I found a more substantial dress weight felt to work with. the color is great, it's only slightly different in hue than my camptown. the brim is slightly smaller than SA specs but i think it works better for my face.
Please forgive the bash, the pics were taken only a couple of days after the hat came off the block so it's not set in very well yet. it's getting there though.
the last photo was taken outside and best shows the color... the hat next to it is a stingy brim i made for myself.
Indiana G wrote:great hats WE! i especially like the bow work........so.....when's the hat company opening up?
thanks G!
i'd say around the same time as yours my friend... lol. If only i had the resources. i've already made a couple of hats for some friends and i've been 'commissioned' to make at least two more, though neither one will be an indy hat. one will be a black c-crown stingy and the other a replica of a vintage dobs. a friend of mine has a nice little grey dobs he's had for about 25-30 years and he want's me to make a dark brown replica. i'm not sure how it'll come out but i'm gonna give it a shot.