I break the Raiders hat into two main camps and two sub-camps. The main two camps are the Standard Raiders and the Cairo Raiders. The Standard hat, to me, would fall into the Idol Grab hat, Raven Bar hat, Temple swing hat and the Well of Souls hat. They have the turn, the uneven front bashes, the low rear bash and is not as distressed (ex. dusty, dirty, beat up felt). The Cairo is ............ the Cairo. It has the turn, uneven front bashes, lower rear center bash, and is beat, dusty, dirty, and exemplifies the ultimate work hat. I will go into the sub-camps in a different thread.
This collage is an example of the Standard Raiders hat. This is the prototype hat I made a few months back. I have worn it everyday through sun and rain. The rabbit felt has held up very well. No taper, yet.

The next is my Cairo hat.

Both of these hats are my personal hats. My Cairo has a few modifications to it. I have removed the liner and sweatband. This gives the hat, as a whole, a more relaxed feel and look to it. I have sewn a pleat (channel) in the right bash. Yes, I like the old theory 3THOU$ had a few years back on his old site. It is hidden under the ribbon. I believe this is a trick that can be used to recreate the look. Is it completely accurate to the hat in 1980? Beats me, but it works. The Ribbon is only tacked down at the bow. This allows the ribbon to ride up at the brim break, just like the film hat.
Here are a few more. Hope you enjoy.

More pics are in the Bazaar post.