup:
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by mark seven »

Fedoraiders you are a barking mad genius! :lol: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Ranger36 »

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by jkdbuck76 »

Fedoraiders, your kung-fu is good!
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by lantzn »

How sweet you and your daughter are going crazy together. ;)

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by bigrex »

Looks mildly insane, lol, but it takes passion and devotion to do what you are doing and stick with it. The French are Perfectionists when it comes to art! Glad to see there are more top men working on it :) :tup:
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Snapbrim76 »

Uh oh! I suspect you're gonna get thousands of pms from Indy fans asking for you to reblock, rebash and distress their hats.

I take my hat off to you Fedoraiders, you're a true SoC nut!

Do you have a wife/girlfriend and if so how does she feel about your hobby? You seen very content with what you do and i hope you get all the support in the world. I'm all for doing what you want in life and i think you have found something you love so good luck to you. You have my full support and respect.


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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by fedoraiders »

Snapbrim76 wrote:Uh oh! I suspect you're gonna get thousands of pms from Indy fans asking for you to reblock, rebash and distress their hats.

I take my hat off to you Fedoraiders, you're a true SoC nut!

Do you have a wife/girlfriend and if so how does she feel about your hobby? You seen very content with what you do and i hope you get all the support in the world. I'm all for doing what you want in life and i think you have found something you love so good luck to you. You have my full support and respect.



Thank you very much for your comment!

Yes i have a wife since 16 years and she " respects " my pasion. Honestly, i have a very very very very very goooooooood wife.

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Hollowpond »

jkdbuck76 wrote:Fedoraiders, your kung-fu is good!
:rolling: He's right, it is. :clap:

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Fedora »

This is great!!! You remind me of myself, a few years ago. Only, I was just after a generic Raiders fedora, and not one single hat. I think it is easier when you concentrate on one look, i.e. the SOC fedora, instead of trying to find the original blockshape, that that morphed into the SOC fedora.

You impress me Fedoraraiders. Great passion. Fedora
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Soup »

Very impressive :tup: keep up the good work. I enjoy seeing the passion that goes into your hats too. Sort of like a mad scientist, or mad hatter........ ;) , keep it up.


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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Montana Hannah »

Fedora wrote:You remind me of myself, a few years ago.
He's a chip off the old block! :lol:

I do apologise for that last remark, but I can never pass up a pun... :roll:

(More correctly, I suppose he's the new kid on the block - I'll stop now, I promise...)

And yes - Fedoraiders, this really is impressive! Keep up the good work!
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by mississippilong »

I like your english. I think it adds to the mystique of this french guy who came out of nowhere and WOWed everyone here with SPOT ON hats. FANTASTIC LABORATORY!
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by IndyGeek78 »

Seeing as no one else has. Can I be the first to offer you my Regular FED IV for you to work your magic on :P

Good work buddy. Love it. :clap:
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Chiliana Jones »

Fedoraiders, you must be the real MAD HATTER!


Amazing work fedoraiders. Truly amazing. :)

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Hey Fedoraiders,

Your story is so familiar to me that it is scary. First off, after reading your post, I called my wife over to take a look. I asked her, "Honey, who does this remind you of?" She looked at the pics and instantly answered, "YOU". I spent countless hours, just like you, sitting at a desk staring at screen grabs, sanding a block, pulling a felt off, assembling my hat, bashing it and standing in front of a mirror looking at every angle conceivable and start critiquing my results. :-k You, sir, are dedicated and I can absolutely relate to you! It takes this kind of effort to get what you want. :clap: :clap: :tup: :tup: . More than just wanting the right look, I can tell you want it to come from your own hands. Nothing but praise and respect from me on that.

