Here's a shot of my Classic Whip Holders from all four films. The first is a Raiders Slide On and isn't SA. The last three I believe to be SA. What do you think?
This is the Classic Raiders (slide on), the TOD in the middle, and the LC on the right:
They can be made for any size whip or in any color that I have available. PM or email me for details.
The Super employs a double wrap design which effectively cinches down on the whip whenever force is applied (or gravity). So the whip stays coiled and in position while you wear it. It's release, however, is just as quick as a normal holder.
I have owned Wade's super-whip holder for eight months now in the Raiders color and it is a big leap ahead from my old whip holder that I needed to use a velcro strap with. I have said it before, Wade's gear is great quality and just plain AWESOME!
Great posting wade.
Coincidentally, I was about to start work on an LC whip holder.
Can I get your advice.. what width and length are we talking about?
I estimate 2cm wide with the overall length of the thong as 34cm?
What do you think.
I use 8-9 oz. leather with a 1" width. The length will depend on your whip size. I grabbed a shot online a while back from LC showing Indy and Sala behind a rock with the Nazi tank in the background during the canyon firefight scene. I can't seem to find it in all of my photos right now though or I'd post it!
It clearly shows the 'thong' on the holder almost cut to the snap top. Maybe a 1/2 inch? It also shows the wire wrapped around the whip to the rear of the holder keeping it coiled. I'll try and find it again but I'm super busy with leather right now and may not be able to take the time.
My LC holder is as close as I can get it to that shot.
I'm liking your stuff....I'm going LC Indy for halloween and need some good gear. Sadly, I don't think I can go SA for the whip the super whip holder sounds like a good bet, especially if its just as fast a release as a normal one...