can any one offer any advise on coats

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can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »


I am new to the forum and i wanted to purchase an indy jacket and i was wondering if anyone can tell me which one is the best to go with. I was looking at the expedition from flightsuits however i am a little afraid of the $400.00+ price tag. I am also looking at the wested coat that is a little cheaper for a custom coat but i have been reading the forums and seems that there are mixed reviews about the coats that people are receiving. Can anyone share any experiences with Flightsuits, Todds coat, or wested?


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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Heyjude7 »

From my exp. n time onboard and many dealings with Wested.. i would go for a Flightsuits or Todds.. i dont have either but many good reviews and its a poop-shoot with wested.
where are you located? if your uk and near wested take a trip there..
if your in the US then i would go with a Todd, Flightsuits, US Wings, or Tony Nowak.
Are you into details or just a Indy coat?
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Michigan Smith »

Get your pocket book out. I think I went thru 4 Westeds (1 lamb, 2 cow, and my current 5+ yr old goat), 2 USW (roo and vintage cow), and 2 or 3 FS (lamb and goat, back when they had a no questions asked return policy) before I ended up with a jacket that met MY taste (a Wested Raiders goat) BTW. This was all a number of years ago, probably 5+ now. There was no consistency between the Westeds I received, which is why it took so many tries to get one I liked. One cow was too heavy, another cow sqeaked like crazy and came with a LC collar even though I ordered a Raiders, and the lamb felt like a trash bag and had totally bagged out pleats, even my current goat had "issues" which I corrected. I had to reinforce the stitching at the inside sleeve seams near the cuff as it was separating. One of the facings had a crazy wrinkle, probably a scar in the hide, that effected the whole drape of the left front side the jacket. I ended up having to glue a fiber cloth reinforcement to keep it flat. With USW and FS, I simply could never find a "off the rack" size that fit right, but they were quality jackets in their own respects. I do have a FS A2 jacket, which is very well built and probably last forever, if I don't out grow it. If I were buying a jacket today, I might give Wested one more try. From what I've been seeing here lately, they seem to be putting out an improved product. I have no experience with Todds or Magnoli, so I cannot comment on those, they were not options when I was last looking at jackets.
Last edited by Michigan Smith on Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Heyjude is right.

The additional advice I would give is to do LOTS of reading on the forums now. Research it and get all your knowledge (and obsession levels) up now, before you make a decision.

That sort of dollar value, US, I'd go Todds custom from what I've seen, if you're into details..
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Texan Scott »

PF, what is it you really want in an Indy jacket as to its features? What's really most important to you? If you can pinpoint it, maybe we can narrow it down.

Todd's Standard is a light weight, off the rack, SA looking jacket for $150 in lamb. Todd's custom is made per your measurements in washed lamb or washed cow and is $500.

Wested has basically two options, the Standard, which is an off-the-rack version of the Hero jacket, made in India with authentic lamb or soft goat hides. Then there are the custom made jackets offered in various hides: authentic lamb, dark brown lamb, washed lamb, soft goat, washed goat, Novapelle (cow), horse hide, etc.

The Flight Suits jacket is made from the specs of a Raiders stuntman's jacket in either lamb or goat. Either choice is a very well made jacket, offered in even suit coat sizes (42, 44, etc.) and some custom options are available. The custom options will add to the price tag.

...and this is just for starters.
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Screen accuracy has never been a big issue for me, so I couldn't comment on it much. But as far as quality and value for your dollar, I can tell you that Flightsuits (though I don't own one) makes a beautiful jacket. I have seen a few in person, and even tried one on, and I can say that I have no fear about dropping $400+ for one of theirs.

I also like custom stuff, and I generally turn to Magnoli Clothiers for custom leathers. His prices are a little high, but they include shipping. Also, you'll receive a jacket of the highest quality, with far more customization than Wested offers, and a level of service that is hard to find today.

My experience and knowledge of Wested, without being rude, has simply been less than I would have expected. Of the many offerings out there (included the ones I've owned - Wested, Wings, Magnoli) and have examined (other Westeds, other Wings, Flightsuits, Todds custom and standard), I can say that Wested is my least favorite. But I don't hate them. They just are not for me.

I have no personal experience with Nowak's so I can't comment, except to say the photos I've seen look very nice.
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by raider 57 »

If you want one jacket ,that looks the part with top-notch heavy-duty construction and materials? (and lifetime guarantee) I recommend spending the extra $ and get a Flightsuits Expedition. I cringed at the COST at first too. Until I got it,then I understood.
I sold my USW after wearing the FS for a few months.
I'll admit,Todd's does look good for the price though!
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by jacksdad »

if you want your first jacket to be your last go on the high end, if you want to see and play around start with a Todds or wested, then read then read some more in this section and you'll be an expert really fast. good luck. :D
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by maboot38 »

So to sum it up, as you can see, there IS no answer to your question!!!! People have been arguing on that question on here since the beginning!