More in common, my daughter is my side-kick in all this, too. She says "You're such a fan, Dad." She was raised on these movies and I make no apologies to that fact. I am proud to have raised her well on the important things. ;) :lol:

You have a great shop (laboratory). I like how you build your blocks completely from scratch. :tup: You have some good hardware tools to work with. It boils down to the small details in the end. Doesn't it? ;) :-k

As for your english, you're doing fine. I can't think of two better people to try to converse with each other that a man from the "deep south" state of Georgia and a man from the French side of Canada. Seems perfectly natural to me. ;) :TOH: :)

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Mitch LaRue »

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Jason, everytime I see more proof of how much you love to make this hat I am awed by your skills! :shock:
I'm so glad that your admirable obsession to replicate this hat is becoming well-known among COW Members! Clearly, many, many people here agree that you're one wild-card "mad-hatter!"
Also, thank you for showing us all you "secret laboratory"-type workspace! Very cool and very "let's get down to business" looking!
Snapbrim76 wrote:Uh oh! I suspect you're gonna get thousands of pms from Indy fans asking for you to reblock, rebash and distress their hats.
Don't worry, Snapbrim... I already prepared him for the idea several months back when I first started e-mailing him again & again asking the same question! :D
But fedoraiders is a man who first and foremost abides by his own goals and interests: namely, creating and perfecting THE PERFECT Raiders Streets of Cairo Hat...
He's his own greatest judge and critic... when and if the time comes that he decides that HE's satisfied with his creation and is ready to share his time and skills with others by re-blocking, re-bashing, distressing and even SELLING hats... then I'm sure he'll let his fans here at Club Obi Wan know first.
(Then I'm sure a L O N G line will begin to form!)
All the Best,
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by darthbish »

Great pics mate....
Mind if I ask what "length/width" are the diameters of the blockshape??
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by fedoraiders »

Thank you very much everybody, now I'm late to my work. I work full time for the next 3 days. I will answer later.

Thanks again!

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by MustangLoverMex »

Woah Jason! :notworthy:
That's an amazing place! You have a bunch of hats and blocks! :shock:
Congrat's my friend.
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by fedoraiders »

Soup wrote:Very impressive :tup: keep up the good work. I enjoy seeing the passion that goes into your hats too. Sort of like a mad scientist, or mad hatter........ ;) , keep it up.


Thanks Soup for your good comment! I like the term Mad Hatter very much, i think that you give me an idea.

Thank you very much!

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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by fedoraiders »

Local Land Surveyor wrote:Hey Fedoraiders,

Your story is so familiar to me that it is scary. First off, after reading your post, I called my wife over to take a look. I asked her, "Honey, who does this remind you of?" She looked at the pics and instantly answered, "YOU". I spent countless hours, just like you, sitting at a desk staring at screen grabs, sanding a block, pulling a felt off, assembling my hat, bashing it and standing in front of a mirror looking at every angle conceivable and start critiquing my results. :-k You, sir, are dedicated and I can absolutely relate to you! It takes this kind of effort to get what you want. :clap: :clap: :tup: :tup: . More than just wanting the right look, I can tell you want it to come from your own hands. Nothing but praise and respect from me on that.

More in common, my daughter is my side-kick in all this, too. She says "You're such a fan, Dad." She was raised on these movies and I make no apologies to that fact. I am proud to have raised her well on the important things. ;) :lol:

You have a great shop (laboratory). I like how you build your blocks completely from scratch. :tup: You have some good hardware tools to work with. It boils down to the small details in the end. Doesn't it? ;) :-k

As for your english, you're doing fine. I can't think of two better people to try to converse with each other that a man from the "deep south" state of Georgia and a man from the French side of Canada. Seems perfectly natural to me. ;) :TOH: :)

Thank you very much for this beautiful message, I read your message at my wife and my daugther and they have seen that I was not alone with this passion and i appreciate this very much!

I know that it's almost impossible, but someday, I would like to meet You and Steve for the pleasure.

I enjoy to talking with you and the other fans and I think that i have found my place on this forum and I appreciate very very much.

Thank you everyone!


I will answer to another messages later. Thanks
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Mitch LaRue »

fedoraiders wrote:I think that i have found my place on this forum and I appreciate very very much.
This is definitely true that you've found your place... and while I realize that this message is coming a bit late (especially considering you've been here for 6 months now), I still can't help but think that since no one else has said it yet, I should take the liberty of saying it on behalf of the group:

Welcome Home, fedoraiders.
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Fedora »

Welcome Home, fedoraiders
Yes indeed, you are exactly where you need to be!! Right here on COW. We need guys like you, AND Holt. You two guys are a breath of fresh air for COW. Hope you guys make this your online home.

Plus you guys are not confrontational, unlike another great stylist who used to hang out here. Complete gentlemen, you guys are!!

Both of you guys, bring something nice to COW, and are not trying to prove one brand is better than another. That is refreshing too. That is, you have no ulteriour motives, other than making fantastic Indy fedoras. My hat is off to you! You guys are truly "top men". Take that as a huge compliment. I look forward to your projects. Fedora
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Michaelson »

Now, while you guys have him distracted, someone go lock the door so he can't get out.... :[


Seriously, you used the right word....passion, and we have a LOT of folks who are indeed passionate about what they do. You are a perfect fit. :M: :tup:

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Soup »

fedoraiders wrote:
Soup wrote:Very impressive :tup: keep up the good work. I enjoy seeing the passion that goes into your hats too. Sort of like a mad scientist, or mad hatter........ ;) , keep it up.


Thanks Soup for your good comment! I like the term Mad Hatter very much, i think that you give me an idea.

Thank you very much!


Your welcome Jason,

You have captivated many on here who appreciate the time and effort and relentless pursuit of perfection that can never be obtained.......but can continually be sought. I can't think of a better group of gentlemen who would be willing to help you any way they can. :tup:

If you love what you are doing, then enjoy the journey, for the destination does not exist.


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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Snapbrim76 »

You have inspired me Fedoraiders, i want to start making my own hats, not to sell, but just because (i believe) everyone sees something different in their favourite hat, and the only person who know what that is, is the beholder! I want a hat that i can say, "If Indy had been played by ME instead of Harrison Ford and if I had worked with Debra to design the costume to suit me, THIS is what the hat would have looked like." It would still have the same appearance of the SoC hat, BUT designed with my face in mind. And Steve, I doubt you'd have the patience to listen to my never-ending list of specifications, requirements, alterations. I still want a hat from you and Marc one day. But i also want one done MY WAY.
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by Holt »

Fedora wrote:
Welcome Home, fedoraiders

Yes indeed, you are exactly where you need to be!! Right here on COW. We need guys like you, AND Holt. You two guys are a breath of fresh air for COW. Hope you guys make this your online home.

Plus you guys are not confrontational, unlike another great stylist who used to hang out here. Complete gentlemen, you guys are!!

Both of you guys, bring something nice to COW, and are not trying to prove one brand is better than another. That is refreshing too. That is, you have no ulteriour motives, other than making fantastic Indy fedoras. My hat is off to you! You guys are truly "top men". Take that as a huge compliment. I look forward to your projects. Fedora
online home?... this is my online job :lol: ;)

but seriously, this is my home and it allways will be. I love this place. come for the gear stay for the therapy. ( like a good friend of mine said :lol: )

I really must thank you for your words Steve. they mean alot to me and I am sure to Fedo aswell.

thanx! :D
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Re: Fedoraiders: How i Made my hat block and my Laboratory

Post by fedoraiders »

Mitch LaRue wrote:
fedoraiders wrote:I think that i have found my place on this forum and I appreciate very very much.
This is definitely true that you've found your place... and while I realize that this message is coming a bit late (especially considering you've been here for 6 months now), I still can't help but think that since no one else has said it yet, I should take the liberty of saying it on behalf of the group:

Welcome Home, fedoraiders.
Thank you very much Mich for you good comments my friend. It's a pleasure to read your all messages.

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