I have a Wested Raiders and I love it. However, the problem is that even though you will read many many posts that contradict others, they are ALL true in a way. Everyone's experiences are real. I would say if you want to keep your price down, go with Wested, but keep in mind that you may end up wanting another one, which will then bring you to the cost of the higher end ones like the Nowak.

All I can do here is smile and say GOOD LUCK, you're gonna need it!
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

hey guys,

thanks for all your posts. although you are right and it seems to be a question of taste, it seems that the flightsuits coat may be the way to go. I only want to buy one coat so thanks.

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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by nicktheguy »

You say that now ---- I only wanted to buy one coat ----- boy, if I only was able to be satisfied on the first go. This hobby starts innocently enough - but before you know it you have a closet full of hats, coats, not to mention boots and pants...etc etc... :P
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

i know it brother currently have two pairs of boots, two holsters, two whips three web belts two gunbelts, shoulder bag, two hats, and the list goes on. I havent gotten around to getting a coat yet for some reason......probably money. Thanks again for all your advise. i am going to get a flight suit coat in dark brown lamb.

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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by nicktheguy »

Be sure to post pics when you get it.
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

will do. thanks again. tried to order the coat today but they are closed on the weekends. :roll:
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by that_dog »

Having owned 2 Expeditions (one each in goat and lamb), let me just caution you that both of those jackets (and many that I have seen posted here) have had wonky sleeves -- the upper arm area drapes poorly, with obvious vertical folds that just look weird. (I've also seen this in non-Indy FS jackets as well.)

The FS build quality is otherwise superb, and overall the Expedition is a great jacket. But the draping issue got to me sufficiently that I got rid of both jackets. Having owned a Wested and (very briefly) a Todd's standard, and had issues with both, I'm now waiting on a Tony Nowak Raiders jacket. I hope this will be the one that puts my quest to bed....

(Also, be sure to double-check FS's current return policy. It used to be 6 months, and if it still is, you'll have plenty of opportunity to try the jacket out and return it if it's not for you.)
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

thanks for the info. I ordered my FS today. they said that it should be ready on thursday so hopefully i will have it some time late next week. Ill look out for the issues that you spoke of. Seems that all in this forum have had issues with all the jacket makers at sometime or another however most seem to be in agreeance that the FS and Todds custom were the way to go.

ill let you know when i get it and post photos of

thanks again

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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

the one thing i do like about flightsuits is that they have been around for a while and seem to have a good reputation. also they advise on their website that they will replace the jacket or alter it to my liking for free up to two months after i get it. Hopefully that wont happen but well see.
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by CM »

Nice choice. ;) I have one and it's a a lot better constructed and fits better than my Wested. Of the dozen or so leather jackets I have, it is the best made and the goat used is sensational. Top quality!

I don't wear it as a costume jacket and only wear it with my normal clothing, as I've never dressed up as the character. I think the jacket is an improvement to the one in the movie. :lol:

Like _, I was after a great looking leather jacket and it struck me that the Indy jacket was very cool looking, but it needed to be made stronger and not in Lamb as this is a hide I have never liked in any form. The pockets are particularly well done.

Cheers :TOH:
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

just wanted to thank all that posted their advise about the jacket. My expedition arrived today. it looks really nice i think and it was shipped fast. here is a photo.


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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by crismans »

Very nice. They are a truly exceptional jacket. :tup:
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by bobjones »

That smooth lamb is beautiful....yum.....I have the goat which I also love, but I imagine the goat is significantly heavier than the lambskin.

I've already got 3 leather jackets, hey, what's a fourth?
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Michaelson »

You'll find your new Expedition will soon become an 'old friend' with wear and use.

EXCELLENT purchase!!
:M: :tup:
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

yes i received it a few weeks ago and i am very happy with it. I am glad i went with the flightsuits

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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Congrats, pf! Can we see a picture of you wearing it?
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by pfmundy »

i cant post photos of myself on the internet due to my job but maybe i can take one without a headshot there is a photo of it haning on a white door a few posts above this one.

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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Yep, I saw the pic above, but it always looks different when worn. ;) That said, I can understand how your job would limit such photos. Maybe you could crop out your head or face? But if that's still cutting it close, no worries. ;)
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by Imahomer »

It looks great. How about a photo of it with you in it?
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Re: can any one offer any advise on coats

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Imahomer wrote:It looks great. How about a photo of it with you in it?
pfmundy wrote:i cant post photos of myself on the internet due to my job but maybe i can take one without a headshot there is a photo of it haning on a white door a few posts above this one.

It's right above ya. ;)
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